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Showing posts with label Navarathri. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Navarathri. Show all posts

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Navaratri (Durga Puja)

SALUTATIONS to the Divine Mother, Durga, who exists in all beings in the form of intelligence, mercy, beauty, who is the consort of Lord Shiva, who creates, sustains and destroys the universe.

This festival is observed twice a year, once in the month of Chaitra and then in Aswayuja. It lasts for nine days in honour of the nine manifestations of Durga. During Navaratri (the word literally means “nine nights”) devotees of Durga observe a fast. Brahmins are fed and prayers are offered for the protection of health and property.

The beginning of summer and the beginning of winter are two very important junctions of climatic and solar influence. These two periods are taken as sacred opportunities for the worship of the Divine Mother. They are indicated respectively by the Rama-Navaratri in Chaitra (April-May) and the Durga Navaratri in Aswayuja (September-October). The bodies and minds of people undergo a considerable change on account of the changes in Nature. Sri Rama is worshipped during Ramnavmi, and Mother Durga during Navaratri.

The Saviour from all Sorrows and Dangers

The Durga Puja is celebrated in various parts of India in different styles. But the one basic aim of this celebration is to propitiate Shakti, the Goddess in Her aspect as Power, to bestow upon man all wealth, auspiciousness, prosperity, knowledge (both sacred and secular), and all other potent powers. Whatever be the particular or special request that everyone may put before the Goddess, whatever boon may be asked of Her, the one thing behind all these is propitiation, worship and linking oneself with Her. There is no other aim. This is being effected consciously or unconsciously. Everyone is blessed with Her loving mercy and is protected by Her.

Durga Puja or Navaratri commences on the first and ends on the tenth day of the bright half of Aswayuja (September-October). It is held in commemoration of the victory of Durga over Mahishasura, the buffalo-headed demon. In Bengal Her image is worshipped for nine days and then cast into water. The tenth day is called Vijaya Dasami or Dussera (the “tenth day”). Processions with Her image are taken out along the streets of villages and cities.

The mother of Durga (that is, the wife of the King of the Himalayas) longed to see her daughter. Durga was permitted by Lord Shiva to visit her beloved mother only for nine days in the year. The festival of Durga Puja marks this brief visit and ends with the Vijaya Dasami day, when Goddess Durga leaves for Her return to Mount Kailas. This is the view of some devotees.

In Bengal, Durga Puja is a great festival. All who live away from home return during the Puja days. Mothers reunite with their sons and daughters, and wives with their husbands. The potter shows his skill in making images, the painter in drawing pictures, the songster in playing on his instrument, and the priest in reciting the sacred books. The Bengalis save money throughout the year only to spend everything during the Puja days. Cloth is freely distributed to the

The woman of Bengal welcomes the Goddess with a mother’s love and sends away the image on the last day, with every ceremony associated with a daughter’s departure to her husband’s  home and with motherly tears in her eyes. This signifies the parting of Durga from Her beloved mother.

Durga Puja is the greatest Hindu festival in which God is adored as Mother. Hinduism is the only religion in the world which has emphasised to such an extent the motherhood of God. One’s relationship with one’s mother is the dearest and the sweetest of all human relations. Hence, it is proper to look upon God as mother.

Durga represents the Divine Mother. She is the energy aspect of the Lord. Without Durga, Shiva has no expression and without Shiva, Durga has no existence. Shiva is the soul of Durga; Durga is identical with Shiva. Lord Shiva is only the silent witness. He is motionless, absolutely changeless. He is not affected by the cosmic play. It is Durga who does everything.

Shakti is the omnipotent power of the Lord, or the Cosmic Energy. The Divine Mother is represented as having ten different weapons in Her hands. She sits on a lion. She keeps up the play of the Lord through the three attributes of Nature, namely, Sattwa, Rajas and Tamas. Knowledge, peace, lust, anger, greed, egoism and pride, are all Her forms.

You will find in the Devi Sukta of the Rig Veda Samhita that Vak, symbolising speech, the daughter of the sage Anbhirna, realised her identity with the Divine Mother, the Power of the Supreme Lord, which manifests throughout the universe among the gods, among men and beasts and among the creatures of the deep ocean.

In the Kena Upanishad, you will find that the Divine Mother shed wisdom on Indra and the gods and said that the gods were able to defeat the demons only with the help of the power of the Supreme Lord.

The worship of Devi, the universal Mother, leads to the attainment of knowledge of the Self. The story in the Kena Upanishad known as the “Yaksha Prasna”, supports this view. It tells how Uma, the Divine Mother, taught the Truth to the gods. Goddess Shakti thus sheds wisdom on Her devotees.

The Destroyer of Demoniac Attributes

Devi worship is, therefore, worship of God’s glory, of God’s greatness and supremacy. It is adoration of the Almighty. It is unfortunate that Devi is ignorantly understood by many as a mere blood-thirsty Hindu Goddess. No! Devi is not a vicious demoness nor is She the property of the Hindus alone. Devi does not belong to any religion. Devi is that conscious power of God. The words  Devi, Shakti, etc., and the ideas of different forms connected with these names are concessions granted by the sages due to the limitations of the human intellect; they are by no means the ultimate definitions of Shakti.

The original or Adi Shakti is beyond human comprehension. Bhagavan Krishna says in the Gita: “This is only My lower nature. Beyond this is My higher nature, the life-principle which sustains the universe”.
The Upanishad also says: “The supreme power of God is manifested in various ways. This power is of the nature of God, manifesting as knowledge, strength and activity”.

Truly speaking, all beings in the universe are Shakti-worshippers, whether they are aware of it or not, for there is no one who does not love and long for power in some form or other. Physicists and scientists have now proved that everything is pure, imperishable energy. This energy is only a form of divine Shakti which exists in every form. A child is more familiar with the mother than with the father, because the mother is very kind, loving, tender and affectionate and looks after the needs of the child. In the spiritual field also, the aspirant or the devotee—the spiritual child—has an intimate relationship with the Mother Durga, more than with the Father Shiva. Therefore, it behoves the aspirant to approach the Mother first, who then introduces Her spiritual child to the Father for his illumination.
The Mother’s Grace is boundless. Her mercy is illimitable; Her knowledge infinite; Her power immeasurable; Her glory ineffable; and Her splendour indescribable. She gives you material prosperity as well as spiritual freedom.

Approach Her with an open heart. Lay bare your heart to Her with frankness and humility. Be as simple as a child. Kill ruthlessly the enemies of egoism, cunningness, selfishness and crookedness. Make a total, unreserved, and ungrudging self-surrender to Her. Sing Her praise. Repeat Her Name. Worship Her with faith and unflinching devotion. Perform special worship on the Navaratri days. Navaratri is the most suitable occasion for doing intense spiritual practices. These nine days are very sacred to the Divine Mother. Plunge yourself in Her worship. Practise intense repetition of the Divine Name, having a regular “quota” of repetitions per day, and the
number of hours spent on it.

Devi fought with Bhandasura and his forces for nine days and nine nights. This Bhandasura had a wonderful birth and life. When Lord Shiva burnt Cupid with the fire of His “third eye”, Sri Ganesha playfully moulded a figure out of the ashes, and the Lord breathed life into it! This was the terrible demon Bhandasura. He engaged himself in great penance and on account of it obtained a boon from Lord Shiva. With the help of that boon, he began harassing the worlds. The Divine Mother fought with him for nine nights (the demons have extraordinary strength during the night), and killed him on the evening of the tenth day, known as the Vijaya Dasami. The learning of any science is begun on this highly auspicious day. It was on this day that Arjuna worshipped Devi, before starting the battle against the Kauravas on the field of Kurukshetra.
Sri Rama worshipped Durga at the time of the fight with Ravana, to invoke Her aid in the war. This was on the days preceding the Vijaya Dasami day. He fought and won through Her Grace. In days of yore, kings used to undertake ambitious expeditions on the day of the Vijaya Dasami. Those kings who did not go on such expeditions used to go out hunting in the deep forests. In Rajputana, India, even up to this date, people arrange mock attacks on some fort on Vijaya Dasami.

This day, however, has much to do with the life of Sri Rama. Nowhere in the history of the world can we find a parallel to the character of Sri Rama as a man, son, brother, husband, father or king. Maharishi Valmiki has exhausted the entire language in describing the glory of Sri Rama. And, we shall be rightly celebrating the Dussera if we make honest efforts to destroy the demon of our ego, and radiate peace and love wherever we go. Let us all resolve to become men of sterling character. Let us resolve and act. The story of Sri Rama is known in almost all parts of the globe, and if we but succeed in following even a hundredth part of His teachings, we shall make our lives more fragrant than the rose and more lustrous than gold!

Dussera can also be interpreted as “Dasa-Hara”, which means the cutting of the ten heads of Ravana. So, let us resolve today to cut the ten heads—passion, pride, anger, greed, infatuation, lust, hatred, jealousy, selfishness and crookedness—of the demon, Ego, and thus justify the celebration of Dussera.

Religious observances, traditional worship and observances at times have more than one significance. Apart from being the adoration of the Divine, they commemorate stirring events in history, they are allegoric when interpreted from the occult standpoint and, lastly, they are deeply significant pointers and revealing guides to the individual on his path to God-realisation.

Outwardly, the nine-day worship of Devi is a celebration of triumph. This nine days’ celebration is offered to the Mother for Her successful struggle with the formidable demons led by Mahishasura. But, to the sincere spiritual aspirant, the particular division of the Navaratri into sets of three days to adore different aspects of the Supreme Goddess has a very sublime, yet thoroughly practical truth to reveal. In its cosmic aspect, it epitomises the stages of the evolution of man into God, from Jivahood (the state of individualisation) to Shivahood (the state of Self-realisation). In its individual import, it shows the course that his spiritual practice should take.

Let us, therefore, examine in detail the spiritual significance of Navaratri.

The central purpose of existence is to recognise your eternal identity with the supreme Spirit. It is to grow into the image of the Divine. The supreme One embodies the highest perfection. It is spotless purity. To recognise your identity with That, to attain union with That, is verily to grow into the very likeness of the Divine. The aspirant, therefore, as his initial step, has to get rid of all the countless impurities, and the demoniacal elements that have come to cling to him in his embodied state. Then he has to acquire lofty virtues and auspicious, divine qualities. Thus purified, knowledge flashes upon him like the brilliant rays of the sun upon the crystal waters of a perfectly calm lake.

This process demands a resolute will, determined effort, and arduous struggle. In other words, strength and infinite power are the prime necessity. Thus it is the Divine Mother who has to operate through the aspirant.

Let us now consider how, on the first three days, the Mother is adored as supreme power and force, as Durga the Terrible. You pray to Mother Durga to destroy all your impurities, your vices, your defects. She is to fight with and annihilate the baser animal qualities in the spiritual aspirant, the lower, diabolical nature in him. Also, She is the power that protects your spiritual practice from its many dangers and pitfalls. Thus the first three days, which mark the first stage or the destruction of impurity and determined effort and struggle to root out the evil tendencies in your mind, are set apart for the worship of the destructive aspect of the Mother.

The presiding Deity over Creation and Dissolution

Once you have accomplished your task on the negative side, that of breaking down the impure propensities and old vicious habits, the next step is to build up a sublime spiritual personality, to acquire positive qualities in place of the eliminated demoniacal qualities. The divine qualities that Lord Krishna enumerates in the Gita, have to be acquired. The aspirant must cultivate and develop all the auspicious qualities. He has to earn immense spiritual wealth to enable him to pay the price for the rare gem of divine wisdom. If this development of the opposite qualities is not undertaken in right earnest, the old demoniacal nature will raise its head again and again. Hence, this stage is as important in an aspirant’s career as the previous one. The essential difference is: the former is a ruthless, determined annihilation of the filthy egoistic lower self; the latter is an orderly, steady, calm and serene effort to develop purity. This pleasanter side of the aspirant’s Sadhana is  depicted by the worship of Mother Lakshmi. She bestows on Her devotees the inexhaustible divine wealth or Deivi Sampath. Lakshmi is the wealth-giving aspect of God. She is purity itself. Thus the worship of Goddess Lakshmi is performed during the second set of three days.

Once the aspirant succeeds in routing out the evil propensities, and develops Sattwic or pure, divine qualities, he becomes competent to attain wisdom. He is now ready to receive the light of supreme wisdom. He is fit to receive divine knowledge. At this stage comes the devout worship of Mother Saraswathi, who is divine knowledge personified, the embodiment of knowledge of the Absolute. The sound of Her celestial veena awakens the notes of the sublime utterances of the Upanishads which reveal the Truth, and the sacred monosyllable, Om. She bestows the knowledge of the supreme, mystic sound and then gives full knowledge of the Self as represented by Her pure, dazzling snow-white apparel. Therefore, to propitiate Saraswathi, the giver of knowledge, is the third stage.

The tenth day, Vijaya Dasami, marks the triumphant ovation of the soul at having attained liberation while living in this world, through the descent of knowledge by the Grace of Goddess Saraswathi. The soul rests in his own Supreme Self or Satchidananda Brahman. This day celebrates the victory, the achievement of the goal. The banner of victory flies aloft. Lo! I am He! I am He!

This arrangement also has a special significance in the aspirant’s spiritual evolution. It marks the indispensable stages of evolution through which everyone has to pass. One naturally leads to the other; to short-circuit this would inevitably result in a miserable failure. Nowadays many ignorant seekers aim straight at the cultivation of knowledge without the preliminaries of purification and acquisition of the divine qualities. They then complain that they are not progressing on the path. How can they? Knowledge will not descend until the impurities have been washed out, and purity is developed. How can the pure plant grow in impure soil?

Therefore adhere to this arrangement; your efforts will be crowned with sure success. This is your path. As you destroy one evil quality, develop the virtue opposite to it. By this process you will soon bring yourself up to that perfection which will culminate in identity with the Self which is your goal. Then all knowledge will be yours: you will be omniscient, omnipotent and you will feel your omnipresence. You will see your Self in all. You will have achieved eternal victory over the wheel of births and deaths, over the demon of worldliness. No more pain, no more misery, no more birth, no more death! Victory, victory be yours!

Glory to the Divine Mother! Let Her take you, step by step to the top of the spiritual ladder and unite you with the Lord!

At the Sivananda Ashram, Rishikesh, the following are the regular features during the Durga Puja celebrations:

1. A special ritualistic worship of the Mother is conducted daily, which includes the recitation of the Durga Saptashati.
2. Laksharchana for the Mother in the temple, with recitation of the Sri Lalita Sahasranama, is also conducted.
3. All are exhorted to do the maximum number of Japa of the Navarna Mantra, Aim hreem kleem chaamundaayai vichche, or the Mantra of their own tutelary Deity.
4. An elaborately decorated altar is set up for the evening Satsangs, with the picture of Mother Durga for the first three days, Mother Lakshmi for the next three days, and Mother Saraswathi for the last three days. Many sacred verses from the scriptures are recited and many Kirtans are sung. The Durga Saptashati or the Devi Mahatmya is recited and explained in discourses. The function concludes with the formal floral worship and Arati. Sometimes scenes from the Devi Mahatmya are also enacted.
5. Earnest spiritual aspirants fast with milk and fruits only on all the nine days, or at least once in each of the three three-day periods.
6. Besides the books representing Saraswathi, all instruments and implements like typewriters, printing machinery, etc., are also worshipped on the ninth day.
7. On the Vijaya Dasami day, all aspirants en masse are given initiation into various Mantras according to their tutelary Deities. Deserving aspirants are initiated into the holy order of Sannyas. Initiation in the study of the alphabets is given to young children, and to the old children also! New students commence their lessons in music, etc. During the morning Satsang the books which were worshipped on the ninth day are again worshipped and a chapter from each of the principal scriptures like the Gita, Upanishads, Brahma Sutras, Ramayana, and Srimad Bhagavatam is recited.
8. On the Vijaya Dasami day, there is Kanya Puja also. Nine girls below the age of ten are worshipped as the embodiment of the Divine Mother. They are fed sumptuously and, amongst other things, presented with new clothes.
9. On this last day a grand havan is conducted in the temple, with recitation of the Durga Saptashati and other verses in praise of the Divine Mother.


Sunday, August 7, 2011

Mookambika Devi Temple,Kollur

O Mukambi Devi!
O Goddess of learning.
Beauty’s Grace
Shines in Thy face.
Dwell always in my tongue.
Give me Tushti, Pushti, Vidya.
Thou art the only refuge,
The only object of adoration.
Thou art Brahma Sakti.
Adorations unto Thee
OM Aim Saraswatiyai Namah.

Kollur is a tiny hamlet in southern Karnataka lying on the banks of Sowparnika. It is here, in the lap of the Kudajadri hills that Mookambika, the goddess of vidya, resides. The Great trinity and the Parasakti together create the unified energy field of this temple.Mookambika temple is an ancient temple located at Kollur in Karnataka. Kollur is about 135 away from Mangalore. And is easily accessed from Tamilnadu, Kerala and Karnataka by train and road.

The Mookambika Devi Temple of Kollur, dedicated to Mookambika Devi, is one of the most prominent shrines for people in the state of Karnataka and Kerala, India. Located at a distance of 147 km from Mangalore in the picturesque surroundings presented by the banks of the river Sauparnika and the lush green Kodachadri hill, the temple attracts millions of pilgrims every year. The temple holds immense relevance for the devotees as it is associated with revered Hindu saint and Vedic scholar Adi Shankara. It is believed that Adi Shankara perceived the idea of having a Mookambika Devi temple at Kollur and himself installed the idol of deity in the temple some 1200 years ago. People have high faith in Mookambika Devi Temple as Goddess Mookambika is regarded as a manifestation of Shakti, Saraswathi and Mahalakshmi. In fact the Temple of Mookambika Devi is one of the 'Seven Muktisthala' pilgrimage sites in Karnataka which are Kollur, Udupi, Subrahmanya, Kumbashi, Koteshwara, Shankaranarayana and Gokarna.
The Mookambika Devi Temple stands at the bottom of the Kodachadri peak. The deity is in the form of Jyotir-Linga incorporating both Shiva and Shakthi. The Panchaloha image (five element mixed metal) of the Goddess on Shree Chakra is stated to have been consecrated by Adi Shankaracharya during his visit to this place. It is believed that the original place of the goddess is on top of Kodachadri Peak (3880') and as it was very difficult for ordinary people to trek all the way to Kodachadri, Shankaracharya reestablished the temple at Kollur.There is an exquisite sculpture ofPanchamukha Ganesha here.
Kollur is regarded as one of the Seven Muktisthala pilgrimage sites, of Parashurama Kshetra, in Karnataka which are (Kollur), Udupi, Subrahmanya, Kumbashi, Koteshwara, Shankaranarayana and Gokarna.

Other deities in the Kollur Mookambika temple include Shri Subramanya, Shri Partheeshwara, Shri Panchamukha Ganapathi, Shri Chandramouleeshwara, Shri Pranalingeshwara, Shri Nanjundeshwara, Shri Anjaneya, Shri Venkataramana, Shri Thulasi Gopalakrishna.
During the Navarathri celebrations in November, the temple is crowded with devotees. Janmashtami or Krishna jayanthi is also a popular festival here. It is believed that the Swayambu Linga appeared on this day.
Vidhyarambha or the initiation of small children in the letters of the alphabet of their mother tongue is carried out in the Saraswathi mantapa on the last day of the Navarathri festival. However Vidhyaramba can be conducted on any suitable day at the temple. Annadhana is offered as a free offering to the devotees every afternoon and in the evenings.

History Of Kollur Mookambika Temple, Karnataka

The history of Kollur Mookambika temple states that there lived a demon named Kaumasura who was unleashing a reign of terror upon all the gods with his special power given by Lord Shiva. When all the gods were trying their best to stay away from his vicinity, Guru Shukracharya brings good news to the gods that this demon would face death by a woman, that is Parvathi Devi. Knowing this Kaumasura undertakes severe penance, Lord Shiva asks this demon to ask for the boon, sensing grave danger if he his offered the boon, this goddess of speech makes this demon dumb.

Hence this Kaumasura came to be known as Mookasura (mooka means to be dumb). Thereafter Devi mobilised all the powers of the gods and then this demon was killed by Kollur Devi Parvathi. She was hence forth called Mookambikai. This place where Devi killed Mookasura is known as Marana Katte.

The Kollur Devi thereafter became the deity of this place offering her blessings to all who sought her. She poses with all her radiance along with the shank and chakra in both her hands sitting in the padmahasana posture.
Suyambulingam at Mookambika temple
The Suyambulingam at Sri Mookambika temple is said to have come into existence when Parameshwara drew the chakra with his toe. This chakra is believed to be the Udhbava linga which has drawn its strength due its proximity to all divine beings. It is also very sacred since Kollur Devi is supposed to be merged with this Suyambulinga and that has made her acquire great power.

Here she is said to have formed part of Lingam along with Lakshmi and Saraswathi on one side and Lord Brahma, Vishnu and Parameshwara on the other side. Apart from this there is also an carved image of Shiva said to be injured by during the clash with Arjuna known as Kiratharjuna and this is on the right side of this Suyambulinga.

Adhi Shankaracharya is believed to be instrumental in Devi Mookambika taking this place Kollur as her abode. It is this place near the bank of Souparnika river that Adhi Shankarar stopped to fix the Chakram and on above it placed the Devi and this forms the central idol behind the Linga. This temple has been patronized by many ancient kings who donated many precious jewels to Sri Kollur Devi and they are still adorned by her. Many other hindu kings have also donated to this temple since it was believed to be the state temple in those days.

Sanctum of Kollur Sri Mookambika Temple

The history of idol installation at Kollur Mookambika temple is nearly 1200 years old. King Halugallu Veera Sangayya is said to have laid the valuable stone to cover the inside premises and this was done by him under the instructions of Rani Chennamaji. The temple comprises of the sanctorum, a hall and the Lakshmi Mantapa at the rear. This Lakshmi Mandapam has four pillars and it is about 135 feet long. These four pillars are adorned with splendidly carved images of Indian deities.

The beautiful sculptures are figurines of various Gods and Goddesses such as Vinayaka or Ganesh, Subrahmanya, Naga, Mahishasura Mardini and the mother goddess or Devi in various forms. The Garbagriha at this Kollur temple is contemporary and artisitic in value. A huge deepasthambam stands tall with its base like a tortoise’s head. This Deepasthambam has 21 beautiful concentric circles which appear very divine and similar to that of Makara jothi when all the lamps are lit and viewed from distance.

The Navrathri festival begins with an invocation to Lord Ganesha who is on this pillar. As we move inside the corridor beyond the Garbhagriha there are four types of idols of Ganapathi. Among them are Dasa bhuja Ganapathi and Balamuri Ganapathi which is beautifully sculpted using white marble.

Then there is an image of a serpent that is worshipped by all Devi’s devotees in order to wade off the evil effects of Sarpodosa and other doshas. And it is believed that when touched while offeringprayers, the devotees are said to be blessed with good fortune.

The outer side of the pradikshana we see the idol of Lord Muruga followed by the idol of Saraswathi, Pranalingeswara, Prartheshwar and Mukya Prana. This Mukya Prana is placed just opposite to Veerabadrasamy shrine to strike a balance for its dangerous appearance. This Veerabadrasamy is said to be the presiding deity here.

Temple Pooja schedule

5.00 am        Temple nada opens. Nirmaalyadarshana
6.00 am        Usha pooja
7.30 am        Mangala aarathi
8.30 am        Bali
11.30 am      Uchcha pooja
12.00 pm      Maha naivedya
12.30 pm      Maha mangala aarathi
1.00 pm        Bali
1.30 pm        Nada closes
3.00 pm        Nada opens
6.00 pm        Pradosha pooja
7.00 pm        Salaam mangala aarathi and naivedyam
7.30 pm        Mangala aarathi
8.00 pm        Bali mangala aarathi
8.30 pm        Bali utsava. Ashtavadhaana pooja in the Saraswathi mantapa
9.00 pm        Kashaaya mangala aarathi. Temple nada closes.

Ornamental jewels of Sri Devi Mookambika
There is vast collection of jewels at the temple received as gifts of acknowledgement from the community of devotees who have realized their dreams and desires with the blessings of the Goddess. Of the various jewels of the Devi, the one in emerald is very valuable. Emerald represents knowledge. This temple has two processional deities of gold. One is offered by Rani Chennamma as a substitute for the missing original one. But subsequently the missing one was found and thus there are two processional idols. Former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, Sri. M.G.R. gifted a gold sword, which weighs one kg and is 2½ feet long. The former Chief Minister of Karnataka, Sri Gundu Rao has gifted a similar type sword made of silver. The facial mask of Goddess Mookambika is completely made of gold and gifted by Vijaya Nagara Empire. The gold face mask of Jyothirlinga gifted by Chennammaji of Keladi is another unique ornament.

Sowparnika River

The two rivers Agnithirtha & Sowparnika which flow in the sanctuary of mookambika descend from Kodachadri hills. The wee spring of cool water situated in between the temples of Kalabhairava and Umamaheshwara is the source of river Sowparnika. Legend says that Suparna (Garuda) did a penance on the banks of this river praying to the Goddess for the abatement of his mother Vinutha's sorrows. When the Goddess appeared before him, he prayed that the river be henceforth known after him, Suparna, and therefore came to be called as Sowparnika. At the location where he is said to have sat in penance, there is a small cave even today which is known as "Garuda's Cave".

This holy river takes birth at the Kodachadri and flows up to the edge of Anthargami (now oluru) region where two more streams called Bhrungisha and Pippalada join it. Then it flows westward, surrounding Kollur in the name of "Sampara", and proceeds to join the sea near the temple of "Maharajaswamy" (Varahaswamy) at Maravanthe. It is believed that river absorbs the elements of 64 different medicinal plants and roots as it flows, therefore it cures all the diseases of those who bathe in it. Hence a bath in this river assumes significance and is considered sacred.

Festivals In Mookambika Temple

The Pancha Pooja and Thrikala Bali festivals are important festivals of the Mookambika temple.

Nithyothsavam – Every day ritual

Nithyotsava ritual is performed everyday at Devi Mookambika temple. Janmastami announces the birth of Lord Krishna. From then on till Navrathri every year, various rituals are followed at the ancient Mandapam. Sri Mookambikai is taken on the palanquin around the temple and thereafter ashtavadhana seva is conducted at Saraswathi mandapam that which is located inside the temple.

Varothsavam - Weekly ritual

Every Friday, at around six p.m. between Janmashtami and Navrathri, varothsavam celebrations are held. Before the Pradoshakala pooja the Devi Mookambika’s idol is carried to the olaga mandapam in the north. Here the ashtavadhana seva is offered to the goddess Mookambika.

Pakshotsavam – Fortnightly ritual

This fortnightly ritual involves carrying the deity on all new moon days and full moon days. After the night bali pooja the Devi’s idol is carried to the Saraswathi Mandapam located on the west. This street procession is rigorously followed and there after the idol goes back and the Kashaya Thirtha is given to the devotees.

Varshika Uthsavam – Annual ritual

Every Year in the month of March, the annual ritual is observed at this glorious temple and it is celebrated for ten full days. On the moola nakshatra day the Brahma Rathothsava is undertaken for Kollur Devi.

Kollur Mookambikai temple celebrations

On the first day the flag is hoisted soon after the Punya kala rites.

The second day at about five in the evening the Kollur goddess is taken around the village known as Grama pradhakshina in Kannada. Followed with night bali and after the ashtavadhana seva the procession is taken to the Saraswathi mandapam on the peocock chariot.

The third day program is the taking Devi to the Saraswathi mandapam in the north known as Toppalu Katte, night ritual Dolarohan, then pooja is performed for Mookambika and taken to the west side of the Sarawathi mandapam and ashtavadhana seva is performed.

Fourth day celebrations commences with the Katte pooja held at Sri GopalaKrishna temple. There after the night ritual follows with the Sri Mookambika being taken on the chariot Pushparatham to the Saraswathi mandapam on the west side and the ashtavadhana pooja is performed.

The fifth day ritual, Sri Mookambika is taken on the Rishaba Vahana to the Saraswathi mandapam in the west and Ashtavadhana seva is offered for devotees. In the day the goddess is taken in procession to the Gopalakrishna temple.

On the sixth day the procession to Patelara Katte at Balegadde begins at the day and the night ritual begins with the Kollur Devi being carried on the Gaja vahana to the Saraswathi mandapam in the west.

The seventh day program starts with the taking Kollur Mookambika Devi to the Saraswathi mandapam on the west side after the Pradosha pooja and glorious Rangapooja is performed. The night Bali follows where the Mookambika is taken on the Simma Vahana again to the Saraswathi Mandapam in the west for pooja and Ashtavadhana seva.

On the eight day the Maharathothsavam Odu Bali and the Brahma Ratha Arohanam is performed at 11.30 in the morning. The evening procession starts with the Brahma Ratham taken to the Saraswathi Mandapam at around 5 o clock in the evening in the west side.

Choornothsavam, okuli, Avabhritha Snanam at the Sauparnika are all part of the ninth day celebrations. The roving ceremony known as Theppothsavam and Miruga bette happens at night and then followed by pooja for Kollur Mookambika seated on the horse back and this function starts at around night 8 O clock until the next morning 8 O clock.

The tenth day celebrations start with Poornahuthi conducted at the north eastern side Yagashala and followed by the lowering of the flag known as Dhawaja Avarohana.

Navarathri Festival

Navarathri festival at Kollur Mookambika Temple is considered to be the most auspicious time to offer prayers to goddess Shakthi and its other forms. Millions of pilgrims visit the temple on these nine days. In South India, it is a belief that Vijayadashami is an auspicious day for small children to start their education called Vidya Arambam, hence pilgrims throng the temple from 4 am onwards for aksharabhishekam.

Navarathri begins with Mahalaya Amavasya and this falls in the October month and it coincides with the lunar calendar. The first day ritual or celebration starts with the Punyaha Kriya, Ghata Sthapana also known as Navakshari Kalasha, followed by Kalpoktha Pooja and Suvasini Pooja. On the fifth day the Lalitha Vrutha commences. Days other than the above Kalpoktha pooja, Suvasini pooja and Ranga pooja are conducted. The eight day is said to be the Durgashtami. Mahanavami falls on the ninth day and it is considered to be the most important day among all other days of the Navarathri. On this day Maha Chandika Yaga and pushparathothsavam are performed. During the procession of the Kollur Devi coins are thrown from the Pushparatham and those devotees who happen to get these coins are said to have the divine blessings of Sri Mookambikai. After this ceremony Udbhava lingam or Abhisheka is showered with Navakshari Kalasha. Kadiru habba, Navanna Prashana or meals made of new rice harvested, Vijayothsava and Vidyaramba are coducted on this Vijayadasami day along with the procession to Shukla thirtha. On this Vijaya dasami day Vidyarambam starts at 4’O clock in the morning.

How to reach Mookambika Temple - Kollur

By Road 3 hrs Approx

Mangalore city is only 50 km away from Udupi. Express buses ply between Mangalore to Udupi at regular intervals.From udupi we can reach Mookambika Temple - Kollur by bus from Udupi.

By Train    The railway station at Udupi falls on the Konkan Railway network and there are trains to most major cities of the state.From Udupi we can reach mookambika temple by bus or by taxi easily.

By Air    The nearest airport is the Mangalore airport located at Bajpe, 60 km away from Udupi. There are 2 flights daily from Mumbai,Bangalore and from other parts of India.From their we can reach Kollur Mookambika Temple by car.

"Sarva mangala mangalye,. Sive sarvartha sadhike,
Sharanyethryambake Gowri,. Narayani Namosthuthe!"