With The Increased number of cellular network providers each day, more People struggling to check balance in their mobile account, This Post has tried to cover information about your mobile network provider in India.
# Reliance GSM
# Dial *367# From Your Reliance Mobile to Check Account Balance.
# Tata Docomo
# To Know Account Balance information dial *111# from your Tata Docomo Mobile.
# Get Interactive Voice Call Balance Announcement by dialling 12525 from your Tata Docomo Mobile.
# Aircel
# To Check your Balance in Aircel, Dial *125# from your Aircel Mobile.
# For Voice Announcement of your balance, Dial 123
# Idea
# To Check Account Balance in your Idea Mobile Dial *130# from Your Idea Mobile.
# Airtel
# To Check Balance in Airtel Dial *123# from Your Airtel mobile.
# Vodafone
# To Check Balance from your Vodafone Mobile Dial *111# .
# To Check Balance Dial *123# from your BSNL Prepaid Mobile.
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Saturday, November 6, 2010
Alt + Tab Switch between open applications
Alt +Shift + Tab Switch backwards between open applications
Alt + Print Screen Create screen shot for current program
Ctrl + Alt + Del Reboot/Windows® task manager
Ctrl + Esc Bring up start menu
Alt + Esc Switch between applications on taskbar
F2 Rename selected icon
F3 Start find from desktop
F4 Open the drive selection when browsing
F5 Refresh contents
Alt + F4 Close current open program
Ctrl + F4 Close window in program
Ctrl + Plus Key Automatically adjust widths of all columns in Windows Explorer
Alt + Enter Open properties window of selected icon or program
Shift + F10 Simulate right-click on selected item
Shift + Del Delete programs/files permanently
Holding Shift During Bootup- Boot safe mode or bypass system files
Holding ShiftDuring Bootup When putting in an audio CD, will prevent
CD Player from playing
Alt +Shift + Tab Switch backwards between open applications
Alt + Print Screen Create screen shot for current program
Ctrl + Alt + Del Reboot/Windows® task manager
Ctrl + Esc Bring up start menu
Alt + Esc Switch between applications on taskbar
F2 Rename selected icon
F3 Start find from desktop
F4 Open the drive selection when browsing
F5 Refresh contents
Alt + F4 Close current open program
Ctrl + F4 Close window in program
Ctrl + Plus Key Automatically adjust widths of all columns in Windows Explorer
Alt + Enter Open properties window of selected icon or program
Shift + F10 Simulate right-click on selected item
Shift + Del Delete programs/files permanently
Holding Shift During Bootup- Boot safe mode or bypass system files
Holding ShiftDuring Bootup When putting in an audio CD, will prevent
CD Player from playing
WINKEY + D Bring desktop to the top of other windows
WINKEY + M Minimize all windows
Undo the minimize done by WINKEY + M
and WINKEY + D
WINKEY + E Open Microsoft Explorer
WINKEY + Tab Cycle through open programs on taskbar
WINKEY + F Display the Windows® Search/Find feature
Display the search for computers window
WINKEY + F1 Display the Microsoft® Windows® help
WINKEY + R Open the run window
Pause /Break
Open the system properties window
WINKEY + U Open utility manager
WINKEY + L Lock the computer (Windows XP® & later)
WINKEY + D Bring desktop to the top of other windows
WINKEY + M Minimize all windows
Undo the minimize done by WINKEY + M
and WINKEY + D
WINKEY + E Open Microsoft Explorer
WINKEY + Tab Cycle through open programs on taskbar
WINKEY + F Display the Windows® Search/Find feature
Display the search for computers window
WINKEY + F1 Display the Microsoft® Windows® help
WINKEY + R Open the run window
Pause /Break
Open the system properties window
WINKEY + U Open utility manager
WINKEY + L Lock the computer (Windows XP® & later)
F2 Edit the selected cell
F5 Go to a specific cell
F7 Spell check selected text and/or document
F11 Create chart
Ctrl + Shift + ; Enter the current time
Ctrl + ; Enter the current date
Alt + Shift + F1 Insert new worksheet
Shift + F3 Open the Excel® formula window
Shift + F5 Bring up search box
Ctrl + A Select all contents of worksheet
Ctrl + B Bold highlighted selection
Ctrl + I Italicize highlighted selection
Ctrl + C Copy selected text
Ctrl + V Paste
Ctrl + D Fill
Ctrl + K Insert link
Ctrl + F Open find and replace options
Ctrl + G Open go-to options
Ctrl + H Open find and replace options
Ctrl + U Underline highlighted selection
Ctrl + Y Underline selected text
Ctrl + 5 Strikethrough highlighted selection
Ctrl + O Open options
Ctrl + N Open new document
Ctrl + P Open print dialog box
Ctrl + S Save
Ctrl + Z Undo last action
Ctrl + F9 Minimize current window
Ctrl + F10 Maximize currently selected window
Ctrl + F6 Switch between open workbooks/windows
Ctrl + Page up
& Page Down
Move between Excel® worksheets in the
same document
Ctrl + Tab Move between two or more open Excel® files
Alt + = Create formula to sum all of above cells
Ctrl + ‘ Insert value of above cell into current cell
Ctrl + Shift + ! Format number in comma format
Ctrl + Shift + $ Format number in currency format
Ctrl + Shift + # Format number in date format
Ctrl + Shift + % Format number in percentage format
Ctrl + Shift + ^ Format number in scientific format
Ctrl + Shift + @ Format number in time format
Ctrl + g Move to next section of text
Ctrl + Space Select entire column
Shift + Space Select entire row
Ctrl + W Close document
F5 Go to a specific cell
F7 Spell check selected text and/or document
F11 Create chart
Ctrl + Shift + ; Enter the current time
Ctrl + ; Enter the current date
Alt + Shift + F1 Insert new worksheet
Shift + F3 Open the Excel® formula window
Shift + F5 Bring up search box
Ctrl + A Select all contents of worksheet
Ctrl + B Bold highlighted selection
Ctrl + I Italicize highlighted selection
Ctrl + C Copy selected text
Ctrl + V Paste
Ctrl + D Fill
Ctrl + K Insert link
Ctrl + F Open find and replace options
Ctrl + G Open go-to options
Ctrl + H Open find and replace options
Ctrl + U Underline highlighted selection
Ctrl + Y Underline selected text
Ctrl + 5 Strikethrough highlighted selection
Ctrl + O Open options
Ctrl + N Open new document
Ctrl + P Open print dialog box
Ctrl + S Save
Ctrl + Z Undo last action
Ctrl + F9 Minimize current window
Ctrl + F10 Maximize currently selected window
Ctrl + F6 Switch between open workbooks/windows
Ctrl + Page up
& Page Down
Move between Excel® worksheets in the
same document
Ctrl + Tab Move between two or more open Excel® files
Alt + = Create formula to sum all of above cells
Ctrl + ‘ Insert value of above cell into current cell
Ctrl + Shift + ! Format number in comma format
Ctrl + Shift + $ Format number in currency format
Ctrl + Shift + # Format number in date format
Ctrl + Shift + % Format number in percentage format
Ctrl + Shift + ^ Format number in scientific format
Ctrl + Shift + @ Format number in time format
Ctrl + g Move to next section of text
Ctrl + Space Select entire column
Shift + Space Select entire row
Ctrl + W Close document
Ctrl + A Select all contents of the page
Ctrl + B Bold highlighted selection
Ctrl + C Copy selected text
Ctrl + X Cut selected text
Ctrl + N Open new/blank document
Ctrl + O Open options
Ctrl + P Open the print window
Ctrl + F Open find box
Ctrl + I Italicize highlighted selection
Ctrl + K Insert link
Ctrl + U Underline highlighted selection
Ctrl + V Paste
Ctrl + Y Redo the last action performed
Ctrl + Z Undo last action
Ctrl + G Find and replace options
Ctrl + H Find and replace options
Ctrl + J Justify paragraph alignment
Ctrl + L Align selected text or line to the left
Ctrl + Q Align selected paragraph to the left
Ctrl + E Align selected text or line to the center
Ctrl + R Align selected text or line to the right
Ctrl + M Indent the paragraph
Ctrl + T Hanging indent
Ctrl + D Font options
Ctrl + Shift + F Change the font
Ctrl + Shift + > Increase selected font +1
Ctrl + ] Increase selected font +1
Ctrl + Shift + < Decrease selected font -1
Ctrl + [ Decrease selected font -1
Ctrl + Shift + * View or hide non printing characters
Ctrl + f Move one word to the left
Ctrl + g Move one word to the right
Ctrl + h Move to beginning of the line or paragraph
Ctrl + i Move to the end of the paragraph
Ctrl + Del Delete word to right of cursor
Ctrl + Backspace Delete word to left of cursor
Ctrl + End Move cursor to end of document
Ctrl + Home Move cursor to beginning of document
Ctrl + Space Reset highlighted text to default font
Ctrl + 1 Single-space lines
Ctrl + 2 Double-space lines
Ctrl + 5 1.5-line spacing
Ctrl + Alt + 1 Change text to heading 1
Ctrl + Alt + 2 Change text to heading 2
Ctrl + Alt + 3 Change text to heading 3
F1 Open help
Shift + F3 Change case of selected text
Shift + Insert Paste
F4 Repeat last action performed (Word 2000+)
F7 Spell check selected text and/or document
Shift + F7 Activate the thesaurus
F12 Save as
Ctrl + S Save
Shift + F12 Save
Alt + Shift + D Insert the current date
Alt + Shift + T Insert the current time
Ctrl + W Close document
Ctrl + B Bold highlighted selection
Ctrl + C Copy selected text
Ctrl + X Cut selected text
Ctrl + N Open new/blank document
Ctrl + O Open options
Ctrl + P Open the print window
Ctrl + F Open find box
Ctrl + I Italicize highlighted selection
Ctrl + K Insert link
Ctrl + U Underline highlighted selection
Ctrl + V Paste
Ctrl + Y Redo the last action performed
Ctrl + Z Undo last action
Ctrl + G Find and replace options
Ctrl + H Find and replace options
Ctrl + J Justify paragraph alignment
Ctrl + L Align selected text or line to the left
Ctrl + Q Align selected paragraph to the left
Ctrl + E Align selected text or line to the center
Ctrl + R Align selected text or line to the right
Ctrl + M Indent the paragraph
Ctrl + T Hanging indent
Ctrl + D Font options
Ctrl + Shift + F Change the font
Ctrl + Shift + > Increase selected font +1
Ctrl + ] Increase selected font +1
Ctrl + Shift + < Decrease selected font -1
Ctrl + [ Decrease selected font -1
Ctrl + Shift + * View or hide non printing characters
Ctrl + f Move one word to the left
Ctrl + g Move one word to the right
Ctrl + h Move to beginning of the line or paragraph
Ctrl + i Move to the end of the paragraph
Ctrl + Del Delete word to right of cursor
Ctrl + Backspace Delete word to left of cursor
Ctrl + End Move cursor to end of document
Ctrl + Home Move cursor to beginning of document
Ctrl + Space Reset highlighted text to default font
Ctrl + 1 Single-space lines
Ctrl + 2 Double-space lines
Ctrl + 5 1.5-line spacing
Ctrl + Alt + 1 Change text to heading 1
Ctrl + Alt + 2 Change text to heading 2
Ctrl + Alt + 3 Change text to heading 3
F1 Open help
Shift + F3 Change case of selected text
Shift + Insert Paste
F4 Repeat last action performed (Word 2000+)
F7 Spell check selected text and/or document
Shift + F7 Activate the thesaurus
F12 Save as
Ctrl + S Save
Shift + F12 Save
Alt + Shift + D Insert the current date
Alt + Shift + T Insert the current time
Ctrl + W Close document
Alt + S Send the email
Ctrl + C Copy selected text
Ctrl + X Cut selected text
Ctrl + P Open print dialog box
Ctrl + K Complete name/email typed in address bar
Ctrl + B Bold highlighted selection
Ctrl + I Italicize highlighted selection
Ctrl + U Underline highlighted selection
Ctrl + R Reply to an email
Ctrl + F Forward an email
Ctrl + N Create a new email
Ctrl + Shift + A Create a new appointment to your calendar
Ctrl + Shift + O Open the outbox
Ctrl + Shift + I Open the inbox
Ctrl + Shift + K Add a new task
Ctrl + Shift + C Create a new contact
Ctrl + Shift+ J Create a new journal entry
Alt + S Send the email
Ctrl + C Copy selected text
Ctrl + X Cut selected text
Ctrl + P Open print dialog box
Ctrl + K Complete name/email typed in address bar
Ctrl + B Bold highlighted selection
Ctrl + I Italicize highlighted selection
Ctrl + U Underline highlighted selection
Ctrl + R Reply to an email
Ctrl + F Forward an email
Ctrl + N Create a new email
Ctrl + Shift + A Create a new appointment to your calendar
Ctrl + Shift + O Open the outbox
Ctrl + Shift + I Open the inbox
Ctrl + Shift + K Add a new task
Ctrl + Shift + C Create a new contact
Ctrl + Shift+ J Create a new journal entry
Computer Shortcuts-BASIC SHORTCUT KEYS
Alt + F File menu options in current program
Alt + E Edit options in current program
F1 Universal help (for all programs)
Ctrl + A Select all text
Ctrl + X Cut selected item
Shift + Del Cut selected item
Ctrl + C Copy selected item
Ctrl + Ins Copy selected item
Ctrl + V Paste
Shift + Ins Paste
Home Go to beginning of current line
Ctrl + Home Go to beginning of document
End Go to end of current line
Ctrl + End Go to end of document
Shift + Home Highlight from current position to beginning of line
Shift + End Highlight from current position to end of line
Ctrl + f Move one word to the left at a time
Ctrl + g Move one word to the right at a time
Alt + E Edit options in current program
F1 Universal help (for all programs)
Ctrl + A Select all text
Ctrl + X Cut selected item
Shift + Del Cut selected item
Ctrl + C Copy selected item
Ctrl + Ins Copy selected item
Ctrl + V Paste
Shift + Ins Paste
Home Go to beginning of current line
Ctrl + Home Go to beginning of document
End Go to end of current line
Ctrl + End Go to end of document
Shift + Home Highlight from current position to beginning of line
Shift + End Highlight from current position to end of line
Ctrl + f Move one word to the left at a time
Ctrl + g Move one word to the right at a time
Windows 7 shortcuts
* Win+Home: Clear all but the active window.
* Win+Space: All windows become transparent so you can see through to the desktop.
* Win+Up arrow: Maximize the active window.
* Shift+Win+Up arrow: Maximize the active window vertically.
* Win+Down arrow: Minimize the window/Restore the window if it's maximized.
* Win+Left/Right arrows: Dock the window to each side of the monitor.
* Shift+Win+Left/Right arrows: Move the window to the monitor on the left or right.
You can also interact with windows by dragging them with the mouse:
* Drag window to the top: Maximize
* Drag window left/right: Dock the window to fill half of the screen.
* Shake window back/forth: Minimize everything but the current window.
* Win+Space: All windows become transparent so you can see through to the desktop.
* Win+Up arrow: Maximize the active window.
* Shift+Win+Up arrow: Maximize the active window vertically.
* Win+Down arrow: Minimize the window/Restore the window if it's maximized.
* Win+Left/Right arrows: Dock the window to each side of the monitor.
* Shift+Win+Left/Right arrows: Move the window to the monitor on the left or right.
You can also interact with windows by dragging them with the mouse:
* Drag window to the top: Maximize
* Drag window left/right: Dock the window to fill half of the screen.
* Shake window back/forth: Minimize everything but the current window.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Aurobindo Ghose
Sri Aurobindo (Aurobindo Ghose) (Bengali: শ্রী অরবিন্দ (অরবিন্দ ঘোষ) Sri Ôrobindo) (15 August 1872 – 5 December 1950) was an Indian nationalist and freedom fighter, major Indian English poet, philosopher, and yogi. He joined the movement for India's freedom from British rule and for a duration (1905–10), became one of its most important leaders, before turning to developing his own vision and philosophy of human progress and spiritual evolution.
The central theme of Sri Aurobindo's vision is the evolution of life into a "life divine". In his own words: "Man is a transitional being. He is not final. The step from man to superman is the next approaching achievement in the earth evolution. It is inevitable because it is at once the intention of the inner spirit and the logic of Nature's process".
The principal writings of Sri Aurobindo include, in prose, The Life Divine, considered his single great work of metaphysics,The Synthesis of Yoga, Secrets of the Vedas, Essays on the Gita, The Human Cycle, The Ideal of Human Unity, Renaissance in India and other essays, Supramental Manifestation upon Earth, The Future Poetry, Thoughts and Aphorisms and several volumes of letters. In poetry, his principal work is "Savitri - a Legend and a Symbol" in blank verse.
Born: August 15, 1872
Died: December 5, 1950
Achievements: He was a freedom fighter, poet, scholar, yogi and philosopher. Worked towards the cause of India’s freedom, and for further evolution of life on earth.
Aurobindo Ghose was a multifaceted person. He was a freedom fighter, poet, scholar, yogi and philosopher. He spent his life working towards the cause of India’s freedom, and for further evolution of life on earth.
Sri Aurobindo Ghosh was born on August 15, 1872 at Calcutta. His father was Krishnadhan and his mother was Swamalata. Aurobindo Ghose had an impressive lineage. Raj Narayan Bose, an acknowledged leader in Bengali literature, and the grandfather of Indian nationalism was Sri Aurobindo’s maternal grandfather. Aurobindo Ghosh owes not only his rich spiritual nature, but even his very superior literary capacity, to his mother’s line. His father was an M.D. from England.
When Sri Aurobindo was five years old, he was sent to Loretto Convent School at Darjeeling. Two years later in 1879, Aurobindo Ghose, was sent to England along with his brothers for higher studies. Aurobindo completed his schooling from St. Paul's in London. In 1890, at the age of eighteen, Sri Aurobindo got admission into Cambridge. Here, he distinguished himself as a student of European classics. To comply with the wish of his father, Sri Aurobindo Ghose also applied for the ICS while at Cambridge. He passed the Indian Civil Service Examination with great credit in 1890. He, however, failed to stand the required test in horsemanship and hence was not allowed to enter the Covenantal Service of the Indian Government.
In 1893, Aurobindo Ghose, returned to India, and became the Vice-principal of the State college in Baroda. He drew a salary of Rs.750/-. He was held in great respect by the Maharaja of Baroda. Aurobindo was an accomplished scholar in Greek and Latin. From 1893 to 1906 he extensively studied Sanskrit, Bengali literature, Philosophy and Political Science.
In 1906, in the wake of partition of Bengal, resigned his job and joined the Bengal National College on a salary of Rs.150/-. He plunged headlong into the revolutionary movement. Aurobindo Ghose played a leading role in India’s freedom struggle from 1908. Sri Aurobindo Ghosh was one of the pioneers of political awakening in India. He edited the English daily Bande Mataram and wrote fearless and pointed editorials. He openly advocated the boycott of British goods, British courts and everything British. He asked the people to prepare themselves for passive resistance.
The famous Alipore Bomb Case proved to be a turning point in Sri Aurobindo Ghosh’s life. For a year Aurobindo was an undertrial prisoner in solitary confinement in the Alipore Central Jail. It was in a dingy cell of the Alipore Jail that he dreamt the dream of his future life, the divine mission ordained for him by God. He utilized this period of incarceration for an intense study and practice of the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita. Chittaranjan Das defended Sri Aurobindo, who was acquitted after a memorable trial.
During his time in prison, Aurobindo Ghosh, had developed interest in yoga and meditation. After his release he started practicing pranayama and meditation. Sri Aurobindo Ghose migrated from Calcutta to Pondicherry in 1910. At Pondicherry, he stayed at a friend’s place. At first, he lived there with four or five companions. Gradually the number of members increased and an Ashram was founded.
In 1914 after four years of concentrated yoga at Pondicherry, Sri Aurobindo launched Arya, a 64 page monthly review. For the next six and a half years this became the vehicle for most of his most important writings, which appeared in serialised form. These included Essays on The Gita, The Secret of The Veda, Hymns to the Mystic Fire, The Upanishads, The Foundations of Indian Culture, War and Self-determination, The Human Cycle, The Ideal of Human Unity, and The Future Poetry. In 1926, Sri Aurobindo Ghose retired from public life.
Sri Aurobindo’s philosophy is based on facts, experience and personal realisations and on having the vision of a seer or Rishi. Aurobindo’s spirituality was inseparably united with reason. The goal of Sri Aurobindo was not merely the liberation of the individual from the chain that fetters him and realization of the self, but to work out the will of the Divine in the world, to effect a spiritual transformation and to bring down the divine nature and a divine life into the mental, vital and physical nature and life of humanity.
Sri Aurobindo passed away on December 5, 1950 at Pondicherry at the age of 78.
The central theme of Sri Aurobindo's vision is the evolution of life into a "life divine". In his own words: "Man is a transitional being. He is not final. The step from man to superman is the next approaching achievement in the earth evolution. It is inevitable because it is at once the intention of the inner spirit and the logic of Nature's process".
The principal writings of Sri Aurobindo include, in prose, The Life Divine, considered his single great work of metaphysics,The Synthesis of Yoga, Secrets of the Vedas, Essays on the Gita, The Human Cycle, The Ideal of Human Unity, Renaissance in India and other essays, Supramental Manifestation upon Earth, The Future Poetry, Thoughts and Aphorisms and several volumes of letters. In poetry, his principal work is "Savitri - a Legend and a Symbol" in blank verse.
Born: August 15, 1872
Died: December 5, 1950
Achievements: He was a freedom fighter, poet, scholar, yogi and philosopher. Worked towards the cause of India’s freedom, and for further evolution of life on earth.
Aurobindo Ghose was a multifaceted person. He was a freedom fighter, poet, scholar, yogi and philosopher. He spent his life working towards the cause of India’s freedom, and for further evolution of life on earth.
Sri Aurobindo Ghosh was born on August 15, 1872 at Calcutta. His father was Krishnadhan and his mother was Swamalata. Aurobindo Ghose had an impressive lineage. Raj Narayan Bose, an acknowledged leader in Bengali literature, and the grandfather of Indian nationalism was Sri Aurobindo’s maternal grandfather. Aurobindo Ghosh owes not only his rich spiritual nature, but even his very superior literary capacity, to his mother’s line. His father was an M.D. from England.
When Sri Aurobindo was five years old, he was sent to Loretto Convent School at Darjeeling. Two years later in 1879, Aurobindo Ghose, was sent to England along with his brothers for higher studies. Aurobindo completed his schooling from St. Paul's in London. In 1890, at the age of eighteen, Sri Aurobindo got admission into Cambridge. Here, he distinguished himself as a student of European classics. To comply with the wish of his father, Sri Aurobindo Ghose also applied for the ICS while at Cambridge. He passed the Indian Civil Service Examination with great credit in 1890. He, however, failed to stand the required test in horsemanship and hence was not allowed to enter the Covenantal Service of the Indian Government.
In 1893, Aurobindo Ghose, returned to India, and became the Vice-principal of the State college in Baroda. He drew a salary of Rs.750/-. He was held in great respect by the Maharaja of Baroda. Aurobindo was an accomplished scholar in Greek and Latin. From 1893 to 1906 he extensively studied Sanskrit, Bengali literature, Philosophy and Political Science.
In 1906, in the wake of partition of Bengal, resigned his job and joined the Bengal National College on a salary of Rs.150/-. He plunged headlong into the revolutionary movement. Aurobindo Ghose played a leading role in India’s freedom struggle from 1908. Sri Aurobindo Ghosh was one of the pioneers of political awakening in India. He edited the English daily Bande Mataram and wrote fearless and pointed editorials. He openly advocated the boycott of British goods, British courts and everything British. He asked the people to prepare themselves for passive resistance.
The famous Alipore Bomb Case proved to be a turning point in Sri Aurobindo Ghosh’s life. For a year Aurobindo was an undertrial prisoner in solitary confinement in the Alipore Central Jail. It was in a dingy cell of the Alipore Jail that he dreamt the dream of his future life, the divine mission ordained for him by God. He utilized this period of incarceration for an intense study and practice of the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita. Chittaranjan Das defended Sri Aurobindo, who was acquitted after a memorable trial.
During his time in prison, Aurobindo Ghosh, had developed interest in yoga and meditation. After his release he started practicing pranayama and meditation. Sri Aurobindo Ghose migrated from Calcutta to Pondicherry in 1910. At Pondicherry, he stayed at a friend’s place. At first, he lived there with four or five companions. Gradually the number of members increased and an Ashram was founded.
In 1914 after four years of concentrated yoga at Pondicherry, Sri Aurobindo launched Arya, a 64 page monthly review. For the next six and a half years this became the vehicle for most of his most important writings, which appeared in serialised form. These included Essays on The Gita, The Secret of The Veda, Hymns to the Mystic Fire, The Upanishads, The Foundations of Indian Culture, War and Self-determination, The Human Cycle, The Ideal of Human Unity, and The Future Poetry. In 1926, Sri Aurobindo Ghose retired from public life.
Sri Aurobindo’s philosophy is based on facts, experience and personal realisations and on having the vision of a seer or Rishi. Aurobindo’s spirituality was inseparably united with reason. The goal of Sri Aurobindo was not merely the liberation of the individual from the chain that fetters him and realization of the self, but to work out the will of the Divine in the world, to effect a spiritual transformation and to bring down the divine nature and a divine life into the mental, vital and physical nature and life of humanity.
Sri Aurobindo passed away on December 5, 1950 at Pondicherry at the age of 78.
Veer Savarkar Biography

Born: May 28, 1883
Died: February 26, 1966
Achievements: Founded the Abhinav Bharat Society and Free India Society; brought out an authentic informative researched work on The Great Indian Revolt of 1857 called "The Indian War of Independence 1857"; founded Hindu Mahasabha.
Veer Savarkar occupies a unique place in the history of Indian freedom struggle. His name evokes controversy. While some consider him as one of the greatest revolutionaries in the Indian freedom struggle, others consider him a communalist and Machiavellian manipulator. Vir Savarkar was also a great orator, prolific writer, historian, poet, philosopher and social worker. He was an extraordinary Hindu scholar. He coined Indian words for telephone, photography, the parliament, among others.
Veer Savarkar’s original name was Vinayak Damodar Savarkar. He was born on May 28, 1883 in the village of Bhagur near Nasik. He was one among four children born to Damodarpant Savarkar and Radhabai. Veer Savarkar had his initial education at the Shivaji School, Nasik. He lost his mother when he was only nine. Savarkar was a born rebel. He organized a gang of kids ,Vanarsena when he was just eleven.
During his high school days, Veer Savarkar used to organize Shivaji Utsav and Ganesh Utsav, started by Bal Gangadhar Tilak (whom Savarkar considered as his Guru) and used these occasions to put up plays on nationalistic themes. Savarkar lost his father during the plague of 1899. In March 1901, he married Yamunabai. Post marriage, in 1902, Veer Savarkar joined Fergusson College in Pune.
In Pune, Savarkar founded the “Abhinav Bharat Society”. He was also involved in the Swadeshi movement and later joined Tilak’s Swaraj Party. His instigating patriotic speeches and activities incensed the British Government. As a result the British Government withdrew his B.A. degree.
In June 1906, Veer Savarkar, left for London to become Barrister. However, once in London, he united and inflamed the Indian students in England against British rule in India. He founded the Free India Society. The Society celebrated important dates on the Indian calendar including festivals, freedom movement landmarks, and was dedicated to furthering discussion about Indian freedom. He believed and advocated the use of arms to free India from the British and created a network of Indians in England, equipped with weapons.
In 1908, brought out an authentic informative researched work on The Great Indian Revolt, which the British termed as "Sepoy Mutiny" of 1857. The book was called "The Indian War of Independence 1857". The British government immediately enforced a ban on the publication in both Britain and India. Later, it was published by Madame Bhikaiji Cama in Holland, and was smuggled into India to reach revolutionaries working across the country against British rule.
In 1909, Madanlal Dhingra, a keen follower of Savarkar shot Sir Wyllie after a failed assassination attempt on the then Viceroy, Lord Curzon. Savarkar conspicuously did not condemn the act. When the then British Collector of Nasik, A.M.T. Jackson was shot by a youth, Veer Savarkar finally fell under the net of the British authorities. He was implicated in the murder citing his connections with India House. Savarkar was arrested in London on March 13, 1910 and sent to India.
After a formal trial, Savarkar was charged with serious offences of illegal transportation of weapons, provocative speeches and sedition and was sentenced to 50 years' of jail and deported to the Kalapani (Blackwaters) at Andaman cellular jail.
In 1920, many prominent freedom fighters including Vithalbhai Patel, Mahatma Gandhi and Bal Gangadhar Tilak demanded the release of Savarkar. On May 2, 1921, Savarkar was moved to Ratnagiri jail, and from there to the Yeravada jail. In Ratnagiri jail Savarkar wrote the book 'Hindutva'. On January 6, 1924 he was h freed under the condition that he would not leave Ratnagiri district and abstain from political activity for the next five years. On his release, Veer Savarkar founded the Ratnagiri Hindu Sabha on January 23, 1924 that aimed to preserve India's ancient culture and work for social welfare.
Later Savarkar joined Tilak's Swaraj Party and founded the Hindu Mahasabha as a separate political party. He was elected President of the Mahasabha and toiled for building Hindu Nationalism and later joined the Quit India movement.
The Hindu Mahasabha opposed creation of Pakistan, and took exception to Gandhi's continued Muslim appeasement stances. Nathuram Godse, a volunteer of the Hindu Mahasabha, assassinated Gandhi in 1948 and upheld his actions till his hanging. Veer Savarkar was arrested and indicted by the Government of India in the Mahatma Gandhi assassination case. But he was acquitted by the Supreme Court of India, for reasons of lack of evidence.
Veer Savarkar died on February 26, 1966 at the age of 83.
Monday, October 11, 2010
അയോധ്യ തര്ക്ക ഭൂമി മൂന്നായി വിഭജിക്കണം
പതിറ്റാണ്ടത്തെ നിയമയുദ്ധത്തിനൊടുവില് അയോധ്യ തര്ക്കഭൂമിയിലെ ഉടമസ്ഥാവകാശം സംബന്ധിച്ച കേസില് വിധിയായി. അയോധ്യയിലെ തര്ക്കഭൂമി മൂന്ന് വിഭാഗങ്ങള്ക്കായി വിഭജിച്ചു നല്കണമെന്ന് കോടതി ഉത്തരവിട്ടു. രാമജന്മഭൂമി ഹിന്ദുമഹാസഭയ്ക്കും സമീപത്തുള്ള ഭൂമി മുസ്ലീം വിഭാഗത്തിനും ശേഷിക്കുന്നത് നിര്മോഹി അഖാഡയ്ക്കും വീതിച്ചു നല്കാനാണ് കോടതി ഉത്തരവ്.
മൂന്ന് മാസത്തിനകം സര്ക്കാര് നടപടി സ്വീകരിക്കണമെന്നും നിര്ദേശമുണ്ട്. അതേസമയം മൂന്ന് മാസത്തേക്ക് തല്സ്ഥിതി തുടരും. സുന്നി വഖഫ് ബോര്ഡിന്റെയും നിര്മോഹി അഖാഡയുടെയും ഹര്ജികള് തള്ളി. ബാബറി മസ്ജിദിന്റെ താഴികക്കുടം നിലനിന്നിരുന്ന ഭൂമി രാമജന്മഭൂമിയാണെന്ന വാദം കോടതി അംഗീകരിച്ചു.
കോടതിയില് നിന്നും പുറത്തുവന്ന അഭിഭാഷകരില് നിന്നാണ് ഇത്രയും വിവരങ്ങള് ലഭ്യമായിരിക്കുന്നത്. എന്നാല് വിധി സംബന്ധിച്ച് ഇപ്പോഴും ആശയക്കുഴപ്പം തുടരുകയാണ്. മൂന്ന് ജഡ്ജിമാരുടെയും വ്യത്യസ്ത വിധികളായാണ് കോടതിയില് വായിച്ചതെന്നും സൂചനകളുണ്ട്. വിധിയെക്കുറിച്ച് ഔദ്യോഗികമായ വിശദീകരണമൊന്നും നല്കിയിട്ടില്ല. വിധി വായിച്ച ശേഷം മൂന്ന് ജഡ്ജിമാരും ഇന്നത്തെ പ്രക്രിയകളെല്ലാം മതിയാക്കി.
ബാബറി മസ്ജിദ് രാമജന്മഭൂമി തര്ക്കവുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട് 1950 - 89 കാലഘട്ടത്തിലായി ഫയല് ചെയ്യപ്പെട്ട നാലു കേസുകളിലാണു ഹൈക്കോടതി തീര്പ്പുകല്പിച്ചത്. ജസ്റ്റിസ് എസ് യു.ഖാന്, സുധീര് അഗര്വാള്, വി.ഡി.ശര്മ്മ എന്നിവരുള്പ്പെട്ട അലഹബാദ് ഹൈക്കോടതിയുടെ ലഖ്നൗ ബഞ്ചാണ് വിധി പ്രസ്താവിച്ചത്.
അയോധ്യ കോടതി വിധിയിലെ പ്രധാന വസ്തുതകള്
1 തര്ക്ക പ്രദേശത്ത് നിലനിന്നിരുനന പഴയ ക്ഷേത്രത്തിന്റെ അവശിഷ്ടങ്ങള്ക്ക് മുകളിലാണ് ബാബറി മസ്ജിദ് നിര്മിക്കപ്പെട്ടത്. അവിടെ ഹിന്ദുക്കള് ആരാധന നടത്തിയിരുന്നതായി ആര്ക്കിയോളജിക്കല് സര്വെ ഓഫ് ഇന്ത്യയുടെ ഉത്ഖനനത്തില് വ്യക്തമായതായി കോടതി ചൂണ്ടിക്കാട്ടി. അതേ സമയം ബാബ്റി മസ്ജിദില് മുസ്ലിംങ്ങള് ആരാധന നടത്തിയിരുന്നില്ല.
2 ബാബറി മസ്ജിദിന്റെ പ്രധാന മകുടം നിലനിന്നിരുന്ന സ്ഥലം ശ്രീരാമന്റെ ജന്മസ്ഥലമാണ്. അവിടെ ആരാധകള് നടത്തിയിരുന്നു.
3 തര്ക്കത്തിലിരിയ്ക്കുന്ന സ്ഥലം ശ്രീരാമജന്മ ഭൂമിയായി ഹിന്ദുക്കള് ആരാധിച്ചുവരുന്ന സ്ഥലമാണ് ചരിത്രാതീത കാലം മുതല് പുണ്യഭൂമിയായി ഹിന്ദുക്കള് കണക്കാക്കി വരുന്നതിന് വ്യക്തമായ തെളിവുണ്ട്.
4 ഇസ്ലാമിക വിശ്വാസങ്ങള്ക്ക് വിരുദ്ധമായാണ് തര്ക്ക മന്ദിരം പണിതത്. അതിനാല് മന്ദിരത്തിന് പള്ളിയുടെ സ്വഭാവമില്ല.
തര്ക്ക സ്ഥലം ഉള്പ്പെടുന്ന 2.7 ഏക്കര് സ്ലം തങ്ങള്ക്ക് അവകാശപ്പെട്ടതാണെന്ന സുന്നി വഖഫ് ബോര്ഡിന്റെ വാദമാണ് കോടതി തള്ളിയത്.
ഭൂമി വിഭജനത്തിന്റെ ചുമതല കേന്ദ്രസര്ക്കാരിന്
അയോധ്യ കേസിലെ വിധിയുടെ അടിസ്ഥാനത്തില് അയോധ്യാ ഭൂമി വിഭജിക്കേണ്ട ചുമതല കേന്ദ്രസര്ക്കാരിനാവും.ഭൂമിയുടെ റിസീവര് ഇപ്പോള് കേന്ദ്രസര്ക്കാര് ആണ്.
വിധിയെ എല്ലാവരും അംഗീകരിച്ചാല് തര്ക്കം ഒഴിവാകും. എന്നാല് അപ്പീല് പോകുമെന്ന് ബാബറി കമ്മിറ്റി വ്യക്തമാക്കിയ സാഹചര്യത്തില് നിയമയുദ്ധം ഇനിയും നീളാനാണ് സാധ്യത.
അയോധ്യ വിധി: ഏവരും സംയമനം പാലിക്കുന്നു
അയോദ്ധ്യാവിധി മഹത്വപൂര്ണ്ണമെന്ന് കോണ്ഗ്രസ് നിലപാടെടുത്തു. വിധി എല്ലാവരും അഗീകരിക്കണം. വിധിയ്ക്കെതിരെ പരാതിയുള്ളവര്ക്ക് സുപ്രീകോടതിയെ സമീപിക്കാമെന്നും പാര്ട്ടി വ്യക്തമാക്കി.
തര്ക്കഭൂമി മൂന്നായി വിഭജിക്കാനുള്ള അലഹാബാദ് ഹൈക്കോടതിയുടെ ലഖ്നൊ ബെഞ്ചിന്റെ വിധി ആരുടെയും വിജയമോ പരാജയമോ അല്ലെന്ന് ആര്എസ്എസ് വ്യക്തമാക്കി. രാജ്യത്തിന്റെ ഐക്യവും അഖണ്ഡതയും നിലനിര്ത്തേണ്ട സമയമാണിതെന്നും ആര്എസ്എസ് വക്താവ് മോഹന് ഭാഗവത് പറഞ്ഞു.
അയോധ്യാ തര്ക്കഭൂമിയുടെ ഉടമസ്ഥാവകാശം മൂന്നായി വിഭജിച്ചുകൊണ്ടുള്ള അലഹബാദ് ഹൈക്കോടതിയുടെ വിധിക്കെതിരേ അപ്പീല് പോകുമെന്ന് ബാബ്റി കമ്മിറ്റി വ്യക്തമാക്കി. അതേ സമയം വിധി അംഗീകരിക്കുന്നതായി കേസില് കക്ഷിയായ ഹാഷിം അന്സാരി വ്യക്തമാക്കി. നീതിന്യായവ്യവസ്ഥയെ പൂര്ണമായി അംഗീകരിക്കുന്നവെന്ന് മുസ്ലീം വ്യക്തിനിയമ ബോര്ഡും വ്യക്തമാക്കിയിട്ടുണ്ട്.
സുപ്രീം കോടതിയെ സമീപിക്കും: സുന്നി വഖഫ് ബോര്ഡ്
അയോധ്യ കേസില് ഹൈക്കോടതി വിധിയില് നിരാശയുണ്ടെന്നും വിധിക്കെതിരെ സുപ്രീം കോടതിയെ സമീപിയ്ക്കുമെന്നും ബാബറി കമ്മിറ്റി അറിയിച്ചു.
അയോധ്യയിലെ തകര്ക്കപ്പെട്ട മന്ദിരം ബാബര് നിര്മിച്ചതാണെന്നും എന്നാല് ആരാധനാലയത്തിന്റെ സ്വഭാവം ഇല്ലായിരുന്നുവെന്നും കോടതിയുടെ വിധിയില് വ്യക്തമാക്കിയിരുന്നു.
ബാബറി മസ്ജിദ് നിലനിന്നിരുന്ന പ്രദേശത്ത് പണ്ട് ക്ഷേത്രം ഉണ്ടായിരുന്നുവെന്ന പുരാവസ്തു വകുപ്പിന്റെ കണ്ടെത്തലും ഹൈക്കോടതി അംഗീകരിച്ചു. ഇത് തകര്ത്താണ് മസ്ജിദ് നിര്മിച്ചതെന്ന കണ്ടെത്തലും കോടതി അംഗീകരിച്ചു.
വിധി പ്രസ്താവിച്ചു ആശയക്കുഴപ്പം തുടരുന്നു
അയോധ്യ തര്ക്ക ഭൂമിയിലെ ഉടമസ്ഥാവകാശം സംബന്ധിച്ച കേസില് അലഹബാദ് ഹൈക്കോടതി വിധി പ്രസ്താവിച്ചു. വിധിയുടെ വിശദാംശങ്ങള് ഏതാനും നിമിഷങ്ങള്ക്കുള്ളില് കോടതിയുടെ വെബ്സൈറ്റില് പുറത്തുവരും.
ഇതിനിടെ കോടതിയില് നിന്ന് പുറത്തുവന്ന ഏതാനും അഭിഭാഷകര് വിധിയെക്കുറിച്ച് മാധ്യമങ്ങള്ക്ക് മുന്നില് വിശദീകരിച്ചത് ആശയക്കുഴപ്പത്തിനിടയാക്കിയിട്ടുണ്ട്. ഹിന്ദു മഹാസഭയുടെ അഭിഭാഷകരാണ് വിജയചിഹ്നം ഉയര്ത്തിക്കാണിച്ച് കോടതിയ്ക്ക് മുമ്പില് മാധ്യമപ്രവര്ത്തകരുമായി സംസാരിച്ചത്. അന്തിമ വിധിയില് മൂന്ന് ജസ്റ്റിസുമാര്ക്കും വിയോജനക്കുറിപ്പുള്ളതായി മറ്റൊരു അഭിഭാഷകനും ടിവി ചാനലുകളോട് പറഞ്ഞു.
അയോധ്യ വിധി വാര്ത്താസമ്മേളനം ഉപേക്ഷിച്ചു
ആറു പതിറ്റാണ്ട് നീണ്ട നിയമപോരാട്ടങ്ങള്ക്ക് ശേഷം അയോധ്യ കേസില് അഹമ്മദാബാദ് ഹൈക്കോടതി പുറപ്പെടുവിയ്ക്കുന്ന വിധി വെബ്സൈറ്റില് ഉടന് ലഭ്യമാവും. ഹൈക്കോടതിയുടെ വെബ്സൈറ്റിലൂടെയാണ് വിധി പൊതുജനങ്ങള്ക്ക് ലഭ്യമാവുക. ഇത് കുറച്ചു നേരം കൂടി വൈകുമെന്നാണ് റിപ്പോര്ട്ടുകള്.
മൂന്ന് മാസത്തിനകം സര്ക്കാര് നടപടി സ്വീകരിക്കണമെന്നും നിര്ദേശമുണ്ട്. അതേസമയം മൂന്ന് മാസത്തേക്ക് തല്സ്ഥിതി തുടരും. സുന്നി വഖഫ് ബോര്ഡിന്റെയും നിര്മോഹി അഖാഡയുടെയും ഹര്ജികള് തള്ളി. ബാബറി മസ്ജിദിന്റെ താഴികക്കുടം നിലനിന്നിരുന്ന ഭൂമി രാമജന്മഭൂമിയാണെന്ന വാദം കോടതി അംഗീകരിച്ചു.
കോടതിയില് നിന്നും പുറത്തുവന്ന അഭിഭാഷകരില് നിന്നാണ് ഇത്രയും വിവരങ്ങള് ലഭ്യമായിരിക്കുന്നത്. എന്നാല് വിധി സംബന്ധിച്ച് ഇപ്പോഴും ആശയക്കുഴപ്പം തുടരുകയാണ്. മൂന്ന് ജഡ്ജിമാരുടെയും വ്യത്യസ്ത വിധികളായാണ് കോടതിയില് വായിച്ചതെന്നും സൂചനകളുണ്ട്. വിധിയെക്കുറിച്ച് ഔദ്യോഗികമായ വിശദീകരണമൊന്നും നല്കിയിട്ടില്ല. വിധി വായിച്ച ശേഷം മൂന്ന് ജഡ്ജിമാരും ഇന്നത്തെ പ്രക്രിയകളെല്ലാം മതിയാക്കി.
ബാബറി മസ്ജിദ് രാമജന്മഭൂമി തര്ക്കവുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട് 1950 - 89 കാലഘട്ടത്തിലായി ഫയല് ചെയ്യപ്പെട്ട നാലു കേസുകളിലാണു ഹൈക്കോടതി തീര്പ്പുകല്പിച്ചത്. ജസ്റ്റിസ് എസ് യു.ഖാന്, സുധീര് അഗര്വാള്, വി.ഡി.ശര്മ്മ എന്നിവരുള്പ്പെട്ട അലഹബാദ് ഹൈക്കോടതിയുടെ ലഖ്നൗ ബഞ്ചാണ് വിധി പ്രസ്താവിച്ചത്.
അയോധ്യ കോടതി വിധിയിലെ പ്രധാന വസ്തുതകള്
1 തര്ക്ക പ്രദേശത്ത് നിലനിന്നിരുനന പഴയ ക്ഷേത്രത്തിന്റെ അവശിഷ്ടങ്ങള്ക്ക് മുകളിലാണ് ബാബറി മസ്ജിദ് നിര്മിക്കപ്പെട്ടത്. അവിടെ ഹിന്ദുക്കള് ആരാധന നടത്തിയിരുന്നതായി ആര്ക്കിയോളജിക്കല് സര്വെ ഓഫ് ഇന്ത്യയുടെ ഉത്ഖനനത്തില് വ്യക്തമായതായി കോടതി ചൂണ്ടിക്കാട്ടി. അതേ സമയം ബാബ്റി മസ്ജിദില് മുസ്ലിംങ്ങള് ആരാധന നടത്തിയിരുന്നില്ല.
2 ബാബറി മസ്ജിദിന്റെ പ്രധാന മകുടം നിലനിന്നിരുന്ന സ്ഥലം ശ്രീരാമന്റെ ജന്മസ്ഥലമാണ്. അവിടെ ആരാധകള് നടത്തിയിരുന്നു.
3 തര്ക്കത്തിലിരിയ്ക്കുന്ന സ്ഥലം ശ്രീരാമജന്മ ഭൂമിയായി ഹിന്ദുക്കള് ആരാധിച്ചുവരുന്ന സ്ഥലമാണ് ചരിത്രാതീത കാലം മുതല് പുണ്യഭൂമിയായി ഹിന്ദുക്കള് കണക്കാക്കി വരുന്നതിന് വ്യക്തമായ തെളിവുണ്ട്.
4 ഇസ്ലാമിക വിശ്വാസങ്ങള്ക്ക് വിരുദ്ധമായാണ് തര്ക്ക മന്ദിരം പണിതത്. അതിനാല് മന്ദിരത്തിന് പള്ളിയുടെ സ്വഭാവമില്ല.
തര്ക്ക സ്ഥലം ഉള്പ്പെടുന്ന 2.7 ഏക്കര് സ്ലം തങ്ങള്ക്ക് അവകാശപ്പെട്ടതാണെന്ന സുന്നി വഖഫ് ബോര്ഡിന്റെ വാദമാണ് കോടതി തള്ളിയത്.
ഭൂമി വിഭജനത്തിന്റെ ചുമതല കേന്ദ്രസര്ക്കാരിന്
അയോധ്യ കേസിലെ വിധിയുടെ അടിസ്ഥാനത്തില് അയോധ്യാ ഭൂമി വിഭജിക്കേണ്ട ചുമതല കേന്ദ്രസര്ക്കാരിനാവും.ഭൂമിയുടെ റിസീവര് ഇപ്പോള് കേന്ദ്രസര്ക്കാര് ആണ്.
വിധിയെ എല്ലാവരും അംഗീകരിച്ചാല് തര്ക്കം ഒഴിവാകും. എന്നാല് അപ്പീല് പോകുമെന്ന് ബാബറി കമ്മിറ്റി വ്യക്തമാക്കിയ സാഹചര്യത്തില് നിയമയുദ്ധം ഇനിയും നീളാനാണ് സാധ്യത.
അയോധ്യ വിധി: ഏവരും സംയമനം പാലിക്കുന്നു
അയോദ്ധ്യാവിധി മഹത്വപൂര്ണ്ണമെന്ന് കോണ്ഗ്രസ് നിലപാടെടുത്തു. വിധി എല്ലാവരും അഗീകരിക്കണം. വിധിയ്ക്കെതിരെ പരാതിയുള്ളവര്ക്ക് സുപ്രീകോടതിയെ സമീപിക്കാമെന്നും പാര്ട്ടി വ്യക്തമാക്കി.
തര്ക്കഭൂമി മൂന്നായി വിഭജിക്കാനുള്ള അലഹാബാദ് ഹൈക്കോടതിയുടെ ലഖ്നൊ ബെഞ്ചിന്റെ വിധി ആരുടെയും വിജയമോ പരാജയമോ അല്ലെന്ന് ആര്എസ്എസ് വ്യക്തമാക്കി. രാജ്യത്തിന്റെ ഐക്യവും അഖണ്ഡതയും നിലനിര്ത്തേണ്ട സമയമാണിതെന്നും ആര്എസ്എസ് വക്താവ് മോഹന് ഭാഗവത് പറഞ്ഞു.
അയോധ്യാ തര്ക്കഭൂമിയുടെ ഉടമസ്ഥാവകാശം മൂന്നായി വിഭജിച്ചുകൊണ്ടുള്ള അലഹബാദ് ഹൈക്കോടതിയുടെ വിധിക്കെതിരേ അപ്പീല് പോകുമെന്ന് ബാബ്റി കമ്മിറ്റി വ്യക്തമാക്കി. അതേ സമയം വിധി അംഗീകരിക്കുന്നതായി കേസില് കക്ഷിയായ ഹാഷിം അന്സാരി വ്യക്തമാക്കി. നീതിന്യായവ്യവസ്ഥയെ പൂര്ണമായി അംഗീകരിക്കുന്നവെന്ന് മുസ്ലീം വ്യക്തിനിയമ ബോര്ഡും വ്യക്തമാക്കിയിട്ടുണ്ട്.
സുപ്രീം കോടതിയെ സമീപിക്കും: സുന്നി വഖഫ് ബോര്ഡ്
അയോധ്യ കേസില് ഹൈക്കോടതി വിധിയില് നിരാശയുണ്ടെന്നും വിധിക്കെതിരെ സുപ്രീം കോടതിയെ സമീപിയ്ക്കുമെന്നും ബാബറി കമ്മിറ്റി അറിയിച്ചു.
അയോധ്യയിലെ തകര്ക്കപ്പെട്ട മന്ദിരം ബാബര് നിര്മിച്ചതാണെന്നും എന്നാല് ആരാധനാലയത്തിന്റെ സ്വഭാവം ഇല്ലായിരുന്നുവെന്നും കോടതിയുടെ വിധിയില് വ്യക്തമാക്കിയിരുന്നു.
ബാബറി മസ്ജിദ് നിലനിന്നിരുന്ന പ്രദേശത്ത് പണ്ട് ക്ഷേത്രം ഉണ്ടായിരുന്നുവെന്ന പുരാവസ്തു വകുപ്പിന്റെ കണ്ടെത്തലും ഹൈക്കോടതി അംഗീകരിച്ചു. ഇത് തകര്ത്താണ് മസ്ജിദ് നിര്മിച്ചതെന്ന കണ്ടെത്തലും കോടതി അംഗീകരിച്ചു.
വിധി പ്രസ്താവിച്ചു ആശയക്കുഴപ്പം തുടരുന്നു
അയോധ്യ തര്ക്ക ഭൂമിയിലെ ഉടമസ്ഥാവകാശം സംബന്ധിച്ച കേസില് അലഹബാദ് ഹൈക്കോടതി വിധി പ്രസ്താവിച്ചു. വിധിയുടെ വിശദാംശങ്ങള് ഏതാനും നിമിഷങ്ങള്ക്കുള്ളില് കോടതിയുടെ വെബ്സൈറ്റില് പുറത്തുവരും.
ഇതിനിടെ കോടതിയില് നിന്ന് പുറത്തുവന്ന ഏതാനും അഭിഭാഷകര് വിധിയെക്കുറിച്ച് മാധ്യമങ്ങള്ക്ക് മുന്നില് വിശദീകരിച്ചത് ആശയക്കുഴപ്പത്തിനിടയാക്കിയിട്ടുണ്ട്. ഹിന്ദു മഹാസഭയുടെ അഭിഭാഷകരാണ് വിജയചിഹ്നം ഉയര്ത്തിക്കാണിച്ച് കോടതിയ്ക്ക് മുമ്പില് മാധ്യമപ്രവര്ത്തകരുമായി സംസാരിച്ചത്. അന്തിമ വിധിയില് മൂന്ന് ജസ്റ്റിസുമാര്ക്കും വിയോജനക്കുറിപ്പുള്ളതായി മറ്റൊരു അഭിഭാഷകനും ടിവി ചാനലുകളോട് പറഞ്ഞു.
അയോധ്യ വിധി വാര്ത്താസമ്മേളനം ഉപേക്ഷിച്ചു
ആറു പതിറ്റാണ്ട് നീണ്ട നിയമപോരാട്ടങ്ങള്ക്ക് ശേഷം അയോധ്യ കേസില് അഹമ്മദാബാദ് ഹൈക്കോടതി പുറപ്പെടുവിയ്ക്കുന്ന വിധി വെബ്സൈറ്റില് ഉടന് ലഭ്യമാവും. ഹൈക്കോടതിയുടെ വെബ്സൈറ്റിലൂടെയാണ് വിധി പൊതുജനങ്ങള്ക്ക് ലഭ്യമാവുക. ഇത് കുറച്ചു നേരം കൂടി വൈകുമെന്നാണ് റിപ്പോര്ട്ടുകള്.
Friday, October 1, 2010
അയോധ്യ: രാഷ്ട്രീയ ചതുരംഗത്തിലെ കരു
ചരിത്രത്തിലേക്ക് തിരികെനടക്കാന് ആര്ക്കുമാവില്ല. തിരിഞ്ഞുനോക്കാനേ പറ്റൂ. ഓരോ തിരിഞ്ഞുനോട്ടവും നല്കുന്ന പാഠം മുന്നോട്ടുള്ള യാത്രയില് വഴികാട്ടിയാവണം. വ്യക്തിജീവിതത്തിലെന്നപോലെ സാമൂഹിക-രാഷ്ട്രീയ ജീവിതത്തിലും തിരിഞ്ഞുനോട്ടത്തിനും അനുഭവപാഠങ്ങള് ഉള്ക്കൊള്ളുന്നതിനും ഏറെ പ്രാധാന്യമുണ്ട്. നൂറ്റാണ്ടുകള്ക്കപ്പുറത്തേക്ക് തിരികെപോവാനും ബോധപൂര്വമോ അല്ലാതെയോ ആരോ പണ്ടുചെയ്ത തെറ്റുകള് ബലപ്രയോഗത്തിലൂടെ ഇപ്പോള് തിരുത്താനും ശ്രമിക്കുന്നതിന് കൊടുക്കേണ്ടിവരുന്ന വില കനത്തതായിരിക്കും-രാഷ്ട്രനിര്മാണ പ്രക്രിയയില് വിശേഷിച്ചും.
അയോധ്യാ പ്രക്ഷോഭവും അതിന്റെ അന്ത്യത്തില് ബാബ്റി മസ്ജിദ് തകര്ക്കപ്പെട്ടതും നമ്മെ ഓര്മിപ്പിക്കുന്നത് അതാണ്. അടിയന്തരാവസ്ഥയുടെ കറുത്ത നാളുകളെക്കുറിച്ച് ഓര്ക്കുന്നത് ആ ചരിത്രം ആവര്ത്തിക്കപ്പെടാതിരിക്കാന് കൂടിയാണെന്ന് അതിന്റെ തിക്തഫലം അനുഭവിച്ച ബി.ജെ.പി. നേതാവ് എല്.കെ. അദ്വാനി പലപ്പോഴും ചൂണ്ടിക്കാട്ടിയിട്ടുണ്ട്.
അടിയന്തരാവസ്ഥയും കഴിഞ്ഞ് ഒരു വ്യാഴവട്ടത്തിനുശേഷം-രണ്ടു ദശാബ്ദങ്ങള്ക്ക് മുമ്പ്- രാജ്യത്തെ ഇളക്കിമറിച്ച അയോധ്യാ പ്രക്ഷോഭത്തിന്റെ അമരക്കാരനായിരുന്നു അദ്വാനി. അദ്ദേഹത്തിന്റെ ആ വാക്കുകളുടെ വെളിച്ചത്തില് തന്നെവേണം ഇപ്പോള് ചരിത്രത്തിലേക്ക് തിരിഞ്ഞുനോക്കേണ്ടത്-രാമജന്മഭൂമി-ബാബ്റി മസ്ജിദ് തര്ക്കത്തിന്റെ കാതലായ ഭൂമിയുടെ ഉടമസ്ഥാവകാശം സംബന്ധിച്ച കേസില് കോടതിയുടെ ആദ്യവിധിവരുന്ന ഈ സന്ദര്ഭത്തില് പ്രത്യേകിച്ചും.
1992 ഡിസംബര് ആറ് സ്വതന്ത്ര ഇന്ത്യയുടെ ചരിത്രത്തിലെ കറുത്ത ദിനങ്ങളില് ഒന്നാണ്. അയോധ്യയില് തടിച്ചുകൂടിയ കാര്സേവകര് മുതിര്ന്ന സംഘപരിവാര് നേതാക്കളുടെ സാന്നിധ്യത്തില് ബാബ്റി മസ്ജിദ് തകര്ക്കുന്നു. തുടര്ന്ന് വ്യാപകമായുണ്ടായ കലാപത്തില് ആയിരത്തിലേറെ പേര്ക്ക് ജീവഹാനി സംഭവിച്ചു.
ഹിന്ദു-മുസ്ലിം ബന്ധത്തില്, പ്രത്യേകിച്ചും ഉത്തരേന്ത്യയില് മാറ്റങ്ങള് വന്നു തുടങ്ങിയത് രാമജന്മഭൂമി-ബാബ്റി മസ്ജിദ് പ്രക്ഷോഭത്തിനുശേഷമാണ്. 1990-കളിലെ സംഭവങ്ങള്ക്കുശേഷം, വോട്ടവകാശമുള്ള പുതിയൊരു തലമുറതന്നെ വളര്ന്നുവന്നിട്ടുണ്ടെങ്കിലും ഗ്രാമീണബന്ധത്തിന്റെ പൊട്ടിയ ഇഴകള് പഴയതുപോലെ വിളക്കിച്ചേര്ക്കപ്പെട്ടിട്ടില്ല. മുറിവുകള് ഇപ്പോഴും പൂര്ണമായും ഉണങ്ങിയെന്ന് പറയാനാവില്ല.
അയോധ്യാ പ്രക്ഷോഭവും അതിന്റെ അന്ത്യത്തില് ബാബ്റി മസ്ജിദ് തകര്ക്കപ്പെട്ടതും നമ്മെ ഓര്മിപ്പിക്കുന്നത് അതാണ്. അടിയന്തരാവസ്ഥയുടെ കറുത്ത നാളുകളെക്കുറിച്ച് ഓര്ക്കുന്നത് ആ ചരിത്രം ആവര്ത്തിക്കപ്പെടാതിരിക്കാന് കൂടിയാണെന്ന് അതിന്റെ തിക്തഫലം അനുഭവിച്ച ബി.ജെ.പി. നേതാവ് എല്.കെ. അദ്വാനി പലപ്പോഴും ചൂണ്ടിക്കാട്ടിയിട്ടുണ്ട്.
അടിയന്തരാവസ്ഥയും കഴിഞ്ഞ് ഒരു വ്യാഴവട്ടത്തിനുശേഷം-രണ്ടു ദശാബ്ദങ്ങള്ക്ക് മുമ്പ്- രാജ്യത്തെ ഇളക്കിമറിച്ച അയോധ്യാ പ്രക്ഷോഭത്തിന്റെ അമരക്കാരനായിരുന്നു അദ്വാനി. അദ്ദേഹത്തിന്റെ ആ വാക്കുകളുടെ വെളിച്ചത്തില് തന്നെവേണം ഇപ്പോള് ചരിത്രത്തിലേക്ക് തിരിഞ്ഞുനോക്കേണ്ടത്-രാമജന്മഭൂമി-ബാബ്റി മസ്ജിദ് തര്ക്കത്തിന്റെ കാതലായ ഭൂമിയുടെ ഉടമസ്ഥാവകാശം സംബന്ധിച്ച കേസില് കോടതിയുടെ ആദ്യവിധിവരുന്ന ഈ സന്ദര്ഭത്തില് പ്രത്യേകിച്ചും.
1992 ഡിസംബര് ആറ് സ്വതന്ത്ര ഇന്ത്യയുടെ ചരിത്രത്തിലെ കറുത്ത ദിനങ്ങളില് ഒന്നാണ്. അയോധ്യയില് തടിച്ചുകൂടിയ കാര്സേവകര് മുതിര്ന്ന സംഘപരിവാര് നേതാക്കളുടെ സാന്നിധ്യത്തില് ബാബ്റി മസ്ജിദ് തകര്ക്കുന്നു. തുടര്ന്ന് വ്യാപകമായുണ്ടായ കലാപത്തില് ആയിരത്തിലേറെ പേര്ക്ക് ജീവഹാനി സംഭവിച്ചു.
ഹിന്ദു-മുസ്ലിം ബന്ധത്തില്, പ്രത്യേകിച്ചും ഉത്തരേന്ത്യയില് മാറ്റങ്ങള് വന്നു തുടങ്ങിയത് രാമജന്മഭൂമി-ബാബ്റി മസ്ജിദ് പ്രക്ഷോഭത്തിനുശേഷമാണ്. 1990-കളിലെ സംഭവങ്ങള്ക്കുശേഷം, വോട്ടവകാശമുള്ള പുതിയൊരു തലമുറതന്നെ വളര്ന്നുവന്നിട്ടുണ്ടെങ്കിലും ഗ്രാമീണബന്ധത്തിന്റെ പൊട്ടിയ ഇഴകള് പഴയതുപോലെ വിളക്കിച്ചേര്ക്കപ്പെട്ടിട്ടില്ല. മുറിവുകള് ഇപ്പോഴും പൂര്ണമായും ഉണങ്ങിയെന്ന് പറയാനാവില്ല.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Nag Panchmi Festival
Nag Panchmi Festival
•Greatness of snakes
•Implied meaning
•Fordidden action
•Importance of fasting
•Science behind worshiping Cobra
•Reason for wearing new clothes and ornaments
•Importance of applying mehandi
•Importance of playing swing
•Prayer to be done on the day of Nag Panchmi
Shravan Shukla Panchami (Fifth day of the bright fortnight of the Hindu lunar month of Shravan).
King Janmejay who performed sarpyadnya (the sacrificial fire of snakes) was appeased by Sage Astik. When Janmejay told Him to ask for a boon, Sage Astik asked for the cessation of sarpyadnya. The day on which Janmejay stopped sarpyadnya was Shravan Shukla Panchami.
Greatness of snakes
1. Sheshnag supports the Earth on His hood. He lives in Hell and has a hundred hoods with a diamond on each. He evolved from the tama component of Lord Vishnu. At the end of every kalp (a day and night of Lord Brahma), Vishnu relaxes in the great ocean on the body of Sheshnag. In the Tretayug when Lord Vishnu incarnated as Lord Ram, Sheshnag incarnated as Lakshman, His brother. Lord Krushna incarnated in the transition period between the Dwaparyug and Kaliyug. At that time Sheshnag incarnated as Balram, His brother.
2. The day Lord Krushna killed the serpent Kaliya in the bed of Holy river Yamuna, was Shravan Shukla Panchami.
3. In the Srimadbhagvadgita, Lord Krushna while narrating His greatness states, "The supreme amongst serpents, is 'Anant', that is me."
'Nine types of serpents - Anant, Vasuki, Shesh, Padmanabh, Kambal, Shankhapal, Dhrutarashtra, Takshak and Kaliya are worshipped. As a result, fear of serpents is overcome and poisoning by venom is prevented.'
On this day, figures of Navnag (nine cobras) are drawn with turmeric or raktachandan (red sandalwood) on a wooden seat and are worshipped; they are offered naivedya of milk and parched rice. The Navnag comprise the nine major groups of pavitraks. Pavitraks are the subtlemost Divine particles.
Implied meaning
'All living organisms in the world are attuned to the functions of the world. By worshipping cobras on the day of Nagpanchami, God is performing actions through them. This is the broad view to be understood.' - H.H. Parashram Madhav Pande Maharaj, Sanatan Ashram, Devad, Panvel.
Fordidden action
On this day we should not chop, cut, fry, even keep a frying pan on the fire etc. These norms should be followed. Also digging on this day is forbidden.
Importance of fasting
Five ages ago there was an inferior goddess named Satyeshwari. Satyeshwar was her brother. Satyeshwar died on the day before Nagpanchmi. In grief of her brother's death she did not eat any food. Hence females observe fast on that day for their brothers for brother's longevity, acquiring of various weapons and for him to come out from sorrows and dangers safely is also one of the reason for observing the fast. If the sister calls out to god for her brother on the previous day of Nagpanchmi, then the brother gets 75% benefit and is also protected.
Science behind worshiping Cobra
Satyeshwari saw her brother in the form of Cobra. At that instance she believed that the Cobra was her brother. At that time the Nagdevta (Cobra goddess) gave her a promise that any female who would worship him as her brother, he would protect her. Hence on that day every female celebrates Nagpanchmi by worshipping Cobra.
Reason for wearing new clothes and ornaments
Nagdev was pleased with the grief of Satyeshwari for her brother. To reduce her grief and to make her happy he then gave her new clothes to wear. He also decorated her with various ornaments. On that Satyeshwar was satisfied. Hence on that day females wear new clothes and ornaments.
Importance of applying mehandi
Satyeshwar stood in front of Satyeshwari in the form of Nagraj. Feeling that he would leave, Satyeshwari took a promise from Him i.e. from Nagraj. While giving the promise a mark of promise appeared on her hands. As a representation of that promise on the day before Nagpanchmi every female applies mehandi on her hands.
Importance of playing swing
Next day Satyeshwari did not see Nagraj. She then started roaming here and there in the jungle and while searching climbed the branches of the trees to look out for him. At that time Nagraj appeared before her in visible form and manifested as Satyeshwar. At that time she started swinging on the branches of the trees with joy. This is the reason for females to play swing on that day. The objective for playing swing on that day is, -'As the swing goes up so should the brother should progress towards the summit and as the swing goes down all the problems and sorrows in his life should go down'. Any sister who thinks and acts with this faith then her brother's spiritual benefit is 5% and worldly benefit 30%.
Prayer to be done on the day of Nag Panchmi
On the day of Nagpanchmi the outcry of the sister who prays with intense yearning for the progress of her brother reaches the feet of the God. Hence for establishment of the Divine Kingdom every sadhika on that day should pray that every youth should get wisdom, strength and capability. On Nagpanchmi maximum chanting should be done to acquire peace. One should stay calm and try to overcome one's personality defects.
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Your opinion with regard to this issue matters to us. Please enter your constructive comments, pertaining only to the issue and respect the seriousness of this campaign. Do not be rude or use ethnic slurs, engage in personal insults or use objectionable language. Also criticism, when constructive and non-disruptive is always welcome.
•Greatness of snakes
•Implied meaning
•Fordidden action
•Importance of fasting
•Science behind worshiping Cobra
•Reason for wearing new clothes and ornaments
•Importance of applying mehandi
•Importance of playing swing
•Prayer to be done on the day of Nag Panchmi
Shravan Shukla Panchami (Fifth day of the bright fortnight of the Hindu lunar month of Shravan).
King Janmejay who performed sarpyadnya (the sacrificial fire of snakes) was appeased by Sage Astik. When Janmejay told Him to ask for a boon, Sage Astik asked for the cessation of sarpyadnya. The day on which Janmejay stopped sarpyadnya was Shravan Shukla Panchami.
Greatness of snakes
1. Sheshnag supports the Earth on His hood. He lives in Hell and has a hundred hoods with a diamond on each. He evolved from the tama component of Lord Vishnu. At the end of every kalp (a day and night of Lord Brahma), Vishnu relaxes in the great ocean on the body of Sheshnag. In the Tretayug when Lord Vishnu incarnated as Lord Ram, Sheshnag incarnated as Lakshman, His brother. Lord Krushna incarnated in the transition period between the Dwaparyug and Kaliyug. At that time Sheshnag incarnated as Balram, His brother.
2. The day Lord Krushna killed the serpent Kaliya in the bed of Holy river Yamuna, was Shravan Shukla Panchami.
3. In the Srimadbhagvadgita, Lord Krushna while narrating His greatness states, "The supreme amongst serpents, is 'Anant', that is me."
'Nine types of serpents - Anant, Vasuki, Shesh, Padmanabh, Kambal, Shankhapal, Dhrutarashtra, Takshak and Kaliya are worshipped. As a result, fear of serpents is overcome and poisoning by venom is prevented.'
On this day, figures of Navnag (nine cobras) are drawn with turmeric or raktachandan (red sandalwood) on a wooden seat and are worshipped; they are offered naivedya of milk and parched rice. The Navnag comprise the nine major groups of pavitraks. Pavitraks are the subtlemost Divine particles.
Implied meaning
'All living organisms in the world are attuned to the functions of the world. By worshipping cobras on the day of Nagpanchami, God is performing actions through them. This is the broad view to be understood.' - H.H. Parashram Madhav Pande Maharaj, Sanatan Ashram, Devad, Panvel.
Fordidden action
On this day we should not chop, cut, fry, even keep a frying pan on the fire etc. These norms should be followed. Also digging on this day is forbidden.
Importance of fasting
Five ages ago there was an inferior goddess named Satyeshwari. Satyeshwar was her brother. Satyeshwar died on the day before Nagpanchmi. In grief of her brother's death she did not eat any food. Hence females observe fast on that day for their brothers for brother's longevity, acquiring of various weapons and for him to come out from sorrows and dangers safely is also one of the reason for observing the fast. If the sister calls out to god for her brother on the previous day of Nagpanchmi, then the brother gets 75% benefit and is also protected.
Science behind worshiping Cobra
Satyeshwari saw her brother in the form of Cobra. At that instance she believed that the Cobra was her brother. At that time the Nagdevta (Cobra goddess) gave her a promise that any female who would worship him as her brother, he would protect her. Hence on that day every female celebrates Nagpanchmi by worshipping Cobra.
Reason for wearing new clothes and ornaments
Nagdev was pleased with the grief of Satyeshwari for her brother. To reduce her grief and to make her happy he then gave her new clothes to wear. He also decorated her with various ornaments. On that Satyeshwar was satisfied. Hence on that day females wear new clothes and ornaments.
Importance of applying mehandi
Satyeshwar stood in front of Satyeshwari in the form of Nagraj. Feeling that he would leave, Satyeshwari took a promise from Him i.e. from Nagraj. While giving the promise a mark of promise appeared on her hands. As a representation of that promise on the day before Nagpanchmi every female applies mehandi on her hands.
Importance of playing swing
Next day Satyeshwari did not see Nagraj. She then started roaming here and there in the jungle and while searching climbed the branches of the trees to look out for him. At that time Nagraj appeared before her in visible form and manifested as Satyeshwar. At that time she started swinging on the branches of the trees with joy. This is the reason for females to play swing on that day. The objective for playing swing on that day is, -'As the swing goes up so should the brother should progress towards the summit and as the swing goes down all the problems and sorrows in his life should go down'. Any sister who thinks and acts with this faith then her brother's spiritual benefit is 5% and worldly benefit 30%.
Prayer to be done on the day of Nag Panchmi
On the day of Nagpanchmi the outcry of the sister who prays with intense yearning for the progress of her brother reaches the feet of the God. Hence for establishment of the Divine Kingdom every sadhika on that day should pray that every youth should get wisdom, strength and capability. On Nagpanchmi maximum chanting should be done to acquire peace. One should stay calm and try to overcome one's personality defects.
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Your opinion with regard to this issue matters to us. Please enter your constructive comments, pertaining only to the issue and respect the seriousness of this campaign. Do not be rude or use ethnic slurs, engage in personal insults or use objectionable language. Also criticism, when constructive and non-disruptive is always welcome.
Saluting Freedom & Truth
Saluting Freedom & Truth
by Narendra Modi 15. August 2010 00:05
ભારતની આઝાદીની
૬૪મી વર્ષગાંઠે આપ સહુને
ખૂબ ખૂબ શુભકામનાઓ
આઝાદીના લડવૈયાઓને
શત્ શત્ નમન.
ગત સપ્તાહે ગુજરાત ઉપર
કુદરતની કૃપા વરસી છે.
ગુજરાતની તરસી ધરતીને તરબતર કરતા
મેઘરાજાની મહેરથી,
સર્વત્ર આનંદઉલ્લાસથી
જનજીવન મહેંકી રહ્યું છે.
આ આહ્લાદક પ્રકૃતિની નિશ્રામાં
મહિમાવંત તહેવારોની યાત્રા
શરૂ થઈ ગઈ છે.
આગામી દિવસોમાં
ઉત્સવધારા વહેતી રહેવાની છે.
મહાત્મા ગાંધીજી અને સરદાર સાહેબના
જન્મદિવસ પણ ઑક્ટોબરમાં આવે છે.
ગુજરાત માટે સુભગ સંયોગ એ પણ છે કે
આ સ્વર્ણિમ જ્યંતી વર્ષમાં,
૬૪મું આઝાદી પર્વ
વિરાટ વિકાસ ઉત્સવ તરીકે ઉજવાઈ રહ્યું છે.
સમગ્ર રાજકોટ જિલ્લો રાજ્યકક્ષાના સ્વાતંત્ર્ય પર્વને
ઉમંગ થી વધાવી રહ્યો છે.
સત્યનો જ વિજય થાય છે સત્યમેવ જયતે એ
આપણો સદીઓનો મંત્ર છે.
સત્યમ્ શિવમ્ સુંદરમ્
આપણી સાંસ્કૃતિક ધરોહર છે.
આપણે ત્યાં પ્રાચીન
દુહામાં કહેવાયું છે
‘‘સાચંુ સોરઠિયો ભણે’’
‘‘સત્ય’’ આપણો સંસ્કાર વારસો છે.
સ્વામી દયાનંદજી સરસ્વતીએ
હિન્દુ સમાજને અંધશ્રદ્ધામાંથી
બહાર લાવવા બીડંુ ઉઠાવ્યું.
તેમણે રચેલ ગ્રંથનું નામ હતું
‘‘સત્યાર્થ પ્રકાશ’’
મહાત્મા ગાંધીએ જીવનકથાને
‘‘સત્યના પ્રયોગો’’
તરીકે ઓળખાવી,
આઝાદીના આંદોલનને
‘‘સત્યાગ્રહ’’ના રંગેરંગી દીધું.
સમાજ સુધારની ઝુંબેશ
કરનાર પત્રકાર કરસનદાસ મૂળજીના
અખબારનું નામ હતું
ગુજરાતે ‘‘સત્ય’’ના શસ્ત્ર થકી અન્યાય,
ઉપેક્ષા અને બદનામ કરવાના
ષડ્યંત્રો સામે
લડવાનો માર્ગ સ્વીકારેલો છે.
‘‘સાચને ન આવે આંચ’’
‘‘સત્ય છાપરે
ચડીને પોકારશે.’’
‘‘સત્યનો જય’’
આજ આપણી શ્રદ્ધા છે.
મિત્રો, ઇન્ડિયા ટુડે અને ORG Marg દ્વારા
સમગ્ર દેશમાં સર્વેક્ષણ થયું.
ફરીથી એક વાર મને
(Best CM) તરીકે
દેશવાસીઓએ અને
મારા ગુજરાતના વ્હાલા
નાગરિકોએ પસંદ કર્યો.
આપના સહુના તરફથી
અભિનંદનની વર્ષા શરૂ થઈ.
મારા માટે ઉત્તમ
અભિપ્રાય આપનાર
સહુ દેશવાસીઓનો
હું આભાર માનું છું.
અપપ્રચાર, જુઠાણાં,
ગંદા આરોપોના
એકધારા મારા વચ્ચે પણ
વિચલિત થયા વગર
મારા પર વિશ્વાસ રાખનાર
આપ સહુનો હું જેટલો આભાર માનું
તેટલો ઓછો છે.
હું આપનો ઙ્ગણી છું.
આપની આશા,
અપેક્ષાને અનુરૂપ
સેવા કરતો રહ્યો છું.
અને કરતો રહીશ.
આવો દેશ માટે
જીવીએ, દેશ માટે કંઈક
કરીએ વંદે માતરમ્.
On the occasion of the 64th
anniversary of India’s
Independence I extend
my heartiest greetings!
I also salute all our freedom fighters.
Last week Mother Nature bestowed her bounty and the thirsty land of Gujarat was satiated.
Thanks to the kindness of Meghraj there is joy all around. With the coming rains there is an explosion of joy & happiness all around heralding the festival season. In days to come there is going to be an array of continuous festivals.
Mahatma Gandhiji and Sardar Saheb’s birthdays are also falling in the month of October.
The good news for Gujarat is that in the year of its Swarnim Jayanti the 64th Independence Day is being celebrated as grand ‘festival of development’.
Entire Rajkot district is welcoming the state-level celebration of the Independence Day.
Truth always triumphs — Satyameva Jayate is our age-old mantra.
Satyam Shivam Sundaram is our cultural heritage.
Our ancient sages have said through couplets that Saachu Sorathio Bhane" (when a Sorathio (Saurashtrian) speaks he will speak the truth).
Indeed truth is ingrained in our culture.
Swami Dayanandji Saraswati picked up the gauntlet to extricate the Hindu Samaj from superstitious beliefs.
The book he wrote was named ‘Satyarth Prakash’.
Mahatma Gandhi’s story of his life came to be known as “experiments with truth" and it lit up the freedom struggle with Satyagraha.
Social reformist and journalist Karsandas Mulji’s newspaper too was titled “Satya-Prakash”.
Gujarat has accepted the path of truth as its weapon to fight all forms of injustice, neglect and against those who try to defame us
"Saanch ne ave na Aanch" (There is no ignominy in speaking the truth)
"Satya Chhapre Chadi ne Pokarshe" (Truth will out)
"Satya No Jay" (Truth triumphs)
This only is our faith.
Friends, India Today and ORG-Marg recently conducted an opinion poll countrywide.
And once again the people of our country and my dear people of Gujarat have voted me as Best CM in the country.
From all of you there has been a downpour of greetings.
To all those countrymen who have given their best opinion I am truly indebted to them.
They remained unperturbed even when a certain section launched an incessant slander and malicious campaign and false allegations against me.
Howsoever big is my effort in conveying the gratitude I think it will be too little a gesture.
I am indebted to all of you.
As per your wishes and desire I have served Mother India and will continue to do so in the future.
Come, let us live for the sake of our country and do something for our nation — Vande Mataram.
भारत की स्वतंत्रता की
64 वीं सालगिरह पर आप सब को
बहुत बहुत शुभकामनाएं
और स्वतंत्रता सेनानियों को
शत शत वंदन.
पिछले सप्ताह गुजरात पर
कुदरत की कृपा बरसी हैं.
गुजरात की तरसी धरती को तरबतर करते
मेघराजा की मेहर से,
सर्वत्र आनंद-उल्लास से
जनजिवन महक रहा है.
यह आह्लादक प्रकृति की निश्रा में
महिमावंत त्योहारों की यात्रा
शुरु हो गई है.
आने वाले दिनों में
उत्सव-धारा बहती रहने वाली है.
महात्मा गांधी जी और सरदार साहब के
जन्मदिन भी अक्टूबर में आते हैं.
गुजरात के लिए शुभग संयोग ये भी है कि
यह स्वर्णिम जयंती वर्ष में,
64 वां स्वतंत्रता पर्व
एक विराट विकास उत्सव के रुप में मनाया जा रहा है.
पूरा राजकोट जिला राज्य स्तर के इस स्वतंत्रता पर्व का
उमंग के साथ स्वागत कर रहा है.
सत्य का ही विजय होता है - सत्यमेव जयते ये
हमारा सदियों पुराना मंत्र है.
सत्यम शिवम सुंदरम
हमारी सांस्कृतिक धरोहर है.
हमारे यहां प्राचीन
दोहे में कहा गया है,
“सोरठ (सौराष्ट्र) का आदमी सत्य बोलता है”
“सत्य” हमारी संस्कार विरासत है.
स्वामी दयानंद सरस्वती ने
हिन्दू समाज को अंधविश्वास में से
बाहर लाने का बीडा उठाया था.
उन्होंने रचे हुए ग्रंथ का नाम था
“सत्यार्थ प्रकाश”
महात्मा गांधी ने जीवन कथा को
“सत्य के प्रयोग”
नाम से पहचान दी,
स्वतंत्रता आंदोलन को
“सत्याग्रह” के रंग से रंग दिया.
समाज सुधार का अभियान
करने वाले पत्रकार करसनदास मूळजी के
अखबार का नाम था
गुजरात ने “सत्य” के शस्त्र द्वारा अन्याय,
उपेक्षा और बदनाम करने के
षड्यंत्र के सामने
लडने का मार्ग स्वीकार किया है.
“सांच को आंच नहीं”
“सत्य छत पर
चडके पुकारेगा”
“सत्य की जय”
यही हमारी श्रद्धा है.
मित्रों, इंडिया टुडे और ORG Marg के द्वारा
पूरे देश में सर्वेक्षण हुआ.
फिर से एक बार मुझे
सर्वश्रेष्ठ मुख्यमंत्री (Best CM) के रुप में
देशवासीओं ने और
मेरे गुजरात के प्रिय
नागरिकों ने पसंद किया.
आप सब की और से
बधाई की वर्षा शुरु हुई.
मेरे लिये उत्तम
अभिप्राय देने वाले
सब देशवासीओं का
में आभारी हूँ.
अपप्रचार, झूठ,
गंदे आरोपों के
सतत आक्रमण के बीच भी
विचलित हुए बगैर
मुझ पर विश्वास रखने वाले
आप सब के लिये मैं जितना आभार व्यक्त करुं
उतना कम है.
मैं आपका ऋणी हुं.
आपकी आशा,
अपेक्षा के अनुरुप
भारत मां की
सेवा करता रहा हुं.
और करता रहुंगा. आओ, देश के लिए
जीएं, देश के लिए कुछ
करें - वंदे मातरम.
by Narendra Modi 15. August 2010 00:05
ભારતની આઝાદીની
૬૪મી વર્ષગાંઠે આપ સહુને
ખૂબ ખૂબ શુભકામનાઓ
આઝાદીના લડવૈયાઓને
શત્ શત્ નમન.
ગત સપ્તાહે ગુજરાત ઉપર
કુદરતની કૃપા વરસી છે.
ગુજરાતની તરસી ધરતીને તરબતર કરતા
મેઘરાજાની મહેરથી,
સર્વત્ર આનંદઉલ્લાસથી
જનજીવન મહેંકી રહ્યું છે.
આ આહ્લાદક પ્રકૃતિની નિશ્રામાં
મહિમાવંત તહેવારોની યાત્રા
શરૂ થઈ ગઈ છે.
આગામી દિવસોમાં
ઉત્સવધારા વહેતી રહેવાની છે.
મહાત્મા ગાંધીજી અને સરદાર સાહેબના
જન્મદિવસ પણ ઑક્ટોબરમાં આવે છે.
ગુજરાત માટે સુભગ સંયોગ એ પણ છે કે
આ સ્વર્ણિમ જ્યંતી વર્ષમાં,
૬૪મું આઝાદી પર્વ
વિરાટ વિકાસ ઉત્સવ તરીકે ઉજવાઈ રહ્યું છે.
સમગ્ર રાજકોટ જિલ્લો રાજ્યકક્ષાના સ્વાતંત્ર્ય પર્વને
ઉમંગ થી વધાવી રહ્યો છે.
સત્યનો જ વિજય થાય છે સત્યમેવ જયતે એ
આપણો સદીઓનો મંત્ર છે.
સત્યમ્ શિવમ્ સુંદરમ્
આપણી સાંસ્કૃતિક ધરોહર છે.
આપણે ત્યાં પ્રાચીન
દુહામાં કહેવાયું છે
‘‘સાચંુ સોરઠિયો ભણે’’
‘‘સત્ય’’ આપણો સંસ્કાર વારસો છે.
સ્વામી દયાનંદજી સરસ્વતીએ
હિન્દુ સમાજને અંધશ્રદ્ધામાંથી
બહાર લાવવા બીડંુ ઉઠાવ્યું.
તેમણે રચેલ ગ્રંથનું નામ હતું
‘‘સત્યાર્થ પ્રકાશ’’
મહાત્મા ગાંધીએ જીવનકથાને
‘‘સત્યના પ્રયોગો’’
તરીકે ઓળખાવી,
આઝાદીના આંદોલનને
‘‘સત્યાગ્રહ’’ના રંગેરંગી દીધું.
સમાજ સુધારની ઝુંબેશ
કરનાર પત્રકાર કરસનદાસ મૂળજીના
અખબારનું નામ હતું
ગુજરાતે ‘‘સત્ય’’ના શસ્ત્ર થકી અન્યાય,
ઉપેક્ષા અને બદનામ કરવાના
ષડ્યંત્રો સામે
લડવાનો માર્ગ સ્વીકારેલો છે.
‘‘સાચને ન આવે આંચ’’
‘‘સત્ય છાપરે
ચડીને પોકારશે.’’
‘‘સત્યનો જય’’
આજ આપણી શ્રદ્ધા છે.
મિત્રો, ઇન્ડિયા ટુડે અને ORG Marg દ્વારા
સમગ્ર દેશમાં સર્વેક્ષણ થયું.
ફરીથી એક વાર મને
(Best CM) તરીકે
દેશવાસીઓએ અને
મારા ગુજરાતના વ્હાલા
નાગરિકોએ પસંદ કર્યો.
આપના સહુના તરફથી
અભિનંદનની વર્ષા શરૂ થઈ.
મારા માટે ઉત્તમ
અભિપ્રાય આપનાર
સહુ દેશવાસીઓનો
હું આભાર માનું છું.
અપપ્રચાર, જુઠાણાં,
ગંદા આરોપોના
એકધારા મારા વચ્ચે પણ
વિચલિત થયા વગર
મારા પર વિશ્વાસ રાખનાર
આપ સહુનો હું જેટલો આભાર માનું
તેટલો ઓછો છે.
હું આપનો ઙ્ગણી છું.
આપની આશા,
અપેક્ષાને અનુરૂપ
સેવા કરતો રહ્યો છું.
અને કરતો રહીશ.
આવો દેશ માટે
જીવીએ, દેશ માટે કંઈક
કરીએ વંદે માતરમ્.
On the occasion of the 64th
anniversary of India’s
Independence I extend
my heartiest greetings!
I also salute all our freedom fighters.
Last week Mother Nature bestowed her bounty and the thirsty land of Gujarat was satiated.
Thanks to the kindness of Meghraj there is joy all around. With the coming rains there is an explosion of joy & happiness all around heralding the festival season. In days to come there is going to be an array of continuous festivals.
Mahatma Gandhiji and Sardar Saheb’s birthdays are also falling in the month of October.
The good news for Gujarat is that in the year of its Swarnim Jayanti the 64th Independence Day is being celebrated as grand ‘festival of development’.
Entire Rajkot district is welcoming the state-level celebration of the Independence Day.
Truth always triumphs — Satyameva Jayate is our age-old mantra.
Satyam Shivam Sundaram is our cultural heritage.
Our ancient sages have said through couplets that Saachu Sorathio Bhane" (when a Sorathio (Saurashtrian) speaks he will speak the truth).
Indeed truth is ingrained in our culture.
Swami Dayanandji Saraswati picked up the gauntlet to extricate the Hindu Samaj from superstitious beliefs.
The book he wrote was named ‘Satyarth Prakash’.
Mahatma Gandhi’s story of his life came to be known as “experiments with truth" and it lit up the freedom struggle with Satyagraha.
Social reformist and journalist Karsandas Mulji’s newspaper too was titled “Satya-Prakash”.
Gujarat has accepted the path of truth as its weapon to fight all forms of injustice, neglect and against those who try to defame us
"Saanch ne ave na Aanch" (There is no ignominy in speaking the truth)
"Satya Chhapre Chadi ne Pokarshe" (Truth will out)
"Satya No Jay" (Truth triumphs)
This only is our faith.
Friends, India Today and ORG-Marg recently conducted an opinion poll countrywide.
And once again the people of our country and my dear people of Gujarat have voted me as Best CM in the country.
From all of you there has been a downpour of greetings.
To all those countrymen who have given their best opinion I am truly indebted to them.
They remained unperturbed even when a certain section launched an incessant slander and malicious campaign and false allegations against me.
Howsoever big is my effort in conveying the gratitude I think it will be too little a gesture.
I am indebted to all of you.
As per your wishes and desire I have served Mother India and will continue to do so in the future.
Come, let us live for the sake of our country and do something for our nation — Vande Mataram.
भारत की स्वतंत्रता की
64 वीं सालगिरह पर आप सब को
बहुत बहुत शुभकामनाएं
और स्वतंत्रता सेनानियों को
शत शत वंदन.
पिछले सप्ताह गुजरात पर
कुदरत की कृपा बरसी हैं.
गुजरात की तरसी धरती को तरबतर करते
मेघराजा की मेहर से,
सर्वत्र आनंद-उल्लास से
जनजिवन महक रहा है.
यह आह्लादक प्रकृति की निश्रा में
महिमावंत त्योहारों की यात्रा
शुरु हो गई है.
आने वाले दिनों में
उत्सव-धारा बहती रहने वाली है.
महात्मा गांधी जी और सरदार साहब के
जन्मदिन भी अक्टूबर में आते हैं.
गुजरात के लिए शुभग संयोग ये भी है कि
यह स्वर्णिम जयंती वर्ष में,
64 वां स्वतंत्रता पर्व
एक विराट विकास उत्सव के रुप में मनाया जा रहा है.
पूरा राजकोट जिला राज्य स्तर के इस स्वतंत्रता पर्व का
उमंग के साथ स्वागत कर रहा है.
सत्य का ही विजय होता है - सत्यमेव जयते ये
हमारा सदियों पुराना मंत्र है.
सत्यम शिवम सुंदरम
हमारी सांस्कृतिक धरोहर है.
हमारे यहां प्राचीन
दोहे में कहा गया है,
“सोरठ (सौराष्ट्र) का आदमी सत्य बोलता है”
“सत्य” हमारी संस्कार विरासत है.
स्वामी दयानंद सरस्वती ने
हिन्दू समाज को अंधविश्वास में से
बाहर लाने का बीडा उठाया था.
उन्होंने रचे हुए ग्रंथ का नाम था
“सत्यार्थ प्रकाश”
महात्मा गांधी ने जीवन कथा को
“सत्य के प्रयोग”
नाम से पहचान दी,
स्वतंत्रता आंदोलन को
“सत्याग्रह” के रंग से रंग दिया.
समाज सुधार का अभियान
करने वाले पत्रकार करसनदास मूळजी के
अखबार का नाम था
गुजरात ने “सत्य” के शस्त्र द्वारा अन्याय,
उपेक्षा और बदनाम करने के
षड्यंत्र के सामने
लडने का मार्ग स्वीकार किया है.
“सांच को आंच नहीं”
“सत्य छत पर
चडके पुकारेगा”
“सत्य की जय”
यही हमारी श्रद्धा है.
मित्रों, इंडिया टुडे और ORG Marg के द्वारा
पूरे देश में सर्वेक्षण हुआ.
फिर से एक बार मुझे
सर्वश्रेष्ठ मुख्यमंत्री (Best CM) के रुप में
देशवासीओं ने और
मेरे गुजरात के प्रिय
नागरिकों ने पसंद किया.
आप सब की और से
बधाई की वर्षा शुरु हुई.
मेरे लिये उत्तम
अभिप्राय देने वाले
सब देशवासीओं का
में आभारी हूँ.
अपप्रचार, झूठ,
गंदे आरोपों के
सतत आक्रमण के बीच भी
विचलित हुए बगैर
मुझ पर विश्वास रखने वाले
आप सब के लिये मैं जितना आभार व्यक्त करुं
उतना कम है.
मैं आपका ऋणी हुं.
आपकी आशा,
अपेक्षा के अनुरुप
भारत मां की
सेवा करता रहा हुं.
और करता रहुंगा. आओ, देश के लिए
जीएं, देश के लिए कुछ
करें - वंदे मातरम.
Ladhakh Flash floods - RSS relief updates and appeal
Ladhakh Flash floods - RSS relief updates and appeal
Posted: 13 Aug 2010 12:18 PM PDT
Ladhakh Aapdha Sahayata Samiti (LASS) appeals the people to donate for Leh victims.
Hundreds of people killed and thousands are missing and numerous injured in worst ever cloud burst and flash floods in Leh which caused unprecedented destruction in the entire district in general and Leh town in particular. In adverse conditions, Volunteers of Sewa Bharati and RSS have started all-out rescue and relief operations.
Before the people and administration could wake up to the prevailing situation, the natural calamity had caused unprecedented damages everywhere. The district hospital was flooded, bus stands flattened and vehicles were seen floating in the heart of town. The communication equipment of BSNL got completely damaged in the flash floods thereby tying the hands of the administration in starting early relief and rescue operations as damage to the telephone exchange rendered all the mobiles and landline phones useless.
Flooded hospitals, flattened bus stands, washed away houses and floating cars amidst echo of wailing people were all that was left after the flash floods. What to talk of road connectivity with Kargil, the road link of Leh town with adjoining villages got completely snapped as numerous culverts and bridges got washed away in the floods.
The update on RSS and seva bharati relief work
Meanwhile RSS training camp (ITC) was under way near Leh when this disaster struck. Suspending the Camp activity, all Swayamseveks immediately rushed at the catastrophe site and started rescue and relief operations immediately. In the meantime the Sewa Bharti J&K through its unit in Leh in cooperation with Ladakh Singhay Chospa has already established a relief operation camp in Leh and is looking after the needs of the affected people.
In Jammu, Sewa Bharati Jammu and Kashmir organised an emergency meeting in which social workers of many organizations attended the meeting to chalk out the strategy to provide immediate relief to the victims of Natural Disaster in Leh. All members paid homage to those who died in this disaster and formed a trust under the Name Ladhak Aapdha Sahayata Samiti to assist the victims and affected families in Leh. Brig. (Retd.) Suchet Singh has been unanimously elected President of this trust. Dr. Kuldeep Gupta will work as secretary and Sh. Abay Pargal will be the treasure of this trust.
As an immediate measure, some cash donations were immediately transferred from Jammu to the group of Swayamsevaks working in Leh. They have purchased whatever relief material they can get form nearby local markets and started distributing them. According to latest report, a relief package of 2000 blankets, a set of utensils for 500 families, 2000 clothes and 500 shoes is on the way and will reach the calamity site any time today. Some injured from Leh who have now arrived at Jammu are also being contacted by Seva Bharati workers to provide them necessary help.
Posted: 13 Aug 2010 12:18 PM PDT
Ladhakh Aapdha Sahayata Samiti (LASS) appeals the people to donate for Leh victims.
Hundreds of people killed and thousands are missing and numerous injured in worst ever cloud burst and flash floods in Leh which caused unprecedented destruction in the entire district in general and Leh town in particular. In adverse conditions, Volunteers of Sewa Bharati and RSS have started all-out rescue and relief operations.
Before the people and administration could wake up to the prevailing situation, the natural calamity had caused unprecedented damages everywhere. The district hospital was flooded, bus stands flattened and vehicles were seen floating in the heart of town. The communication equipment of BSNL got completely damaged in the flash floods thereby tying the hands of the administration in starting early relief and rescue operations as damage to the telephone exchange rendered all the mobiles and landline phones useless.
Flooded hospitals, flattened bus stands, washed away houses and floating cars amidst echo of wailing people were all that was left after the flash floods. What to talk of road connectivity with Kargil, the road link of Leh town with adjoining villages got completely snapped as numerous culverts and bridges got washed away in the floods.
The update on RSS and seva bharati relief work
Meanwhile RSS training camp (ITC) was under way near Leh when this disaster struck. Suspending the Camp activity, all Swayamseveks immediately rushed at the catastrophe site and started rescue and relief operations immediately. In the meantime the Sewa Bharti J&K through its unit in Leh in cooperation with Ladakh Singhay Chospa has already established a relief operation camp in Leh and is looking after the needs of the affected people.
In Jammu, Sewa Bharati Jammu and Kashmir organised an emergency meeting in which social workers of many organizations attended the meeting to chalk out the strategy to provide immediate relief to the victims of Natural Disaster in Leh. All members paid homage to those who died in this disaster and formed a trust under the Name Ladhak Aapdha Sahayata Samiti to assist the victims and affected families in Leh. Brig. (Retd.) Suchet Singh has been unanimously elected President of this trust. Dr. Kuldeep Gupta will work as secretary and Sh. Abay Pargal will be the treasure of this trust.
As an immediate measure, some cash donations were immediately transferred from Jammu to the group of Swayamsevaks working in Leh. They have purchased whatever relief material they can get form nearby local markets and started distributing them. According to latest report, a relief package of 2000 blankets, a set of utensils for 500 families, 2000 clothes and 500 shoes is on the way and will reach the calamity site any time today. Some injured from Leh who have now arrived at Jammu are also being contacted by Seva Bharati workers to provide them necessary help.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
What do you think of the assassination of Gandhi?
What do you think of the assassination of Gandhi?
ANSWER: It is the Divine Will that works everywhere. Separation from the body does not mean the death of the person. What one wishes to do, he shall do even after the death of the body. The body is not the real doer of anything. What really does actions is never destroyed. It is not possible to prevent anyone from doing anything by merely killing his body. Gandhiji was a votary of the Second Chapter of the Gita and he knew very well that the Self in him was indestructible.
ANSWER: It is the Divine Will that works everywhere. Separation from the body does not mean the death of the person. What one wishes to do, he shall do even after the death of the body. The body is not the real doer of anything. What really does actions is never destroyed. It is not possible to prevent anyone from doing anything by merely killing his body. Gandhiji was a votary of the Second Chapter of the Gita and he knew very well that the Self in him was indestructible.
Criminal history of Sohrabbuddin
Criminal history of Sohrabbuddin
Posted: 04 Aug 2010 07:59 AM PDT
Teesta's "secular petty criminal" was no innocent lad!
Sohrabbuddin was not an ordinary criminal as projected by the petitioner in the alleged encounter case. Sohrabuddin had spread his tentacles in four states viz. Gujarat, Rajasthan, MP and Maharashtra. He was working in tandem with mafia dons like late Abdul Latif and Daud Ibrahim. With the active support of Dawood Ibrahim, Rasul Parti, and Mammumiya Panjumia, he was continuously smuggling in dangerous weapons and other contraband from Pakistan. In one case alone, detected by the DCB crime branch of Ahmedabad, 24 AK-56 rifles, 27 Hand grenades, 5250 cartridges and 81 magazines were recovered from one of his family owned property in Madhya Pradesh.
The details of Sohrabbuddin’s offences registered in different states are as under.
(1) DCB PS Ahmedabad CR No.11/94:
In this case, after the demolition of Babri Masjid, Sohrabbuddin and other accused had indulged in criminal conspiracy with a view to wage war against the Government of India by collecting and distributing arms and ammunition illegally and distributing them to attack during annual Lord Jagannath Rath Yatra in the year 1993 with a view to spread terror among the citizens of Ahmedabad City. After investigation, charge sheet was filed against 60 accused including Sohrabbuddin. During investigation 24 AK-56 rifles, 27 hand grenades, 5250 cartridges, 81 Magazines were recovered from the well located in the agricultural field of Sohrabbuddin. Sohrabbuddin was arrested on 9.11.1995 and was taken in police custody remand up to 9.12.1995.
(i) In this case, Sohrabbuddin along with 60 notorious accused was involved. All accused were arrested except (1) Dawood Abrahim, (2) Mammu Maiya Punju Miya (3) Farooq, (4) Ahmed (6) Sharif Khan, (7) Rasul Patti, (8) Syed Ali and seven others.
(ii) All 60 accused were tried in the Court of Designated Judge at Ahmedabad. The accused in this case were anti-national and anti-social persons having criminal antecedents and were associated with Dawood and Latif’s gang.
(iii) Number of accused who had absconded, are yet to be arrested. Amongst them are anti national criminals such as Dawood Ibrahim, Rasulkhan Party, Sharifkhan @ Dawood Shamsher. Red corner notices have been issued by Interpol for arrest of Rasul Party, Sharifkhan, Dawood Ibrahim. Dawood Ibrahim has been declared international terrorist.
(iv) It is evident that Sohrabbuddin was one of India based leader of these notorious criminals and their gangs. During investigation, Sohrabbuddin confessed to his involvement in this serious offence.
(v) The brief facts of his confession is mentioned in the judgment of this case which is as under:-
(Accused No.26: Sohrabbuddin @ Salimbhai Anvaruddin Shaikh: In his confessional statement he had stated that
he knew Sharifkhan since 1980. He came in contact with Shamim and Babukhan when he was driving a truck in Mahijpur. In March 1994 during the EID he went to meet Mahijpur to meet Shamimkhan and Sharrifkhan and met him at the residence of Shamimkhan. Sharifkhan told him that he was going to purchase one or two trucks and offered him to serve with him. Thereafter he purchased one truck. The driver Pappukhan was the younger brother of Shamimkhan and the conductor of the truck was Afzalkhan and the number of the truck was MOU-686. In may and June 1994 two trips carrying brown sugar in the truck were done by him at the instance of Sharifkhan to Bombay. In April 1994 he was told by Sharifkhan to go to Ahmedabad. He came to Ahmedabad, stayed in Ajanta Hotel in the name of Shohrab and as per the instruction of Sharifkhan, one Sattar Chacha handed over a box to him in the hotel. He brought the said box and handed over the same to Sharifkhan. The box contained 9mm pistols and cartridges. Again he came to Ahmedabad at the instance of Sharifkhan and stayed in Ajanta Hotel where one person handed over Rs. 1 lac as per the instruction issued by Sharifkhan who in turn handed over the same to Sharifkhan at Mahijpur. In June 1994 he came to Ahmedabad along with the cleaner of the truck and he stayed in Ajanta Hotel at Mirzapur. One person came to the hotel and handed over to him one box. The box contained 30 carbine guns and 100 cartridges. He in turn handed over the said box to Ajjukhan who was an accomplice of Sharifkhan and who went to Mahijpur with the box in the truck. He himself went to Mahijpur by train. In July 1994 he again came to Ahmedabad at the instance of Sharifkhan. Sharifkhan had told him that silver belonging to him was lying in Ahmedabad and therefore he was instructed to come to Ahmedabad along with Shamim Pappukhan the driver and Afzal the conductor. He went to Ahmedabad in Truck No.MOU-686. Pappu and Afzal had gone to one factory for the purpose of unloading the goods while he himself and Shamim dropped down at Kathwada and then they came to Astodia. He stayed in Hotel Ajanta. Sharifkhan had given him three currency notes of Rs. 100/- denomination and told them that if the notes were shown to the persons approaching them then he would talk with them. Thereafter he had a talk with Sharifkhan on telephone at Mahijpur. He gave the instruction to change the Hotel. Shamim was asked to stay in Hotel Ajanta while he went to stay in A-1 Guest House near Railway Station and stayed there. Thereafter he contacted Sharifkhan on telephone from A-1 Guest House and on next day at 4.00 p.m., two persons came to the guest house. He had shown the currency notes which were given by Sharifkhan. Thereafter as per their previously hatched plan, he followed the two persons in the auto rickshaw and the persons who came to the guest house followed them on Yamaha. Thereafter they went to the Amardeep Transport where Pappu, the driver of the truck, met him and informed him that the truck was loaded. Thereafter he, Shamim, Afzal and one unknown person followed the Yamaha motor cycle in a truck. The truck was taken near one mosque at Vatva. Thereafter, the persons who came on Yamaha motor cycle requested them to wait. At about 10.00 p.m., three pardanashin ladies came in the Maruti van with three persons including two persons who came on Yamaha. The name of one of the lady was Zarina. The Maruti Van was parked near the truck and the box lying in the Maruti van was loaded on to the truck. Thus, nine long boxes were loaded in the truck. Thereafter, he sat near the driver’s seat with Pappu and went to Mahijipur. Sharifkhan in the mean while managed one truck bearing No. MP-14-B-9177 Tata 1210 LP. The weapons were subsequently shifted in the said truck with help of Afzal and Shamim. It contained 32 AK-56 rifles, cartridges and magazines. The transfer of weapons was made near the pond situated at some distance from Mahijpur. Sharifkhan thereafter told him to keep the weapons at his residence for some days. During the night hours the weapons were kept in the back portion of his house. On the next day he purchased four containers and the weapons were put in the containers and few of them were buried. Sharifkhan, in the month of October-November, came in Maruti Van bearing No. DL-2-8224 and they met at the house of Shamim and at that time Afzal informed that some persons have come from Gujarat and they were interrogating Pappukhan at Malva Transport. In December, January and as well as in February he stayed in Ahmedabad. Salim and Rafiq RD came in Maruti Car bearing No. CTK-4605. He came along with them to Zarania and thereafter they went to the well situated in his field. He had brought 4 AK-56 Rifles, 8 to 10 magazines and one box of cartridges. Then he went with them to Indore and from there he had returned to Ujjain. Subsequently he came to Ahmedabad at the instance of Sharifkhan and stayed in the house of his sister Ramzani Gandhi. Thereafter again in the month of June 1995 he went to M.P. where police came to have a search at his place. He apprehended danger and therefore to conceal weapons, he threw all the weapons in the well and bombs and cartridges were buried near the well."
The order of conviction in judgement read:-
“ The accused no.1 YUSUFKHAN ALIAS LAPLAP KHUDDADKHAN PATHAN, accused no.2 SHIRAZMIYA AKBARMIYA THAKORE, accused no.5 SAJIDALI ALIAS DENI MOHEMADALI SAIYED, accused no.13 IQBAL ALIAS BAPU SAIYEDHUSSEIN SAIYED, accused no.15 GAJNAFARKHAN ALIAS BABU MINNAKHAN PATHAN, accused no.26 SOHRABBUDDIN ALIAS SALIM ANVARUDDIN SHAIKH, accused no.32 ABDUL SATTAR ALIAS SATTAR BATTERY ABDULGANI SHAIKH accused no.33 ABDULRAOOF ALIAS RAOOF ABDULKADAR SHAIKH accused no.47 HUSSEINBHAI ALIAS BHAJIYA MOHHAMMEDBHAI PATANI and accused no.58 HUJAFARKHAN ALIAS NASHIR LUHAR UMARDARAJKHAN PATHAN are convicted for the offence punishable under sections 3 and 5 of the TADA ACT and sentenced to undergo FIVE YEARS RI under both the sections and to pay a fine of Rs.250/- each and total amount of fine to the tune of Rs.5oo/- in default to pay fine to undergo further RI of ONE MONTH EACH. They are further convicted for the offence punishable under sections 4,5, and 6 of the EXPLOSIVE SUBSTANCES ACT and sentenced to undergo FIVE YEARS RI and to pay a fine of Rs.500/- indefault topay fine to undergo further RI of ONE MONTH. They are further convicted for the offence punishable under section 7 and 25(1)(a) of the ARMS ACT and sentenced to undergo imprisonment.".
For enhancing the punishment awarded to the accused, the state government has gone in appeal which is pending before the Supreme Court.
(2) Offence registered at Vejalpur Police Station of Ahmedabad City CR-II-238/2007 under section 123 B, IPC, 25 (i), B, A of Arms Act, 135 (i) of Bombay Police Station. In this case, Sohrabbuddin @ Salim @ Samir Agrawal was arrested along with other accused. In this case, the accused indulged in criminal conspiracy to commit murder by arming themselves with weapons to extract money from a person who had failed to pay a loan taken by him. In this case, associate of Sohrabbuddin, Sharifkhan @ SK,(known as Chhota Dawood) is absconding and has taken shelter in Pakistan. Red corner notice has been issued by Interpol for arrest of Sharif Khan.
(3) Shahpur Police Station of Ahmedabad City CR No.-II-169/95 under Section 467, 468, 469, 471 of IPC under Section 25 (i), A (i), AA of Arms Act and Section 29, 1 (B3) of Explosive Act. In this case, 32 accused persons entered into a criminal conspiracy by forgery of documents to use them for obtaining No Objection Certificate with a view to obtain a license for transportation as well as purchase of prohibited pistols, revolvers and cartridges and other weapons with a view to indulge in criminal activities in the city of Ahmedabad. Sohrabbuddin was one of the accused along with other anti-national criminals like Rasul Party, Sharifkhan etc. He was charge-sheeted. Rasul khan, Ezazkhan, Sharifkhan are absconding. In this case, the Sessions court acquitted the accused. Against this acquittal, the State Government has filed appeals No. Crl. Revision Appeal. No. 285/2002 and No. 286/2002 which are pending in the High Court of Gujarat. Red corner notices has been issued for arrest of Rasul Party and Sharif Khan.
(4) Navrangpura Police Station of Ahmedabad City CR No.II-1124/04 under Section 307, 427 of IPC, Section 25(i) A. In this case, Sohrabbuddin along with 9 other accused persons had opened fire in the office of Popular Construction Ltd., and had attempted to murder with a view to intervene himself in a property dispute. In this case, all the 10 accused were arrested and chargesheeted. In this case, Shorabbuddin was also arrested. The brother of Sohrabbuddin, Niabuddin is also co-accused.
(1) Chandgad Police Station of Kolhapur District CR No.52/2000 under Section 307, 120(b), 147, 148, 149 of IPC and under Section 25(i) (3), 27 of Arms Act. At that time, Sohrabbuddin was known as Sohrabbudin @ Salman @ Salim Anvaruddin Kureshi. In this case, Sohrabbuddin was involved along with 5 other accused. In this case, Sohrabbuddin was absconding and declared as such. The case has been charge sheeted in Jurisdictional Court and is pending for trial. On 8.11.2000, the accused, who were riding motor cycles, opened fire on 2 persons at Old ST Stand and injured them greviously. In this case, Sohrabbuddin along with Praful @ Tulsi @ Samir, Jalil, and Ramzan Shah were involved. In this case, accused Jalil was arrested whereas Praful and Sohrabbuddin have absconded.
(2) Chandgad Police Station of Kolhapur District Crime Registration No.4/2005 under Section 302, 120(b), 34 of IPC and under Section 25(1) (3) and 27 of Arms Act. In this case, Sohrabbuddin along with 5 other accused involved in criminal conspiracy by arming themselves with illegal weapons and killed Gopal Tukaram Badivadekar. In this case, Sohrabbuddin was arrested whereas other 5 accused had absconded. In this case, charge sheet was filed and the case is pending for trial.
1. Nagda Police Station of Ujjain District of MP Crime Registration No.237/95 under Section 122, 123 IPC and sections 25, 27 of Arms Act. In this incident Sohrabbuddin was caught while selling arms. The case was investigated by local police and C.B.I.
2. Mahidpur Police Station of Ujjain District of MP Crime Registration No.166/95 under Section 122,123 of IPC and 25 and 27 of Arms. Act. In this incident fire arms were recovered from Sohrabbuddin. The case was initially investigated by the local police and later on by C.B.I.
3. Lasudia Police Station C.R No.346/2003 under section 419 IPC in this case on 23.07.2003 Sohrabbuddin along with one Juberbhai were caught riding a motor cycle with driving licence with bogus name. They were arrested and charge sheeted along with two more persons who facilitated bogus licence.
4. On 06-07-1999 Sohrabbuddin was detained under National Security Act (N.S.A) In this case, accused were arrested and later on released on bail and since then they are absconding. Sohrabbuddin was detained under National Security Act on 5.7.1999 by Madhya Pradesh Police.
(1) Hathipol Police Station of Udaipur District of Rajasthan State Crime Registration No.214/04 dated 31.12.2004 under Section 147, 148, 149, 302 IPC and Section 3/25 of Arms Act. In this case, Sohrabbuddin along with other 6 accused persons formed an unlawful assembly and opened fire with fire arms and killed one Hamid Lata at a busy thoroughfare of Suraj pole in the heart of Udaipur City. These accused had come on motor cycles. In this case, 2 accused were arrested whereas other 5 accused are absconding.
The deceased was killed after he was pointed out by Sohrabbuddin. In this case, charge sheet was filed in the jurisdictional court. A reward of Rs. 2,000/- was declared on 11.1.2005 for arrest or help in arrest of Sohrabbuddin. The letter was circulated to all concerned police units of Rajasthan. As more record of criminal antecedents of Sohrabbuddin came on record, Director General of Police of Rajasthan on 27.10.2005 declared a reward of Rs. 25,000/- for the arrest or help in arrest or for assistance in use of lawful force during arrest if he resisted arrest.
Role of Sohrabuddin’s family members:
The Petitioner namely Rubabuddin and his brothers were also aware of the movement and activity of Sohrabbuddin. These facts have come on record during inquiry and investigation conducted. The details are as under:-
[1] Conduct of Rubabbudin(petitioner in Supreme Court) - The Petitioner in his writ petitions and additional writ petitions, had concealed criminal antecedents and activities of Sohrabbuddin. In no petition he has stated that his brother was terrorist and involved in serious offences deliberately to project picture of Sohrabbuddin as an innocent person, nor such details he has given to media, to whom he has given many interviews.
Sohrabbuddin was absconding after committing an offence of murder, for which an offence was registered at SurajPole police station of Udaipur District of Rajasthan in day light at a major thoroughfare. A reward of Rs. 25,000/- was also declared for his arrest or information. However, Petitioner who has constantly maintained relations with Sohrabbuddin, never informed local police station or other jurisdiction police about Sohrabbuddin during period of his absconding to save him from arrest. In fact, all acts of omission and commission of trial by media by the Petitioner are to hide his own culpable misconduct. From the signed statement of Rubabbuddin given to inquiry officer and statement given to the Investigating Officer on 3-2-2007 on 1.4.2007 and on 25.7.2007 following facts have come on record.
1. Rubabuddin provided photographs of Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi to the Inquiry officer which is borne out by statement given by Rubbabuddin. These photographs show visit to Agra by Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi, as in the background “Taj Mahal” is visible.
2. Rubabuddin was also aware of the movement Sohrabbuddin while on run and was actually harbouring him alongwith his brother at Jharania house. It is evident from the subsequent paras in the signed statement given to inquiry officer on 25/07/06. From his statement, following additional information and facts are revealed.
(a) Brother Niamuddin informed Rubabuddin on 23/11/05 at 05.20 hrs about Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi going to Sangli from Hyderabad by his mobile phone.
(b) Rubabuddin was aware of mobile telephone No. of Sohrabbuddin
(c) Brother Naibuddin was aware of Seat number of bus occupied by Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi when they went out from Hyderabad.
In the signed statement of Petitioner recorded by Inquiry Officer of this encounter case on 03/02/07, petitioner Rubabuddin has confessed and gave facts that on 16/17-11-05 in the morning Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi had gone out of house at Jharania to go to Indore and at that time Sohrabbuddin informed him that he and Kauser will go to Hyderabad and stay with one Kalimuddin (b) Rubabuddin was informed that Sohrabbuddin would travel in maruti car owned by Kalimuddin from Indore to Hyderabad bought from previous owner Dr.Prakash Bandel. (c) Sohrabbuddin and Kauser had stayed in their joint family house at Jharania for a week.(d) Sohrabbuddin was living in Indore at Hizrabad Colony in the house of Ibrahim. (e) Sohrabbuddin was living in the house of a relative of Azam Dadhi. (f) Medical treatment records of Kauserbi of Bombay and at Indore were with him. (g) He was not aware of goods lying in the houses occupied by Sohrabbuddin. (h) Sohrabbuddin informed him on 22/11/05 on telephone that he was going out to Hyderabad for treatment of Kauser and after that he would return to Jharania. (i) List of goods of Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi in house at Jharania was given to Inquiry Officer. (j) Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi used to attend all religious functions and social functions of relatives by coming at Jharania. Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi used to come frequently to the house of Rubabuddin.
[2] Conduct of Sababuddin Anwaruddin Shaikh aged 42, Advocate (Brother of Sohrabbuddin.)
Sababuddin was arrested in Nagda Police Station (M.P) C.R No. 237/95 u/s 122,123 IPC and 25-A,27 of Arms Act. The case was initially investigated by local police and later on by C.B.I which charge sheeted the case against him and other ten accused. In this case his brother Sohrabbuddin was also co-accused. Sohrabbuddin was absconding after committing day light murder in major –cross ways at Suraj Pole area of Udaipur City on 31.12.2004 and was hiding. As per statement recorded during inquiry of Sohrabbuddin encounter, on 16/17 November, 2005, Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi were present in their house and then from his house Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi had gone to board a bus of Nagda private travels to go to Indore. Sababuddin was also enjoying confidence of Sohrabbuddin as he has also stated in his statement that Sohrabbuddin was to stay at the house of Kalamuddin.
[3] Conduct of Niabuddin s/o Anvaruddin, aged 31 brother of Sohrabbuddin.
On 3.2.2007, Niabuddin admitted in his signed statement before Inquiry Officer of State CID Crime (Inquiring into death of Sohrabbuddin) following facts.
(1) On 16/17.11.2005, Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi had gone from Jharania village by a private bus to Indore and while going Sohrabbuddin disclosed that he is going to meet Kalimuddin.
(2) Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi were living at Shalimar township, Devas Road in Indore.
(3) Rubabuddin had informed that Dr. Prakash Bandel’s maruti van was used by Sohrabbuddin.
(4) Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi stayed for one week in their house in Jharania.
(5) Earlier Sohrabbuddin was living at 111, Khijrabad Colony on rent in the house of Ibrahim.
(6) Sohrabbuddin was also living in the house of relative of Azam Dodhi in Udaipur. Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi were living alternatively in Udaipur and Indore in above mentioned houses.
(7) Where ever Sohrabbuddin used to go, Kauserbi used to accompany him.
(8) Sohrabbuddin before going out of Hyderabad had rang him up and told him that he was taking Kauserbi for treatment to Sangli.
(9) Sohrabbuddin got married with Kauserbi in the house of Samabhai Khanjipir, Machla Magra.
The statement shows that Naiumuddin was very much aware about Sohrabbuddin’s activities, places of stay and movement. However, in spite of knowing Sohrabbuddin as an absconder and wanted by police in many cases, he never informed police station and actively harboured Sohrabbuddin. Naimuddin is also wanted in Navrangpura Police station (Ahmedabad) in CR No. 1124/04 u/s 307, 427 of IPC and section 25 of the Arms act. In this case Sohrabbuddin was also a co-accused.
[4] Conduct of Jabbunisa W/o Anvaruddin Quereshi , 60 years R/o Jharnia (Mother of Sohrabbuddin).
From the signed statement given to inquiry officer, following facts have emerged.
(1) Sohrabbuddin’s mother admitted that she had five sons. (1) Sababbuddin, (2) Sohrabbuddin, (3) Shanawajuddin (4) Rubabuddin and (5) Niabuddin.
(2) She had admitted that her son Sohrabbuddin had gone to Hyderabad and from Hyderabad he was going to Sangli by bus for treatment of Kauserbi.
From the signed statement of mother Jabbunisa and three brothers Niabuddin, Sababbuddin, and Rubabbuddin as briefly stated herein above given to the Inquiry Officer, they all have accepetd that they were aware that Sohrabbuddin was absconding and wanted in a case under sec. 302 of IPC and for whose arrest a reward of Rs. 25,000/- was declared by DGP Rajasthan, and yet they along with their family members actively harbored him violating section 216 of IPC.
Posted: 04 Aug 2010 07:59 AM PDT
Teesta's "secular petty criminal" was no innocent lad!
Sohrabbuddin was not an ordinary criminal as projected by the petitioner in the alleged encounter case. Sohrabuddin had spread his tentacles in four states viz. Gujarat, Rajasthan, MP and Maharashtra. He was working in tandem with mafia dons like late Abdul Latif and Daud Ibrahim. With the active support of Dawood Ibrahim, Rasul Parti, and Mammumiya Panjumia, he was continuously smuggling in dangerous weapons and other contraband from Pakistan. In one case alone, detected by the DCB crime branch of Ahmedabad, 24 AK-56 rifles, 27 Hand grenades, 5250 cartridges and 81 magazines were recovered from one of his family owned property in Madhya Pradesh.
The details of Sohrabbuddin’s offences registered in different states are as under.
(1) DCB PS Ahmedabad CR No.11/94:
In this case, after the demolition of Babri Masjid, Sohrabbuddin and other accused had indulged in criminal conspiracy with a view to wage war against the Government of India by collecting and distributing arms and ammunition illegally and distributing them to attack during annual Lord Jagannath Rath Yatra in the year 1993 with a view to spread terror among the citizens of Ahmedabad City. After investigation, charge sheet was filed against 60 accused including Sohrabbuddin. During investigation 24 AK-56 rifles, 27 hand grenades, 5250 cartridges, 81 Magazines were recovered from the well located in the agricultural field of Sohrabbuddin. Sohrabbuddin was arrested on 9.11.1995 and was taken in police custody remand up to 9.12.1995.
(i) In this case, Sohrabbuddin along with 60 notorious accused was involved. All accused were arrested except (1) Dawood Abrahim, (2) Mammu Maiya Punju Miya (3) Farooq, (4) Ahmed (6) Sharif Khan, (7) Rasul Patti, (8) Syed Ali and seven others.
(ii) All 60 accused were tried in the Court of Designated Judge at Ahmedabad. The accused in this case were anti-national and anti-social persons having criminal antecedents and were associated with Dawood and Latif’s gang.
(iii) Number of accused who had absconded, are yet to be arrested. Amongst them are anti national criminals such as Dawood Ibrahim, Rasulkhan Party, Sharifkhan @ Dawood Shamsher. Red corner notices have been issued by Interpol for arrest of Rasul Party, Sharifkhan, Dawood Ibrahim. Dawood Ibrahim has been declared international terrorist.
(iv) It is evident that Sohrabbuddin was one of India based leader of these notorious criminals and their gangs. During investigation, Sohrabbuddin confessed to his involvement in this serious offence.
(v) The brief facts of his confession is mentioned in the judgment of this case which is as under:-
(Accused No.26: Sohrabbuddin @ Salimbhai Anvaruddin Shaikh: In his confessional statement he had stated that
he knew Sharifkhan since 1980. He came in contact with Shamim and Babukhan when he was driving a truck in Mahijpur. In March 1994 during the EID he went to meet Mahijpur to meet Shamimkhan and Sharrifkhan and met him at the residence of Shamimkhan. Sharifkhan told him that he was going to purchase one or two trucks and offered him to serve with him. Thereafter he purchased one truck. The driver Pappukhan was the younger brother of Shamimkhan and the conductor of the truck was Afzalkhan and the number of the truck was MOU-686. In may and June 1994 two trips carrying brown sugar in the truck were done by him at the instance of Sharifkhan to Bombay. In April 1994 he was told by Sharifkhan to go to Ahmedabad. He came to Ahmedabad, stayed in Ajanta Hotel in the name of Shohrab and as per the instruction of Sharifkhan, one Sattar Chacha handed over a box to him in the hotel. He brought the said box and handed over the same to Sharifkhan. The box contained 9mm pistols and cartridges. Again he came to Ahmedabad at the instance of Sharifkhan and stayed in Ajanta Hotel where one person handed over Rs. 1 lac as per the instruction issued by Sharifkhan who in turn handed over the same to Sharifkhan at Mahijpur. In June 1994 he came to Ahmedabad along with the cleaner of the truck and he stayed in Ajanta Hotel at Mirzapur. One person came to the hotel and handed over to him one box. The box contained 30 carbine guns and 100 cartridges. He in turn handed over the said box to Ajjukhan who was an accomplice of Sharifkhan and who went to Mahijpur with the box in the truck. He himself went to Mahijpur by train. In July 1994 he again came to Ahmedabad at the instance of Sharifkhan. Sharifkhan had told him that silver belonging to him was lying in Ahmedabad and therefore he was instructed to come to Ahmedabad along with Shamim Pappukhan the driver and Afzal the conductor. He went to Ahmedabad in Truck No.MOU-686. Pappu and Afzal had gone to one factory for the purpose of unloading the goods while he himself and Shamim dropped down at Kathwada and then they came to Astodia. He stayed in Hotel Ajanta. Sharifkhan had given him three currency notes of Rs. 100/- denomination and told them that if the notes were shown to the persons approaching them then he would talk with them. Thereafter he had a talk with Sharifkhan on telephone at Mahijpur. He gave the instruction to change the Hotel. Shamim was asked to stay in Hotel Ajanta while he went to stay in A-1 Guest House near Railway Station and stayed there. Thereafter he contacted Sharifkhan on telephone from A-1 Guest House and on next day at 4.00 p.m., two persons came to the guest house. He had shown the currency notes which were given by Sharifkhan. Thereafter as per their previously hatched plan, he followed the two persons in the auto rickshaw and the persons who came to the guest house followed them on Yamaha. Thereafter they went to the Amardeep Transport where Pappu, the driver of the truck, met him and informed him that the truck was loaded. Thereafter he, Shamim, Afzal and one unknown person followed the Yamaha motor cycle in a truck. The truck was taken near one mosque at Vatva. Thereafter, the persons who came on Yamaha motor cycle requested them to wait. At about 10.00 p.m., three pardanashin ladies came in the Maruti van with three persons including two persons who came on Yamaha. The name of one of the lady was Zarina. The Maruti Van was parked near the truck and the box lying in the Maruti van was loaded on to the truck. Thus, nine long boxes were loaded in the truck. Thereafter, he sat near the driver’s seat with Pappu and went to Mahijipur. Sharifkhan in the mean while managed one truck bearing No. MP-14-B-9177 Tata 1210 LP. The weapons were subsequently shifted in the said truck with help of Afzal and Shamim. It contained 32 AK-56 rifles, cartridges and magazines. The transfer of weapons was made near the pond situated at some distance from Mahijpur. Sharifkhan thereafter told him to keep the weapons at his residence for some days. During the night hours the weapons were kept in the back portion of his house. On the next day he purchased four containers and the weapons were put in the containers and few of them were buried. Sharifkhan, in the month of October-November, came in Maruti Van bearing No. DL-2-8224 and they met at the house of Shamim and at that time Afzal informed that some persons have come from Gujarat and they were interrogating Pappukhan at Malva Transport. In December, January and as well as in February he stayed in Ahmedabad. Salim and Rafiq RD came in Maruti Car bearing No. CTK-4605. He came along with them to Zarania and thereafter they went to the well situated in his field. He had brought 4 AK-56 Rifles, 8 to 10 magazines and one box of cartridges. Then he went with them to Indore and from there he had returned to Ujjain. Subsequently he came to Ahmedabad at the instance of Sharifkhan and stayed in the house of his sister Ramzani Gandhi. Thereafter again in the month of June 1995 he went to M.P. where police came to have a search at his place. He apprehended danger and therefore to conceal weapons, he threw all the weapons in the well and bombs and cartridges were buried near the well."
The order of conviction in judgement read:-
“ The accused no.1 YUSUFKHAN ALIAS LAPLAP KHUDDADKHAN PATHAN, accused no.2 SHIRAZMIYA AKBARMIYA THAKORE, accused no.5 SAJIDALI ALIAS DENI MOHEMADALI SAIYED, accused no.13 IQBAL ALIAS BAPU SAIYEDHUSSEIN SAIYED, accused no.15 GAJNAFARKHAN ALIAS BABU MINNAKHAN PATHAN, accused no.26 SOHRABBUDDIN ALIAS SALIM ANVARUDDIN SHAIKH, accused no.32 ABDUL SATTAR ALIAS SATTAR BATTERY ABDULGANI SHAIKH accused no.33 ABDULRAOOF ALIAS RAOOF ABDULKADAR SHAIKH accused no.47 HUSSEINBHAI ALIAS BHAJIYA MOHHAMMEDBHAI PATANI and accused no.58 HUJAFARKHAN ALIAS NASHIR LUHAR UMARDARAJKHAN PATHAN are convicted for the offence punishable under sections 3 and 5 of the TADA ACT and sentenced to undergo FIVE YEARS RI under both the sections and to pay a fine of Rs.250/- each and total amount of fine to the tune of Rs.5oo/- in default to pay fine to undergo further RI of ONE MONTH EACH. They are further convicted for the offence punishable under sections 4,5, and 6 of the EXPLOSIVE SUBSTANCES ACT and sentenced to undergo FIVE YEARS RI and to pay a fine of Rs.500/- indefault topay fine to undergo further RI of ONE MONTH. They are further convicted for the offence punishable under section 7 and 25(1)(a) of the ARMS ACT and sentenced to undergo imprisonment.".
For enhancing the punishment awarded to the accused, the state government has gone in appeal which is pending before the Supreme Court.
(2) Offence registered at Vejalpur Police Station of Ahmedabad City CR-II-238/2007 under section 123 B, IPC, 25 (i), B, A of Arms Act, 135 (i) of Bombay Police Station. In this case, Sohrabbuddin @ Salim @ Samir Agrawal was arrested along with other accused. In this case, the accused indulged in criminal conspiracy to commit murder by arming themselves with weapons to extract money from a person who had failed to pay a loan taken by him. In this case, associate of Sohrabbuddin, Sharifkhan @ SK,(known as Chhota Dawood) is absconding and has taken shelter in Pakistan. Red corner notice has been issued by Interpol for arrest of Sharif Khan.
(3) Shahpur Police Station of Ahmedabad City CR No.-II-169/95 under Section 467, 468, 469, 471 of IPC under Section 25 (i), A (i), AA of Arms Act and Section 29, 1 (B3) of Explosive Act. In this case, 32 accused persons entered into a criminal conspiracy by forgery of documents to use them for obtaining No Objection Certificate with a view to obtain a license for transportation as well as purchase of prohibited pistols, revolvers and cartridges and other weapons with a view to indulge in criminal activities in the city of Ahmedabad. Sohrabbuddin was one of the accused along with other anti-national criminals like Rasul Party, Sharifkhan etc. He was charge-sheeted. Rasul khan, Ezazkhan, Sharifkhan are absconding. In this case, the Sessions court acquitted the accused. Against this acquittal, the State Government has filed appeals No. Crl. Revision Appeal. No. 285/2002 and No. 286/2002 which are pending in the High Court of Gujarat. Red corner notices has been issued for arrest of Rasul Party and Sharif Khan.
(4) Navrangpura Police Station of Ahmedabad City CR No.II-1124/04 under Section 307, 427 of IPC, Section 25(i) A. In this case, Sohrabbuddin along with 9 other accused persons had opened fire in the office of Popular Construction Ltd., and had attempted to murder with a view to intervene himself in a property dispute. In this case, all the 10 accused were arrested and chargesheeted. In this case, Shorabbuddin was also arrested. The brother of Sohrabbuddin, Niabuddin is also co-accused.
(1) Chandgad Police Station of Kolhapur District CR No.52/2000 under Section 307, 120(b), 147, 148, 149 of IPC and under Section 25(i) (3), 27 of Arms Act. At that time, Sohrabbuddin was known as Sohrabbudin @ Salman @ Salim Anvaruddin Kureshi. In this case, Sohrabbuddin was involved along with 5 other accused. In this case, Sohrabbuddin was absconding and declared as such. The case has been charge sheeted in Jurisdictional Court and is pending for trial. On 8.11.2000, the accused, who were riding motor cycles, opened fire on 2 persons at Old ST Stand and injured them greviously. In this case, Sohrabbuddin along with Praful @ Tulsi @ Samir, Jalil, and Ramzan Shah were involved. In this case, accused Jalil was arrested whereas Praful and Sohrabbuddin have absconded.
(2) Chandgad Police Station of Kolhapur District Crime Registration No.4/2005 under Section 302, 120(b), 34 of IPC and under Section 25(1) (3) and 27 of Arms Act. In this case, Sohrabbuddin along with 5 other accused involved in criminal conspiracy by arming themselves with illegal weapons and killed Gopal Tukaram Badivadekar. In this case, Sohrabbuddin was arrested whereas other 5 accused had absconded. In this case, charge sheet was filed and the case is pending for trial.
1. Nagda Police Station of Ujjain District of MP Crime Registration No.237/95 under Section 122, 123 IPC and sections 25, 27 of Arms Act. In this incident Sohrabbuddin was caught while selling arms. The case was investigated by local police and C.B.I.
2. Mahidpur Police Station of Ujjain District of MP Crime Registration No.166/95 under Section 122,123 of IPC and 25 and 27 of Arms. Act. In this incident fire arms were recovered from Sohrabbuddin. The case was initially investigated by the local police and later on by C.B.I.
3. Lasudia Police Station C.R No.346/2003 under section 419 IPC in this case on 23.07.2003 Sohrabbuddin along with one Juberbhai were caught riding a motor cycle with driving licence with bogus name. They were arrested and charge sheeted along with two more persons who facilitated bogus licence.
4. On 06-07-1999 Sohrabbuddin was detained under National Security Act (N.S.A) In this case, accused were arrested and later on released on bail and since then they are absconding. Sohrabbuddin was detained under National Security Act on 5.7.1999 by Madhya Pradesh Police.
(1) Hathipol Police Station of Udaipur District of Rajasthan State Crime Registration No.214/04 dated 31.12.2004 under Section 147, 148, 149, 302 IPC and Section 3/25 of Arms Act. In this case, Sohrabbuddin along with other 6 accused persons formed an unlawful assembly and opened fire with fire arms and killed one Hamid Lata at a busy thoroughfare of Suraj pole in the heart of Udaipur City. These accused had come on motor cycles. In this case, 2 accused were arrested whereas other 5 accused are absconding.
The deceased was killed after he was pointed out by Sohrabbuddin. In this case, charge sheet was filed in the jurisdictional court. A reward of Rs. 2,000/- was declared on 11.1.2005 for arrest or help in arrest of Sohrabbuddin. The letter was circulated to all concerned police units of Rajasthan. As more record of criminal antecedents of Sohrabbuddin came on record, Director General of Police of Rajasthan on 27.10.2005 declared a reward of Rs. 25,000/- for the arrest or help in arrest or for assistance in use of lawful force during arrest if he resisted arrest.
Role of Sohrabuddin’s family members:
The Petitioner namely Rubabuddin and his brothers were also aware of the movement and activity of Sohrabbuddin. These facts have come on record during inquiry and investigation conducted. The details are as under:-
[1] Conduct of Rubabbudin(petitioner in Supreme Court) - The Petitioner in his writ petitions and additional writ petitions, had concealed criminal antecedents and activities of Sohrabbuddin. In no petition he has stated that his brother was terrorist and involved in serious offences deliberately to project picture of Sohrabbuddin as an innocent person, nor such details he has given to media, to whom he has given many interviews.
Sohrabbuddin was absconding after committing an offence of murder, for which an offence was registered at SurajPole police station of Udaipur District of Rajasthan in day light at a major thoroughfare. A reward of Rs. 25,000/- was also declared for his arrest or information. However, Petitioner who has constantly maintained relations with Sohrabbuddin, never informed local police station or other jurisdiction police about Sohrabbuddin during period of his absconding to save him from arrest. In fact, all acts of omission and commission of trial by media by the Petitioner are to hide his own culpable misconduct. From the signed statement of Rubabbuddin given to inquiry officer and statement given to the Investigating Officer on 3-2-2007 on 1.4.2007 and on 25.7.2007 following facts have come on record.
1. Rubabuddin provided photographs of Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi to the Inquiry officer which is borne out by statement given by Rubbabuddin. These photographs show visit to Agra by Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi, as in the background “Taj Mahal” is visible.
2. Rubabuddin was also aware of the movement Sohrabbuddin while on run and was actually harbouring him alongwith his brother at Jharania house. It is evident from the subsequent paras in the signed statement given to inquiry officer on 25/07/06. From his statement, following additional information and facts are revealed.
(a) Brother Niamuddin informed Rubabuddin on 23/11/05 at 05.20 hrs about Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi going to Sangli from Hyderabad by his mobile phone.
(b) Rubabuddin was aware of mobile telephone No. of Sohrabbuddin
(c) Brother Naibuddin was aware of Seat number of bus occupied by Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi when they went out from Hyderabad.
In the signed statement of Petitioner recorded by Inquiry Officer of this encounter case on 03/02/07, petitioner Rubabuddin has confessed and gave facts that on 16/17-11-05 in the morning Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi had gone out of house at Jharania to go to Indore and at that time Sohrabbuddin informed him that he and Kauser will go to Hyderabad and stay with one Kalimuddin (b) Rubabuddin was informed that Sohrabbuddin would travel in maruti car owned by Kalimuddin from Indore to Hyderabad bought from previous owner Dr.Prakash Bandel. (c) Sohrabbuddin and Kauser had stayed in their joint family house at Jharania for a week.(d) Sohrabbuddin was living in Indore at Hizrabad Colony in the house of Ibrahim. (e) Sohrabbuddin was living in the house of a relative of Azam Dadhi. (f) Medical treatment records of Kauserbi of Bombay and at Indore were with him. (g) He was not aware of goods lying in the houses occupied by Sohrabbuddin. (h) Sohrabbuddin informed him on 22/11/05 on telephone that he was going out to Hyderabad for treatment of Kauser and after that he would return to Jharania. (i) List of goods of Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi in house at Jharania was given to Inquiry Officer. (j) Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi used to attend all religious functions and social functions of relatives by coming at Jharania. Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi used to come frequently to the house of Rubabuddin.
[2] Conduct of Sababuddin Anwaruddin Shaikh aged 42, Advocate (Brother of Sohrabbuddin.)
Sababuddin was arrested in Nagda Police Station (M.P) C.R No. 237/95 u/s 122,123 IPC and 25-A,27 of Arms Act. The case was initially investigated by local police and later on by C.B.I which charge sheeted the case against him and other ten accused. In this case his brother Sohrabbuddin was also co-accused. Sohrabbuddin was absconding after committing day light murder in major –cross ways at Suraj Pole area of Udaipur City on 31.12.2004 and was hiding. As per statement recorded during inquiry of Sohrabbuddin encounter, on 16/17 November, 2005, Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi were present in their house and then from his house Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi had gone to board a bus of Nagda private travels to go to Indore. Sababuddin was also enjoying confidence of Sohrabbuddin as he has also stated in his statement that Sohrabbuddin was to stay at the house of Kalamuddin.
[3] Conduct of Niabuddin s/o Anvaruddin, aged 31 brother of Sohrabbuddin.
On 3.2.2007, Niabuddin admitted in his signed statement before Inquiry Officer of State CID Crime (Inquiring into death of Sohrabbuddin) following facts.
(1) On 16/17.11.2005, Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi had gone from Jharania village by a private bus to Indore and while going Sohrabbuddin disclosed that he is going to meet Kalimuddin.
(2) Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi were living at Shalimar township, Devas Road in Indore.
(3) Rubabuddin had informed that Dr. Prakash Bandel’s maruti van was used by Sohrabbuddin.
(4) Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi stayed for one week in their house in Jharania.
(5) Earlier Sohrabbuddin was living at 111, Khijrabad Colony on rent in the house of Ibrahim.
(6) Sohrabbuddin was also living in the house of relative of Azam Dodhi in Udaipur. Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi were living alternatively in Udaipur and Indore in above mentioned houses.
(7) Where ever Sohrabbuddin used to go, Kauserbi used to accompany him.
(8) Sohrabbuddin before going out of Hyderabad had rang him up and told him that he was taking Kauserbi for treatment to Sangli.
(9) Sohrabbuddin got married with Kauserbi in the house of Samabhai Khanjipir, Machla Magra.
The statement shows that Naiumuddin was very much aware about Sohrabbuddin’s activities, places of stay and movement. However, in spite of knowing Sohrabbuddin as an absconder and wanted by police in many cases, he never informed police station and actively harboured Sohrabbuddin. Naimuddin is also wanted in Navrangpura Police station (Ahmedabad) in CR No. 1124/04 u/s 307, 427 of IPC and section 25 of the Arms act. In this case Sohrabbuddin was also a co-accused.
[4] Conduct of Jabbunisa W/o Anvaruddin Quereshi , 60 years R/o Jharnia (Mother of Sohrabbuddin).
From the signed statement given to inquiry officer, following facts have emerged.
(1) Sohrabbuddin’s mother admitted that she had five sons. (1) Sababbuddin, (2) Sohrabbuddin, (3) Shanawajuddin (4) Rubabuddin and (5) Niabuddin.
(2) She had admitted that her son Sohrabbuddin had gone to Hyderabad and from Hyderabad he was going to Sangli by bus for treatment of Kauserbi.
From the signed statement of mother Jabbunisa and three brothers Niabuddin, Sababbuddin, and Rubabbuddin as briefly stated herein above given to the Inquiry Officer, they all have accepetd that they were aware that Sohrabbuddin was absconding and wanted in a case under sec. 302 of IPC and for whose arrest a reward of Rs. 25,000/- was declared by DGP Rajasthan, and yet they along with their family members actively harbored him violating section 216 of IPC.
Criminal history of Sohrabbuddin
Criminal history of Sohrabbuddin
Posted: 04 Aug 2010 07:59 AM PDT
Teesta's "secular petty criminal" was no innocent lad!
Sohrabbuddin was not an ordinary criminal as projected by the petitioner in the alleged encounter case. Sohrabuddin had spread his tentacles in four states viz. Gujarat, Rajasthan, MP and Maharashtra. He was working in tandem with mafia dons like late Abdul Latif and Daud Ibrahim. With the active support of Dawood Ibrahim, Rasul Parti, and Mammumiya Panjumia, he was continuously smuggling in dangerous weapons and other contraband from Pakistan. In one case alone, detected by the DCB crime branch of Ahmedabad, 24 AK-56 rifles, 27 Hand grenades, 5250 cartridges and 81 magazines were recovered from one of his family owned property in Madhya Pradesh.
The details of Sohrabbuddin’s offences registered in different states are as under.
(1) DCB PS Ahmedabad CR No.11/94:
In this case, after the demolition of Babri Masjid, Sohrabbuddin and other accused had indulged in criminal conspiracy with a view to wage war against the Government of India by collecting and distributing arms and ammunition illegally and distributing them to attack during annual Lord Jagannath Rath Yatra in the year 1993 with a view to spread terror among the citizens of Ahmedabad City. After investigation, charge sheet was filed against 60 accused including Sohrabbuddin. During investigation 24 AK-56 rifles, 27 hand grenades, 5250 cartridges, 81 Magazines were recovered from the well located in the agricultural field of Sohrabbuddin. Sohrabbuddin was arrested on 9.11.1995 and was taken in police custody remand up to 9.12.1995.
(i) In this case, Sohrabbuddin along with 60 notorious accused was involved. All accused were arrested except (1) Dawood Abrahim, (2) Mammu Maiya Punju Miya (3) Farooq, (4) Ahmed (6) Sharif Khan, (7) Rasul Patti, (8) Syed Ali and seven others.
(ii) All 60 accused were tried in the Court of Designated Judge at Ahmedabad. The accused in this case were anti-national and anti-social persons having criminal antecedents and were associated with Dawood and Latif’s gang.
(iii) Number of accused who had absconded, are yet to be arrested. Amongst them are anti national criminals such as Dawood Ibrahim, Rasulkhan Party, Sharifkhan @ Dawood Shamsher. Red corner notices have been issued by Interpol for arrest of Rasul Party, Sharifkhan, Dawood Ibrahim. Dawood Ibrahim has been declared international terrorist.
(iv) It is evident that Sohrabbuddin was one of India based leader of these notorious criminals and their gangs. During investigation, Sohrabbuddin confessed to his involvement in this serious offence.
(v) The brief facts of his confession is mentioned in the judgment of this case which is as under:-
(Accused No.26: Sohrabbuddin @ Salimbhai Anvaruddin Shaikh: In his confessional statement he had stated that
he knew Sharifkhan since 1980. He came in contact with Shamim and Babukhan when he was driving a truck in Mahijpur. In March 1994 during the EID he went to meet Mahijpur to meet Shamimkhan and Sharrifkhan and met him at the residence of Shamimkhan. Sharifkhan told him that he was going to purchase one or two trucks and offered him to serve with him. Thereafter he purchased one truck. The driver Pappukhan was the younger brother of Shamimkhan and the conductor of the truck was Afzalkhan and the number of the truck was MOU-686. In may and June 1994 two trips carrying brown sugar in the truck were done by him at the instance of Sharifkhan to Bombay. In April 1994 he was told by Sharifkhan to go to Ahmedabad. He came to Ahmedabad, stayed in Ajanta Hotel in the name of Shohrab and as per the instruction of Sharifkhan, one Sattar Chacha handed over a box to him in the hotel. He brought the said box and handed over the same to Sharifkhan. The box contained 9mm pistols and cartridges. Again he came to Ahmedabad at the instance of Sharifkhan and stayed in Ajanta Hotel where one person handed over Rs. 1 lac as per the instruction issued by Sharifkhan who in turn handed over the same to Sharifkhan at Mahijpur. In June 1994 he came to Ahmedabad along with the cleaner of the truck and he stayed in Ajanta Hotel at Mirzapur. One person came to the hotel and handed over to him one box. The box contained 30 carbine guns and 100 cartridges. He in turn handed over the said box to Ajjukhan who was an accomplice of Sharifkhan and who went to Mahijpur with the box in the truck. He himself went to Mahijpur by train. In July 1994 he again came to Ahmedabad at the instance of Sharifkhan. Sharifkhan had told him that silver belonging to him was lying in Ahmedabad and therefore he was instructed to come to Ahmedabad along with Shamim Pappukhan the driver and Afzal the conductor. He went to Ahmedabad in Truck No.MOU-686. Pappu and Afzal had gone to one factory for the purpose of unloading the goods while he himself and Shamim dropped down at Kathwada and then they came to Astodia. He stayed in Hotel Ajanta. Sharifkhan had given him three currency notes of Rs. 100/- denomination and told them that if the notes were shown to the persons approaching them then he would talk with them. Thereafter he had a talk with Sharifkhan on telephone at Mahijpur. He gave the instruction to change the Hotel. Shamim was asked to stay in Hotel Ajanta while he went to stay in A-1 Guest House near Railway Station and stayed there. Thereafter he contacted Sharifkhan on telephone from A-1 Guest House and on next day at 4.00 p.m., two persons came to the guest house. He had shown the currency notes which were given by Sharifkhan. Thereafter as per their previously hatched plan, he followed the two persons in the auto rickshaw and the persons who came to the guest house followed them on Yamaha. Thereafter they went to the Amardeep Transport where Pappu, the driver of the truck, met him and informed him that the truck was loaded. Thereafter he, Shamim, Afzal and one unknown person followed the Yamaha motor cycle in a truck. The truck was taken near one mosque at Vatva. Thereafter, the persons who came on Yamaha motor cycle requested them to wait. At about 10.00 p.m., three pardanashin ladies came in the Maruti van with three persons including two persons who came on Yamaha. The name of one of the lady was Zarina. The Maruti Van was parked near the truck and the box lying in the Maruti van was loaded on to the truck. Thus, nine long boxes were loaded in the truck. Thereafter, he sat near the driver’s seat with Pappu and went to Mahijipur. Sharifkhan in the mean while managed one truck bearing No. MP-14-B-9177 Tata 1210 LP. The weapons were subsequently shifted in the said truck with help of Afzal and Shamim. It contained 32 AK-56 rifles, cartridges and magazines. The transfer of weapons was made near the pond situated at some distance from Mahijpur. Sharifkhan thereafter told him to keep the weapons at his residence for some days. During the night hours the weapons were kept in the back portion of his house. On the next day he purchased four containers and the weapons were put in the containers and few of them were buried. Sharifkhan, in the month of October-November, came in Maruti Van bearing No. DL-2-8224 and they met at the house of Shamim and at that time Afzal informed that some persons have come from Gujarat and they were interrogating Pappukhan at Malva Transport. In December, January and as well as in February he stayed in Ahmedabad. Salim and Rafiq RD came in Maruti Car bearing No. CTK-4605. He came along with them to Zarania and thereafter they went to the well situated in his field. He had brought 4 AK-56 Rifles, 8 to 10 magazines and one box of cartridges. Then he went with them to Indore and from there he had returned to Ujjain. Subsequently he came to Ahmedabad at the instance of Sharifkhan and stayed in the house of his sister Ramzani Gandhi. Thereafter again in the month of June 1995 he went to M.P. where police came to have a search at his place. He apprehended danger and therefore to conceal weapons, he threw all the weapons in the well and bombs and cartridges were buried near the well."
The order of conviction in judgement read:-
“ The accused no.1 YUSUFKHAN ALIAS LAPLAP KHUDDADKHAN PATHAN, accused no.2 SHIRAZMIYA AKBARMIYA THAKORE, accused no.5 SAJIDALI ALIAS DENI MOHEMADALI SAIYED, accused no.13 IQBAL ALIAS BAPU SAIYEDHUSSEIN SAIYED, accused no.15 GAJNAFARKHAN ALIAS BABU MINNAKHAN PATHAN, accused no.26 SOHRABBUDDIN ALIAS SALIM ANVARUDDIN SHAIKH, accused no.32 ABDUL SATTAR ALIAS SATTAR BATTERY ABDULGANI SHAIKH accused no.33 ABDULRAOOF ALIAS RAOOF ABDULKADAR SHAIKH accused no.47 HUSSEINBHAI ALIAS BHAJIYA MOHHAMMEDBHAI PATANI and accused no.58 HUJAFARKHAN ALIAS NASHIR LUHAR UMARDARAJKHAN PATHAN are convicted for the offence punishable under sections 3 and 5 of the TADA ACT and sentenced to undergo FIVE YEARS RI under both the sections and to pay a fine of Rs.250/- each and total amount of fine to the tune of Rs.5oo/- in default to pay fine to undergo further RI of ONE MONTH EACH. They are further convicted for the offence punishable under sections 4,5, and 6 of the EXPLOSIVE SUBSTANCES ACT and sentenced to undergo FIVE YEARS RI and to pay a fine of Rs.500/- indefault topay fine to undergo further RI of ONE MONTH. They are further convicted for the offence punishable under section 7 and 25(1)(a) of the ARMS ACT and sentenced to undergo imprisonment.".
For enhancing the punishment awarded to the accused, the state government has gone in appeal which is pending before the Supreme Court.
(2) Offence registered at Vejalpur Police Station of Ahmedabad City CR-II-238/2007 under section 123 B, IPC, 25 (i), B, A of Arms Act, 135 (i) of Bombay Police Station. In this case, Sohrabbuddin @ Salim @ Samir Agrawal was arrested along with other accused. In this case, the accused indulged in criminal conspiracy to commit murder by arming themselves with weapons to extract money from a person who had failed to pay a loan taken by him. In this case, associate of Sohrabbuddin, Sharifkhan @ SK,(known as Chhota Dawood) is absconding and has taken shelter in Pakistan. Red corner notice has been issued by Interpol for arrest of Sharif Khan.
(3) Shahpur Police Station of Ahmedabad City CR No.-II-169/95 under Section 467, 468, 469, 471 of IPC under Section 25 (i), A (i), AA of Arms Act and Section 29, 1 (B3) of Explosive Act. In this case, 32 accused persons entered into a criminal conspiracy by forgery of documents to use them for obtaining No Objection Certificate with a view to obtain a license for transportation as well as purchase of prohibited pistols, revolvers and cartridges and other weapons with a view to indulge in criminal activities in the city of Ahmedabad. Sohrabbuddin was one of the accused along with other anti-national criminals like Rasul Party, Sharifkhan etc. He was charge-sheeted. Rasul khan, Ezazkhan, Sharifkhan are absconding. In this case, the Sessions court acquitted the accused. Against this acquittal, the State Government has filed appeals No. Crl. Revision Appeal. No. 285/2002 and No. 286/2002 which are pending in the High Court of Gujarat. Red corner notices has been issued for arrest of Rasul Party and Sharif Khan.
(4) Navrangpura Police Station of Ahmedabad City CR No.II-1124/04 under Section 307, 427 of IPC, Section 25(i) A. In this case, Sohrabbuddin along with 9 other accused persons had opened fire in the office of Popular Construction Ltd., and had attempted to murder with a view to intervene himself in a property dispute. In this case, all the 10 accused were arrested and chargesheeted. In this case, Shorabbuddin was also arrested. The brother of Sohrabbuddin, Niabuddin is also co-accused.
(1) Chandgad Police Station of Kolhapur District CR No.52/2000 under Section 307, 120(b), 147, 148, 149 of IPC and under Section 25(i) (3), 27 of Arms Act. At that time, Sohrabbuddin was known as Sohrabbudin @ Salman @ Salim Anvaruddin Kureshi. In this case, Sohrabbuddin was involved along with 5 other accused. In this case, Sohrabbuddin was absconding and declared as such. The case has been charge sheeted in Jurisdictional Court and is pending for trial. On 8.11.2000, the accused, who were riding motor cycles, opened fire on 2 persons at Old ST Stand and injured them greviously. In this case, Sohrabbuddin along with Praful @ Tulsi @ Samir, Jalil, and Ramzan Shah were involved. In this case, accused Jalil was arrested whereas Praful and Sohrabbuddin have absconded.
(2) Chandgad Police Station of Kolhapur District Crime Registration No.4/2005 under Section 302, 120(b), 34 of IPC and under Section 25(1) (3) and 27 of Arms Act. In this case, Sohrabbuddin along with 5 other accused involved in criminal conspiracy by arming themselves with illegal weapons and killed Gopal Tukaram Badivadekar. In this case, Sohrabbuddin was arrested whereas other 5 accused had absconded. In this case, charge sheet was filed and the case is pending for trial.
1. Nagda Police Station of Ujjain District of MP Crime Registration No.237/95 under Section 122, 123 IPC and sections 25, 27 of Arms Act. In this incident Sohrabbuddin was caught while selling arms. The case was investigated by local police and C.B.I.
2. Mahidpur Police Station of Ujjain District of MP Crime Registration No.166/95 under Section 122,123 of IPC and 25 and 27 of Arms. Act. In this incident fire arms were recovered from Sohrabbuddin. The case was initially investigated by the local police and later on by C.B.I.
3. Lasudia Police Station C.R No.346/2003 under section 419 IPC in this case on 23.07.2003 Sohrabbuddin along with one Juberbhai were caught riding a motor cycle with driving licence with bogus name. They were arrested and charge sheeted along with two more persons who facilitated bogus licence.
4. On 06-07-1999 Sohrabbuddin was detained under National Security Act (N.S.A) In this case, accused were arrested and later on released on bail and since then they are absconding. Sohrabbuddin was detained under National Security Act on 5.7.1999 by Madhya Pradesh Police.
(1) Hathipol Police Station of Udaipur District of Rajasthan State Crime Registration No.214/04 dated 31.12.2004 under Section 147, 148, 149, 302 IPC and Section 3/25 of Arms Act. In this case, Sohrabbuddin along with other 6 accused persons formed an unlawful assembly and opened fire with fire arms and killed one Hamid Lata at a busy thoroughfare of Suraj pole in the heart of Udaipur City. These accused had come on motor cycles. In this case, 2 accused were arrested whereas other 5 accused are absconding.
The deceased was killed after he was pointed out by Sohrabbuddin. In this case, charge sheet was filed in the jurisdictional court. A reward of Rs. 2,000/- was declared on 11.1.2005 for arrest or help in arrest of Sohrabbuddin. The letter was circulated to all concerned police units of Rajasthan. As more record of criminal antecedents of Sohrabbuddin came on record, Director General of Police of Rajasthan on 27.10.2005 declared a reward of Rs. 25,000/- for the arrest or help in arrest or for assistance in use of lawful force during arrest if he resisted arrest.
Role of Sohrabuddin’s family members:
The Petitioner namely Rubabuddin and his brothers were also aware of the movement and activity of Sohrabbuddin. These facts have come on record during inquiry and investigation conducted. The details are as under:-
[1] Conduct of Rubabbudin(petitioner in Supreme Court) - The Petitioner in his writ petitions and additional writ petitions, had concealed criminal antecedents and activities of Sohrabbuddin. In no petition he has stated that his brother was terrorist and involved in serious offences deliberately to project picture of Sohrabbuddin as an innocent person, nor such details he has given to media, to whom he has given many interviews.
Sohrabbuddin was absconding after committing an offence of murder, for which an offence was registered at SurajPole police station of Udaipur District of Rajasthan in day light at a major thoroughfare. A reward of Rs. 25,000/- was also declared for his arrest or information. However, Petitioner who has constantly maintained relations with Sohrabbuddin, never informed local police station or other jurisdiction police about Sohrabbuddin during period of his absconding to save him from arrest. In fact, all acts of omission and commission of trial by media by the Petitioner are to hide his own culpable misconduct. From the signed statement of Rubabbuddin given to inquiry officer and statement given to the Investigating Officer on 3-2-2007 on 1.4.2007 and on 25.7.2007 following facts have come on record.
1. Rubabuddin provided photographs of Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi to the Inquiry officer which is borne out by statement given by Rubbabuddin. These photographs show visit to Agra by Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi, as in the background “Taj Mahal” is visible.
2. Rubabuddin was also aware of the movement Sohrabbuddin while on run and was actually harbouring him alongwith his brother at Jharania house. It is evident from the subsequent paras in the signed statement given to inquiry officer on 25/07/06. From his statement, following additional information and facts are revealed.
(a) Brother Niamuddin informed Rubabuddin on 23/11/05 at 05.20 hrs about Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi going to Sangli from Hyderabad by his mobile phone.
(b) Rubabuddin was aware of mobile telephone No. of Sohrabbuddin
(c) Brother Naibuddin was aware of Seat number of bus occupied by Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi when they went out from Hyderabad.
In the signed statement of Petitioner recorded by Inquiry Officer of this encounter case on 03/02/07, petitioner Rubabuddin has confessed and gave facts that on 16/17-11-05 in the morning Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi had gone out of house at Jharania to go to Indore and at that time Sohrabbuddin informed him that he and Kauser will go to Hyderabad and stay with one Kalimuddin (b) Rubabuddin was informed that Sohrabbuddin would travel in maruti car owned by Kalimuddin from Indore to Hyderabad bought from previous owner Dr.Prakash Bandel. (c) Sohrabbuddin and Kauser had stayed in their joint family house at Jharania for a week.(d) Sohrabbuddin was living in Indore at Hizrabad Colony in the house of Ibrahim. (e) Sohrabbuddin was living in the house of a relative of Azam Dadhi. (f) Medical treatment records of Kauserbi of Bombay and at Indore were with him. (g) He was not aware of goods lying in the houses occupied by Sohrabbuddin. (h) Sohrabbuddin informed him on 22/11/05 on telephone that he was going out to Hyderabad for treatment of Kauser and after that he would return to Jharania. (i) List of goods of Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi in house at Jharania was given to Inquiry Officer. (j) Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi used to attend all religious functions and social functions of relatives by coming at Jharania. Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi used to come frequently to the house of Rubabuddin.
[2] Conduct of Sababuddin Anwaruddin Shaikh aged 42, Advocate (Brother of Sohrabbuddin.)
Sababuddin was arrested in Nagda Police Station (M.P) C.R No. 237/95 u/s 122,123 IPC and 25-A,27 of Arms Act. The case was initially investigated by local police and later on by C.B.I which charge sheeted the case against him and other ten accused. In this case his brother Sohrabbuddin was also co-accused. Sohrabbuddin was absconding after committing day light murder in major –cross ways at Suraj Pole area of Udaipur City on 31.12.2004 and was hiding. As per statement recorded during inquiry of Sohrabbuddin encounter, on 16/17 November, 2005, Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi were present in their house and then from his house Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi had gone to board a bus of Nagda private travels to go to Indore. Sababuddin was also enjoying confidence of Sohrabbuddin as he has also stated in his statement that Sohrabbuddin was to stay at the house of Kalamuddin.
[3] Conduct of Niabuddin s/o Anvaruddin, aged 31 brother of Sohrabbuddin.
On 3.2.2007, Niabuddin admitted in his signed statement before Inquiry Officer of State CID Crime (Inquiring into death of Sohrabbuddin) following facts.
(1) On 16/17.11.2005, Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi had gone from Jharania village by a private bus to Indore and while going Sohrabbuddin disclosed that he is going to meet Kalimuddin.
(2) Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi were living at Shalimar township, Devas Road in Indore.
(3) Rubabuddin had informed that Dr. Prakash Bandel’s maruti van was used by Sohrabbuddin.
(4) Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi stayed for one week in their house in Jharania.
(5) Earlier Sohrabbuddin was living at 111, Khijrabad Colony on rent in the house of Ibrahim.
(6) Sohrabbuddin was also living in the house of relative of Azam Dodhi in Udaipur. Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi were living alternatively in Udaipur and Indore in above mentioned houses.
(7) Where ever Sohrabbuddin used to go, Kauserbi used to accompany him.
(8) Sohrabbuddin before going out of Hyderabad had rang him up and told him that he was taking Kauserbi for treatment to Sangli.
(9) Sohrabbuddin got married with Kauserbi in the house of Samabhai Khanjipir, Machla Magra.
The statement shows that Naiumuddin was very much aware about Sohrabbuddin’s activities, places of stay and movement. However, in spite of knowing Sohrabbuddin as an absconder and wanted by police in many cases, he never informed police station and actively harboured Sohrabbuddin. Naimuddin is also wanted in Navrangpura Police station (Ahmedabad) in CR No. 1124/04 u/s 307, 427 of IPC and section 25 of the Arms act. In this case Sohrabbuddin was also a co-accused.
[4] Conduct of Jabbunisa W/o Anvaruddin Quereshi , 60 years R/o Jharnia (Mother of Sohrabbuddin).
From the signed statement given to inquiry officer, following facts have emerged.
(1) Sohrabbuddin’s mother admitted that she had five sons. (1) Sababbuddin, (2) Sohrabbuddin, (3) Shanawajuddin (4) Rubabuddin and (5) Niabuddin.
(2) She had admitted that her son Sohrabbuddin had gone to Hyderabad and from Hyderabad he was going to Sangli by bus for treatment of Kauserbi.
From the signed statement of mother Jabbunisa and three brothers Niabuddin, Sababbuddin, and Rubabbuddin as briefly stated herein above given to the Inquiry Officer, they all have accepetd that they were aware that Sohrabbuddin was absconding and wanted in a case under sec. 302 of IPC and for whose arrest a reward of Rs. 25,000/- was declared by DGP Rajasthan, and yet they along with their family members actively harbored him violating section 216 of IPC.
Posted: 04 Aug 2010 07:59 AM PDT
Teesta's "secular petty criminal" was no innocent lad!
Sohrabbuddin was not an ordinary criminal as projected by the petitioner in the alleged encounter case. Sohrabuddin had spread his tentacles in four states viz. Gujarat, Rajasthan, MP and Maharashtra. He was working in tandem with mafia dons like late Abdul Latif and Daud Ibrahim. With the active support of Dawood Ibrahim, Rasul Parti, and Mammumiya Panjumia, he was continuously smuggling in dangerous weapons and other contraband from Pakistan. In one case alone, detected by the DCB crime branch of Ahmedabad, 24 AK-56 rifles, 27 Hand grenades, 5250 cartridges and 81 magazines were recovered from one of his family owned property in Madhya Pradesh.
The details of Sohrabbuddin’s offences registered in different states are as under.
(1) DCB PS Ahmedabad CR No.11/94:
In this case, after the demolition of Babri Masjid, Sohrabbuddin and other accused had indulged in criminal conspiracy with a view to wage war against the Government of India by collecting and distributing arms and ammunition illegally and distributing them to attack during annual Lord Jagannath Rath Yatra in the year 1993 with a view to spread terror among the citizens of Ahmedabad City. After investigation, charge sheet was filed against 60 accused including Sohrabbuddin. During investigation 24 AK-56 rifles, 27 hand grenades, 5250 cartridges, 81 Magazines were recovered from the well located in the agricultural field of Sohrabbuddin. Sohrabbuddin was arrested on 9.11.1995 and was taken in police custody remand up to 9.12.1995.
(i) In this case, Sohrabbuddin along with 60 notorious accused was involved. All accused were arrested except (1) Dawood Abrahim, (2) Mammu Maiya Punju Miya (3) Farooq, (4) Ahmed (6) Sharif Khan, (7) Rasul Patti, (8) Syed Ali and seven others.
(ii) All 60 accused were tried in the Court of Designated Judge at Ahmedabad. The accused in this case were anti-national and anti-social persons having criminal antecedents and were associated with Dawood and Latif’s gang.
(iii) Number of accused who had absconded, are yet to be arrested. Amongst them are anti national criminals such as Dawood Ibrahim, Rasulkhan Party, Sharifkhan @ Dawood Shamsher. Red corner notices have been issued by Interpol for arrest of Rasul Party, Sharifkhan, Dawood Ibrahim. Dawood Ibrahim has been declared international terrorist.
(iv) It is evident that Sohrabbuddin was one of India based leader of these notorious criminals and their gangs. During investigation, Sohrabbuddin confessed to his involvement in this serious offence.
(v) The brief facts of his confession is mentioned in the judgment of this case which is as under:-
(Accused No.26: Sohrabbuddin @ Salimbhai Anvaruddin Shaikh: In his confessional statement he had stated that
he knew Sharifkhan since 1980. He came in contact with Shamim and Babukhan when he was driving a truck in Mahijpur. In March 1994 during the EID he went to meet Mahijpur to meet Shamimkhan and Sharrifkhan and met him at the residence of Shamimkhan. Sharifkhan told him that he was going to purchase one or two trucks and offered him to serve with him. Thereafter he purchased one truck. The driver Pappukhan was the younger brother of Shamimkhan and the conductor of the truck was Afzalkhan and the number of the truck was MOU-686. In may and June 1994 two trips carrying brown sugar in the truck were done by him at the instance of Sharifkhan to Bombay. In April 1994 he was told by Sharifkhan to go to Ahmedabad. He came to Ahmedabad, stayed in Ajanta Hotel in the name of Shohrab and as per the instruction of Sharifkhan, one Sattar Chacha handed over a box to him in the hotel. He brought the said box and handed over the same to Sharifkhan. The box contained 9mm pistols and cartridges. Again he came to Ahmedabad at the instance of Sharifkhan and stayed in Ajanta Hotel where one person handed over Rs. 1 lac as per the instruction issued by Sharifkhan who in turn handed over the same to Sharifkhan at Mahijpur. In June 1994 he came to Ahmedabad along with the cleaner of the truck and he stayed in Ajanta Hotel at Mirzapur. One person came to the hotel and handed over to him one box. The box contained 30 carbine guns and 100 cartridges. He in turn handed over the said box to Ajjukhan who was an accomplice of Sharifkhan and who went to Mahijpur with the box in the truck. He himself went to Mahijpur by train. In July 1994 he again came to Ahmedabad at the instance of Sharifkhan. Sharifkhan had told him that silver belonging to him was lying in Ahmedabad and therefore he was instructed to come to Ahmedabad along with Shamim Pappukhan the driver and Afzal the conductor. He went to Ahmedabad in Truck No.MOU-686. Pappu and Afzal had gone to one factory for the purpose of unloading the goods while he himself and Shamim dropped down at Kathwada and then they came to Astodia. He stayed in Hotel Ajanta. Sharifkhan had given him three currency notes of Rs. 100/- denomination and told them that if the notes were shown to the persons approaching them then he would talk with them. Thereafter he had a talk with Sharifkhan on telephone at Mahijpur. He gave the instruction to change the Hotel. Shamim was asked to stay in Hotel Ajanta while he went to stay in A-1 Guest House near Railway Station and stayed there. Thereafter he contacted Sharifkhan on telephone from A-1 Guest House and on next day at 4.00 p.m., two persons came to the guest house. He had shown the currency notes which were given by Sharifkhan. Thereafter as per their previously hatched plan, he followed the two persons in the auto rickshaw and the persons who came to the guest house followed them on Yamaha. Thereafter they went to the Amardeep Transport where Pappu, the driver of the truck, met him and informed him that the truck was loaded. Thereafter he, Shamim, Afzal and one unknown person followed the Yamaha motor cycle in a truck. The truck was taken near one mosque at Vatva. Thereafter, the persons who came on Yamaha motor cycle requested them to wait. At about 10.00 p.m., three pardanashin ladies came in the Maruti van with three persons including two persons who came on Yamaha. The name of one of the lady was Zarina. The Maruti Van was parked near the truck and the box lying in the Maruti van was loaded on to the truck. Thus, nine long boxes were loaded in the truck. Thereafter, he sat near the driver’s seat with Pappu and went to Mahijipur. Sharifkhan in the mean while managed one truck bearing No. MP-14-B-9177 Tata 1210 LP. The weapons were subsequently shifted in the said truck with help of Afzal and Shamim. It contained 32 AK-56 rifles, cartridges and magazines. The transfer of weapons was made near the pond situated at some distance from Mahijpur. Sharifkhan thereafter told him to keep the weapons at his residence for some days. During the night hours the weapons were kept in the back portion of his house. On the next day he purchased four containers and the weapons were put in the containers and few of them were buried. Sharifkhan, in the month of October-November, came in Maruti Van bearing No. DL-2-8224 and they met at the house of Shamim and at that time Afzal informed that some persons have come from Gujarat and they were interrogating Pappukhan at Malva Transport. In December, January and as well as in February he stayed in Ahmedabad. Salim and Rafiq RD came in Maruti Car bearing No. CTK-4605. He came along with them to Zarania and thereafter they went to the well situated in his field. He had brought 4 AK-56 Rifles, 8 to 10 magazines and one box of cartridges. Then he went with them to Indore and from there he had returned to Ujjain. Subsequently he came to Ahmedabad at the instance of Sharifkhan and stayed in the house of his sister Ramzani Gandhi. Thereafter again in the month of June 1995 he went to M.P. where police came to have a search at his place. He apprehended danger and therefore to conceal weapons, he threw all the weapons in the well and bombs and cartridges were buried near the well."
The order of conviction in judgement read:-
“ The accused no.1 YUSUFKHAN ALIAS LAPLAP KHUDDADKHAN PATHAN, accused no.2 SHIRAZMIYA AKBARMIYA THAKORE, accused no.5 SAJIDALI ALIAS DENI MOHEMADALI SAIYED, accused no.13 IQBAL ALIAS BAPU SAIYEDHUSSEIN SAIYED, accused no.15 GAJNAFARKHAN ALIAS BABU MINNAKHAN PATHAN, accused no.26 SOHRABBUDDIN ALIAS SALIM ANVARUDDIN SHAIKH, accused no.32 ABDUL SATTAR ALIAS SATTAR BATTERY ABDULGANI SHAIKH accused no.33 ABDULRAOOF ALIAS RAOOF ABDULKADAR SHAIKH accused no.47 HUSSEINBHAI ALIAS BHAJIYA MOHHAMMEDBHAI PATANI and accused no.58 HUJAFARKHAN ALIAS NASHIR LUHAR UMARDARAJKHAN PATHAN are convicted for the offence punishable under sections 3 and 5 of the TADA ACT and sentenced to undergo FIVE YEARS RI under both the sections and to pay a fine of Rs.250/- each and total amount of fine to the tune of Rs.5oo/- in default to pay fine to undergo further RI of ONE MONTH EACH. They are further convicted for the offence punishable under sections 4,5, and 6 of the EXPLOSIVE SUBSTANCES ACT and sentenced to undergo FIVE YEARS RI and to pay a fine of Rs.500/- indefault topay fine to undergo further RI of ONE MONTH. They are further convicted for the offence punishable under section 7 and 25(1)(a) of the ARMS ACT and sentenced to undergo imprisonment.".
For enhancing the punishment awarded to the accused, the state government has gone in appeal which is pending before the Supreme Court.
(2) Offence registered at Vejalpur Police Station of Ahmedabad City CR-II-238/2007 under section 123 B, IPC, 25 (i), B, A of Arms Act, 135 (i) of Bombay Police Station. In this case, Sohrabbuddin @ Salim @ Samir Agrawal was arrested along with other accused. In this case, the accused indulged in criminal conspiracy to commit murder by arming themselves with weapons to extract money from a person who had failed to pay a loan taken by him. In this case, associate of Sohrabbuddin, Sharifkhan @ SK,(known as Chhota Dawood) is absconding and has taken shelter in Pakistan. Red corner notice has been issued by Interpol for arrest of Sharif Khan.
(3) Shahpur Police Station of Ahmedabad City CR No.-II-169/95 under Section 467, 468, 469, 471 of IPC under Section 25 (i), A (i), AA of Arms Act and Section 29, 1 (B3) of Explosive Act. In this case, 32 accused persons entered into a criminal conspiracy by forgery of documents to use them for obtaining No Objection Certificate with a view to obtain a license for transportation as well as purchase of prohibited pistols, revolvers and cartridges and other weapons with a view to indulge in criminal activities in the city of Ahmedabad. Sohrabbuddin was one of the accused along with other anti-national criminals like Rasul Party, Sharifkhan etc. He was charge-sheeted. Rasul khan, Ezazkhan, Sharifkhan are absconding. In this case, the Sessions court acquitted the accused. Against this acquittal, the State Government has filed appeals No. Crl. Revision Appeal. No. 285/2002 and No. 286/2002 which are pending in the High Court of Gujarat. Red corner notices has been issued for arrest of Rasul Party and Sharif Khan.
(4) Navrangpura Police Station of Ahmedabad City CR No.II-1124/04 under Section 307, 427 of IPC, Section 25(i) A. In this case, Sohrabbuddin along with 9 other accused persons had opened fire in the office of Popular Construction Ltd., and had attempted to murder with a view to intervene himself in a property dispute. In this case, all the 10 accused were arrested and chargesheeted. In this case, Shorabbuddin was also arrested. The brother of Sohrabbuddin, Niabuddin is also co-accused.
(1) Chandgad Police Station of Kolhapur District CR No.52/2000 under Section 307, 120(b), 147, 148, 149 of IPC and under Section 25(i) (3), 27 of Arms Act. At that time, Sohrabbuddin was known as Sohrabbudin @ Salman @ Salim Anvaruddin Kureshi. In this case, Sohrabbuddin was involved along with 5 other accused. In this case, Sohrabbuddin was absconding and declared as such. The case has been charge sheeted in Jurisdictional Court and is pending for trial. On 8.11.2000, the accused, who were riding motor cycles, opened fire on 2 persons at Old ST Stand and injured them greviously. In this case, Sohrabbuddin along with Praful @ Tulsi @ Samir, Jalil, and Ramzan Shah were involved. In this case, accused Jalil was arrested whereas Praful and Sohrabbuddin have absconded.
(2) Chandgad Police Station of Kolhapur District Crime Registration No.4/2005 under Section 302, 120(b), 34 of IPC and under Section 25(1) (3) and 27 of Arms Act. In this case, Sohrabbuddin along with 5 other accused involved in criminal conspiracy by arming themselves with illegal weapons and killed Gopal Tukaram Badivadekar. In this case, Sohrabbuddin was arrested whereas other 5 accused had absconded. In this case, charge sheet was filed and the case is pending for trial.
1. Nagda Police Station of Ujjain District of MP Crime Registration No.237/95 under Section 122, 123 IPC and sections 25, 27 of Arms Act. In this incident Sohrabbuddin was caught while selling arms. The case was investigated by local police and C.B.I.
2. Mahidpur Police Station of Ujjain District of MP Crime Registration No.166/95 under Section 122,123 of IPC and 25 and 27 of Arms. Act. In this incident fire arms were recovered from Sohrabbuddin. The case was initially investigated by the local police and later on by C.B.I.
3. Lasudia Police Station C.R No.346/2003 under section 419 IPC in this case on 23.07.2003 Sohrabbuddin along with one Juberbhai were caught riding a motor cycle with driving licence with bogus name. They were arrested and charge sheeted along with two more persons who facilitated bogus licence.
4. On 06-07-1999 Sohrabbuddin was detained under National Security Act (N.S.A) In this case, accused were arrested and later on released on bail and since then they are absconding. Sohrabbuddin was detained under National Security Act on 5.7.1999 by Madhya Pradesh Police.
(1) Hathipol Police Station of Udaipur District of Rajasthan State Crime Registration No.214/04 dated 31.12.2004 under Section 147, 148, 149, 302 IPC and Section 3/25 of Arms Act. In this case, Sohrabbuddin along with other 6 accused persons formed an unlawful assembly and opened fire with fire arms and killed one Hamid Lata at a busy thoroughfare of Suraj pole in the heart of Udaipur City. These accused had come on motor cycles. In this case, 2 accused were arrested whereas other 5 accused are absconding.
The deceased was killed after he was pointed out by Sohrabbuddin. In this case, charge sheet was filed in the jurisdictional court. A reward of Rs. 2,000/- was declared on 11.1.2005 for arrest or help in arrest of Sohrabbuddin. The letter was circulated to all concerned police units of Rajasthan. As more record of criminal antecedents of Sohrabbuddin came on record, Director General of Police of Rajasthan on 27.10.2005 declared a reward of Rs. 25,000/- for the arrest or help in arrest or for assistance in use of lawful force during arrest if he resisted arrest.
Role of Sohrabuddin’s family members:
The Petitioner namely Rubabuddin and his brothers were also aware of the movement and activity of Sohrabbuddin. These facts have come on record during inquiry and investigation conducted. The details are as under:-
[1] Conduct of Rubabbudin(petitioner in Supreme Court) - The Petitioner in his writ petitions and additional writ petitions, had concealed criminal antecedents and activities of Sohrabbuddin. In no petition he has stated that his brother was terrorist and involved in serious offences deliberately to project picture of Sohrabbuddin as an innocent person, nor such details he has given to media, to whom he has given many interviews.
Sohrabbuddin was absconding after committing an offence of murder, for which an offence was registered at SurajPole police station of Udaipur District of Rajasthan in day light at a major thoroughfare. A reward of Rs. 25,000/- was also declared for his arrest or information. However, Petitioner who has constantly maintained relations with Sohrabbuddin, never informed local police station or other jurisdiction police about Sohrabbuddin during period of his absconding to save him from arrest. In fact, all acts of omission and commission of trial by media by the Petitioner are to hide his own culpable misconduct. From the signed statement of Rubabbuddin given to inquiry officer and statement given to the Investigating Officer on 3-2-2007 on 1.4.2007 and on 25.7.2007 following facts have come on record.
1. Rubabuddin provided photographs of Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi to the Inquiry officer which is borne out by statement given by Rubbabuddin. These photographs show visit to Agra by Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi, as in the background “Taj Mahal” is visible.
2. Rubabuddin was also aware of the movement Sohrabbuddin while on run and was actually harbouring him alongwith his brother at Jharania house. It is evident from the subsequent paras in the signed statement given to inquiry officer on 25/07/06. From his statement, following additional information and facts are revealed.
(a) Brother Niamuddin informed Rubabuddin on 23/11/05 at 05.20 hrs about Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi going to Sangli from Hyderabad by his mobile phone.
(b) Rubabuddin was aware of mobile telephone No. of Sohrabbuddin
(c) Brother Naibuddin was aware of Seat number of bus occupied by Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi when they went out from Hyderabad.
In the signed statement of Petitioner recorded by Inquiry Officer of this encounter case on 03/02/07, petitioner Rubabuddin has confessed and gave facts that on 16/17-11-05 in the morning Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi had gone out of house at Jharania to go to Indore and at that time Sohrabbuddin informed him that he and Kauser will go to Hyderabad and stay with one Kalimuddin (b) Rubabuddin was informed that Sohrabbuddin would travel in maruti car owned by Kalimuddin from Indore to Hyderabad bought from previous owner Dr.Prakash Bandel. (c) Sohrabbuddin and Kauser had stayed in their joint family house at Jharania for a week.(d) Sohrabbuddin was living in Indore at Hizrabad Colony in the house of Ibrahim. (e) Sohrabbuddin was living in the house of a relative of Azam Dadhi. (f) Medical treatment records of Kauserbi of Bombay and at Indore were with him. (g) He was not aware of goods lying in the houses occupied by Sohrabbuddin. (h) Sohrabbuddin informed him on 22/11/05 on telephone that he was going out to Hyderabad for treatment of Kauser and after that he would return to Jharania. (i) List of goods of Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi in house at Jharania was given to Inquiry Officer. (j) Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi used to attend all religious functions and social functions of relatives by coming at Jharania. Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi used to come frequently to the house of Rubabuddin.
[2] Conduct of Sababuddin Anwaruddin Shaikh aged 42, Advocate (Brother of Sohrabbuddin.)
Sababuddin was arrested in Nagda Police Station (M.P) C.R No. 237/95 u/s 122,123 IPC and 25-A,27 of Arms Act. The case was initially investigated by local police and later on by C.B.I which charge sheeted the case against him and other ten accused. In this case his brother Sohrabbuddin was also co-accused. Sohrabbuddin was absconding after committing day light murder in major –cross ways at Suraj Pole area of Udaipur City on 31.12.2004 and was hiding. As per statement recorded during inquiry of Sohrabbuddin encounter, on 16/17 November, 2005, Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi were present in their house and then from his house Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi had gone to board a bus of Nagda private travels to go to Indore. Sababuddin was also enjoying confidence of Sohrabbuddin as he has also stated in his statement that Sohrabbuddin was to stay at the house of Kalamuddin.
[3] Conduct of Niabuddin s/o Anvaruddin, aged 31 brother of Sohrabbuddin.
On 3.2.2007, Niabuddin admitted in his signed statement before Inquiry Officer of State CID Crime (Inquiring into death of Sohrabbuddin) following facts.
(1) On 16/17.11.2005, Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi had gone from Jharania village by a private bus to Indore and while going Sohrabbuddin disclosed that he is going to meet Kalimuddin.
(2) Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi were living at Shalimar township, Devas Road in Indore.
(3) Rubabuddin had informed that Dr. Prakash Bandel’s maruti van was used by Sohrabbuddin.
(4) Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi stayed for one week in their house in Jharania.
(5) Earlier Sohrabbuddin was living at 111, Khijrabad Colony on rent in the house of Ibrahim.
(6) Sohrabbuddin was also living in the house of relative of Azam Dodhi in Udaipur. Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi were living alternatively in Udaipur and Indore in above mentioned houses.
(7) Where ever Sohrabbuddin used to go, Kauserbi used to accompany him.
(8) Sohrabbuddin before going out of Hyderabad had rang him up and told him that he was taking Kauserbi for treatment to Sangli.
(9) Sohrabbuddin got married with Kauserbi in the house of Samabhai Khanjipir, Machla Magra.
The statement shows that Naiumuddin was very much aware about Sohrabbuddin’s activities, places of stay and movement. However, in spite of knowing Sohrabbuddin as an absconder and wanted by police in many cases, he never informed police station and actively harboured Sohrabbuddin. Naimuddin is also wanted in Navrangpura Police station (Ahmedabad) in CR No. 1124/04 u/s 307, 427 of IPC and section 25 of the Arms act. In this case Sohrabbuddin was also a co-accused.
[4] Conduct of Jabbunisa W/o Anvaruddin Quereshi , 60 years R/o Jharnia (Mother of Sohrabbuddin).
From the signed statement given to inquiry officer, following facts have emerged.
(1) Sohrabbuddin’s mother admitted that she had five sons. (1) Sababbuddin, (2) Sohrabbuddin, (3) Shanawajuddin (4) Rubabuddin and (5) Niabuddin.
(2) She had admitted that her son Sohrabbuddin had gone to Hyderabad and from Hyderabad he was going to Sangli by bus for treatment of Kauserbi.
From the signed statement of mother Jabbunisa and three brothers Niabuddin, Sababbuddin, and Rubabbuddin as briefly stated herein above given to the Inquiry Officer, they all have accepetd that they were aware that Sohrabbuddin was absconding and wanted in a case under sec. 302 of IPC and for whose arrest a reward of Rs. 25,000/- was declared by DGP Rajasthan, and yet they along with their family members actively harbored him violating section 216 of IPC.
Criminal history of Sohrabbuddin
Criminal history of Sohrabbuddin
Posted: 04 Aug 2010 07:59 AM PDT
Teesta's "secular petty criminal" was no innocent lad!
Sohrabbuddin was not an ordinary criminal as projected by the petitioner in the alleged encounter case. Sohrabuddin had spread his tentacles in four states viz. Gujarat, Rajasthan, MP and Maharashtra. He was working in tandem with mafia dons like late Abdul Latif and Daud Ibrahim. With the active support of Dawood Ibrahim, Rasul Parti, and Mammumiya Panjumia, he was continuously smuggling in dangerous weapons and other contraband from Pakistan. In one case alone, detected by the DCB crime branch of Ahmedabad, 24 AK-56 rifles, 27 Hand grenades, 5250 cartridges and 81 magazines were recovered from one of his family owned property in Madhya Pradesh.
The details of Sohrabbuddin’s offences registered in different states are as under.
(1) DCB PS Ahmedabad CR No.11/94:
In this case, after the demolition of Babri Masjid, Sohrabbuddin and other accused had indulged in criminal conspiracy with a view to wage war against the Government of India by collecting and distributing arms and ammunition illegally and distributing them to attack during annual Lord Jagannath Rath Yatra in the year 1993 with a view to spread terror among the citizens of Ahmedabad City. After investigation, charge sheet was filed against 60 accused including Sohrabbuddin. During investigation 24 AK-56 rifles, 27 hand grenades, 5250 cartridges, 81 Magazines were recovered from the well located in the agricultural field of Sohrabbuddin. Sohrabbuddin was arrested on 9.11.1995 and was taken in police custody remand up to 9.12.1995.
(i) In this case, Sohrabbuddin along with 60 notorious accused was involved. All accused were arrested except (1) Dawood Abrahim, (2) Mammu Maiya Punju Miya (3) Farooq, (4) Ahmed (6) Sharif Khan, (7) Rasul Patti, (8) Syed Ali and seven others.
(ii) All 60 accused were tried in the Court of Designated Judge at Ahmedabad. The accused in this case were anti-national and anti-social persons having criminal antecedents and were associated with Dawood and Latif’s gang.
(iii) Number of accused who had absconded, are yet to be arrested. Amongst them are anti national criminals such as Dawood Ibrahim, Rasulkhan Party, Sharifkhan @ Dawood Shamsher. Red corner notices have been issued by Interpol for arrest of Rasul Party, Sharifkhan, Dawood Ibrahim. Dawood Ibrahim has been declared international terrorist.
(iv) It is evident that Sohrabbuddin was one of India based leader of these notorious criminals and their gangs. During investigation, Sohrabbuddin confessed to his involvement in this serious offence.
(v) The brief facts of his confession is mentioned in the judgment of this case which is as under:-
(Accused No.26: Sohrabbuddin @ Salimbhai Anvaruddin Shaikh: In his confessional statement he had stated that
he knew Sharifkhan since 1980. He came in contact with Shamim and Babukhan when he was driving a truck in Mahijpur. In March 1994 during the EID he went to meet Mahijpur to meet Shamimkhan and Sharrifkhan and met him at the residence of Shamimkhan. Sharifkhan told him that he was going to purchase one or two trucks and offered him to serve with him. Thereafter he purchased one truck. The driver Pappukhan was the younger brother of Shamimkhan and the conductor of the truck was Afzalkhan and the number of the truck was MOU-686. In may and June 1994 two trips carrying brown sugar in the truck were done by him at the instance of Sharifkhan to Bombay. In April 1994 he was told by Sharifkhan to go to Ahmedabad. He came to Ahmedabad, stayed in Ajanta Hotel in the name of Shohrab and as per the instruction of Sharifkhan, one Sattar Chacha handed over a box to him in the hotel. He brought the said box and handed over the same to Sharifkhan. The box contained 9mm pistols and cartridges. Again he came to Ahmedabad at the instance of Sharifkhan and stayed in Ajanta Hotel where one person handed over Rs. 1 lac as per the instruction issued by Sharifkhan who in turn handed over the same to Sharifkhan at Mahijpur. In June 1994 he came to Ahmedabad along with the cleaner of the truck and he stayed in Ajanta Hotel at Mirzapur. One person came to the hotel and handed over to him one box. The box contained 30 carbine guns and 100 cartridges. He in turn handed over the said box to Ajjukhan who was an accomplice of Sharifkhan and who went to Mahijpur with the box in the truck. He himself went to Mahijpur by train. In July 1994 he again came to Ahmedabad at the instance of Sharifkhan. Sharifkhan had told him that silver belonging to him was lying in Ahmedabad and therefore he was instructed to come to Ahmedabad along with Shamim Pappukhan the driver and Afzal the conductor. He went to Ahmedabad in Truck No.MOU-686. Pappu and Afzal had gone to one factory for the purpose of unloading the goods while he himself and Shamim dropped down at Kathwada and then they came to Astodia. He stayed in Hotel Ajanta. Sharifkhan had given him three currency notes of Rs. 100/- denomination and told them that if the notes were shown to the persons approaching them then he would talk with them. Thereafter he had a talk with Sharifkhan on telephone at Mahijpur. He gave the instruction to change the Hotel. Shamim was asked to stay in Hotel Ajanta while he went to stay in A-1 Guest House near Railway Station and stayed there. Thereafter he contacted Sharifkhan on telephone from A-1 Guest House and on next day at 4.00 p.m., two persons came to the guest house. He had shown the currency notes which were given by Sharifkhan. Thereafter as per their previously hatched plan, he followed the two persons in the auto rickshaw and the persons who came to the guest house followed them on Yamaha. Thereafter they went to the Amardeep Transport where Pappu, the driver of the truck, met him and informed him that the truck was loaded. Thereafter he, Shamim, Afzal and one unknown person followed the Yamaha motor cycle in a truck. The truck was taken near one mosque at Vatva. Thereafter, the persons who came on Yamaha motor cycle requested them to wait. At about 10.00 p.m., three pardanashin ladies came in the Maruti van with three persons including two persons who came on Yamaha. The name of one of the lady was Zarina. The Maruti Van was parked near the truck and the box lying in the Maruti van was loaded on to the truck. Thus, nine long boxes were loaded in the truck. Thereafter, he sat near the driver’s seat with Pappu and went to Mahijipur. Sharifkhan in the mean while managed one truck bearing No. MP-14-B-9177 Tata 1210 LP. The weapons were subsequently shifted in the said truck with help of Afzal and Shamim. It contained 32 AK-56 rifles, cartridges and magazines. The transfer of weapons was made near the pond situated at some distance from Mahijpur. Sharifkhan thereafter told him to keep the weapons at his residence for some days. During the night hours the weapons were kept in the back portion of his house. On the next day he purchased four containers and the weapons were put in the containers and few of them were buried. Sharifkhan, in the month of October-November, came in Maruti Van bearing No. DL-2-8224 and they met at the house of Shamim and at that time Afzal informed that some persons have come from Gujarat and they were interrogating Pappukhan at Malva Transport. In December, January and as well as in February he stayed in Ahmedabad. Salim and Rafiq RD came in Maruti Car bearing No. CTK-4605. He came along with them to Zarania and thereafter they went to the well situated in his field. He had brought 4 AK-56 Rifles, 8 to 10 magazines and one box of cartridges. Then he went with them to Indore and from there he had returned to Ujjain. Subsequently he came to Ahmedabad at the instance of Sharifkhan and stayed in the house of his sister Ramzani Gandhi. Thereafter again in the month of June 1995 he went to M.P. where police came to have a search at his place. He apprehended danger and therefore to conceal weapons, he threw all the weapons in the well and bombs and cartridges were buried near the well."
The order of conviction in judgement read:-
“ The accused no.1 YUSUFKHAN ALIAS LAPLAP KHUDDADKHAN PATHAN, accused no.2 SHIRAZMIYA AKBARMIYA THAKORE, accused no.5 SAJIDALI ALIAS DENI MOHEMADALI SAIYED, accused no.13 IQBAL ALIAS BAPU SAIYEDHUSSEIN SAIYED, accused no.15 GAJNAFARKHAN ALIAS BABU MINNAKHAN PATHAN, accused no.26 SOHRABBUDDIN ALIAS SALIM ANVARUDDIN SHAIKH, accused no.32 ABDUL SATTAR ALIAS SATTAR BATTERY ABDULGANI SHAIKH accused no.33 ABDULRAOOF ALIAS RAOOF ABDULKADAR SHAIKH accused no.47 HUSSEINBHAI ALIAS BHAJIYA MOHHAMMEDBHAI PATANI and accused no.58 HUJAFARKHAN ALIAS NASHIR LUHAR UMARDARAJKHAN PATHAN are convicted for the offence punishable under sections 3 and 5 of the TADA ACT and sentenced to undergo FIVE YEARS RI under both the sections and to pay a fine of Rs.250/- each and total amount of fine to the tune of Rs.5oo/- in default to pay fine to undergo further RI of ONE MONTH EACH. They are further convicted for the offence punishable under sections 4,5, and 6 of the EXPLOSIVE SUBSTANCES ACT and sentenced to undergo FIVE YEARS RI and to pay a fine of Rs.500/- indefault topay fine to undergo further RI of ONE MONTH. They are further convicted for the offence punishable under section 7 and 25(1)(a) of the ARMS ACT and sentenced to undergo imprisonment.".
For enhancing the punishment awarded to the accused, the state government has gone in appeal which is pending before the Supreme Court.
(2) Offence registered at Vejalpur Police Station of Ahmedabad City CR-II-238/2007 under section 123 B, IPC, 25 (i), B, A of Arms Act, 135 (i) of Bombay Police Station. In this case, Sohrabbuddin @ Salim @ Samir Agrawal was arrested along with other accused. In this case, the accused indulged in criminal conspiracy to commit murder by arming themselves with weapons to extract money from a person who had failed to pay a loan taken by him. In this case, associate of Sohrabbuddin, Sharifkhan @ SK,(known as Chhota Dawood) is absconding and has taken shelter in Pakistan. Red corner notice has been issued by Interpol for arrest of Sharif Khan.
(3) Shahpur Police Station of Ahmedabad City CR No.-II-169/95 under Section 467, 468, 469, 471 of IPC under Section 25 (i), A (i), AA of Arms Act and Section 29, 1 (B3) of Explosive Act. In this case, 32 accused persons entered into a criminal conspiracy by forgery of documents to use them for obtaining No Objection Certificate with a view to obtain a license for transportation as well as purchase of prohibited pistols, revolvers and cartridges and other weapons with a view to indulge in criminal activities in the city of Ahmedabad. Sohrabbuddin was one of the accused along with other anti-national criminals like Rasul Party, Sharifkhan etc. He was charge-sheeted. Rasul khan, Ezazkhan, Sharifkhan are absconding. In this case, the Sessions court acquitted the accused. Against this acquittal, the State Government has filed appeals No. Crl. Revision Appeal. No. 285/2002 and No. 286/2002 which are pending in the High Court of Gujarat. Red corner notices has been issued for arrest of Rasul Party and Sharif Khan.
(4) Navrangpura Police Station of Ahmedabad City CR No.II-1124/04 under Section 307, 427 of IPC, Section 25(i) A. In this case, Sohrabbuddin along with 9 other accused persons had opened fire in the office of Popular Construction Ltd., and had attempted to murder with a view to intervene himself in a property dispute. In this case, all the 10 accused were arrested and chargesheeted. In this case, Shorabbuddin was also arrested. The brother of Sohrabbuddin, Niabuddin is also co-accused.
(1) Chandgad Police Station of Kolhapur District CR No.52/2000 under Section 307, 120(b), 147, 148, 149 of IPC and under Section 25(i) (3), 27 of Arms Act. At that time, Sohrabbuddin was known as Sohrabbudin @ Salman @ Salim Anvaruddin Kureshi. In this case, Sohrabbuddin was involved along with 5 other accused. In this case, Sohrabbuddin was absconding and declared as such. The case has been charge sheeted in Jurisdictional Court and is pending for trial. On 8.11.2000, the accused, who were riding motor cycles, opened fire on 2 persons at Old ST Stand and injured them greviously. In this case, Sohrabbuddin along with Praful @ Tulsi @ Samir, Jalil, and Ramzan Shah were involved. In this case, accused Jalil was arrested whereas Praful and Sohrabbuddin have absconded.
(2) Chandgad Police Station of Kolhapur District Crime Registration No.4/2005 under Section 302, 120(b), 34 of IPC and under Section 25(1) (3) and 27 of Arms Act. In this case, Sohrabbuddin along with 5 other accused involved in criminal conspiracy by arming themselves with illegal weapons and killed Gopal Tukaram Badivadekar. In this case, Sohrabbuddin was arrested whereas other 5 accused had absconded. In this case, charge sheet was filed and the case is pending for trial.
1. Nagda Police Station of Ujjain District of MP Crime Registration No.237/95 under Section 122, 123 IPC and sections 25, 27 of Arms Act. In this incident Sohrabbuddin was caught while selling arms. The case was investigated by local police and C.B.I.
2. Mahidpur Police Station of Ujjain District of MP Crime Registration No.166/95 under Section 122,123 of IPC and 25 and 27 of Arms. Act. In this incident fire arms were recovered from Sohrabbuddin. The case was initially investigated by the local police and later on by C.B.I.
3. Lasudia Police Station C.R No.346/2003 under section 419 IPC in this case on 23.07.2003 Sohrabbuddin along with one Juberbhai were caught riding a motor cycle with driving licence with bogus name. They were arrested and charge sheeted along with two more persons who facilitated bogus licence.
4. On 06-07-1999 Sohrabbuddin was detained under National Security Act (N.S.A) In this case, accused were arrested and later on released on bail and since then they are absconding. Sohrabbuddin was detained under National Security Act on 5.7.1999 by Madhya Pradesh Police.
(1) Hathipol Police Station of Udaipur District of Rajasthan State Crime Registration No.214/04 dated 31.12.2004 under Section 147, 148, 149, 302 IPC and Section 3/25 of Arms Act. In this case, Sohrabbuddin along with other 6 accused persons formed an unlawful assembly and opened fire with fire arms and killed one Hamid Lata at a busy thoroughfare of Suraj pole in the heart of Udaipur City. These accused had come on motor cycles. In this case, 2 accused were arrested whereas other 5 accused are absconding.
The deceased was killed after he was pointed out by Sohrabbuddin. In this case, charge sheet was filed in the jurisdictional court. A reward of Rs. 2,000/- was declared on 11.1.2005 for arrest or help in arrest of Sohrabbuddin. The letter was circulated to all concerned police units of Rajasthan. As more record of criminal antecedents of Sohrabbuddin came on record, Director General of Police of Rajasthan on 27.10.2005 declared a reward of Rs. 25,000/- for the arrest or help in arrest or for assistance in use of lawful force during arrest if he resisted arrest.
Role of Sohrabuddin’s family members:
The Petitioner namely Rubabuddin and his brothers were also aware of the movement and activity of Sohrabbuddin. These facts have come on record during inquiry and investigation conducted. The details are as under:-
[1] Conduct of Rubabbudin(petitioner in Supreme Court) - The Petitioner in his writ petitions and additional writ petitions, had concealed criminal antecedents and activities of Sohrabbuddin. In no petition he has stated that his brother was terrorist and involved in serious offences deliberately to project picture of Sohrabbuddin as an innocent person, nor such details he has given to media, to whom he has given many interviews.
Sohrabbuddin was absconding after committing an offence of murder, for which an offence was registered at SurajPole police station of Udaipur District of Rajasthan in day light at a major thoroughfare. A reward of Rs. 25,000/- was also declared for his arrest or information. However, Petitioner who has constantly maintained relations with Sohrabbuddin, never informed local police station or other jurisdiction police about Sohrabbuddin during period of his absconding to save him from arrest. In fact, all acts of omission and commission of trial by media by the Petitioner are to hide his own culpable misconduct. From the signed statement of Rubabbuddin given to inquiry officer and statement given to the Investigating Officer on 3-2-2007 on 1.4.2007 and on 25.7.2007 following facts have come on record.
1. Rubabuddin provided photographs of Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi to the Inquiry officer which is borne out by statement given by Rubbabuddin. These photographs show visit to Agra by Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi, as in the background “Taj Mahal” is visible.
2. Rubabuddin was also aware of the movement Sohrabbuddin while on run and was actually harbouring him alongwith his brother at Jharania house. It is evident from the subsequent paras in the signed statement given to inquiry officer on 25/07/06. From his statement, following additional information and facts are revealed.
(a) Brother Niamuddin informed Rubabuddin on 23/11/05 at 05.20 hrs about Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi going to Sangli from Hyderabad by his mobile phone.
(b) Rubabuddin was aware of mobile telephone No. of Sohrabbuddin
(c) Brother Naibuddin was aware of Seat number of bus occupied by Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi when they went out from Hyderabad.
In the signed statement of Petitioner recorded by Inquiry Officer of this encounter case on 03/02/07, petitioner Rubabuddin has confessed and gave facts that on 16/17-11-05 in the morning Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi had gone out of house at Jharania to go to Indore and at that time Sohrabbuddin informed him that he and Kauser will go to Hyderabad and stay with one Kalimuddin (b) Rubabuddin was informed that Sohrabbuddin would travel in maruti car owned by Kalimuddin from Indore to Hyderabad bought from previous owner Dr.Prakash Bandel. (c) Sohrabbuddin and Kauser had stayed in their joint family house at Jharania for a week.(d) Sohrabbuddin was living in Indore at Hizrabad Colony in the house of Ibrahim. (e) Sohrabbuddin was living in the house of a relative of Azam Dadhi. (f) Medical treatment records of Kauserbi of Bombay and at Indore were with him. (g) He was not aware of goods lying in the houses occupied by Sohrabbuddin. (h) Sohrabbuddin informed him on 22/11/05 on telephone that he was going out to Hyderabad for treatment of Kauser and after that he would return to Jharania. (i) List of goods of Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi in house at Jharania was given to Inquiry Officer. (j) Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi used to attend all religious functions and social functions of relatives by coming at Jharania. Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi used to come frequently to the house of Rubabuddin.
[2] Conduct of Sababuddin Anwaruddin Shaikh aged 42, Advocate (Brother of Sohrabbuddin.)
Sababuddin was arrested in Nagda Police Station (M.P) C.R No. 237/95 u/s 122,123 IPC and 25-A,27 of Arms Act. The case was initially investigated by local police and later on by C.B.I which charge sheeted the case against him and other ten accused. In this case his brother Sohrabbuddin was also co-accused. Sohrabbuddin was absconding after committing day light murder in major –cross ways at Suraj Pole area of Udaipur City on 31.12.2004 and was hiding. As per statement recorded during inquiry of Sohrabbuddin encounter, on 16/17 November, 2005, Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi were present in their house and then from his house Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi had gone to board a bus of Nagda private travels to go to Indore. Sababuddin was also enjoying confidence of Sohrabbuddin as he has also stated in his statement that Sohrabbuddin was to stay at the house of Kalamuddin.
[3] Conduct of Niabuddin s/o Anvaruddin, aged 31 brother of Sohrabbuddin.
On 3.2.2007, Niabuddin admitted in his signed statement before Inquiry Officer of State CID Crime (Inquiring into death of Sohrabbuddin) following facts.
(1) On 16/17.11.2005, Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi had gone from Jharania village by a private bus to Indore and while going Sohrabbuddin disclosed that he is going to meet Kalimuddin.
(2) Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi were living at Shalimar township, Devas Road in Indore.
(3) Rubabuddin had informed that Dr. Prakash Bandel’s maruti van was used by Sohrabbuddin.
(4) Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi stayed for one week in their house in Jharania.
(5) Earlier Sohrabbuddin was living at 111, Khijrabad Colony on rent in the house of Ibrahim.
(6) Sohrabbuddin was also living in the house of relative of Azam Dodhi in Udaipur. Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi were living alternatively in Udaipur and Indore in above mentioned houses.
(7) Where ever Sohrabbuddin used to go, Kauserbi used to accompany him.
(8) Sohrabbuddin before going out of Hyderabad had rang him up and told him that he was taking Kauserbi for treatment to Sangli.
(9) Sohrabbuddin got married with Kauserbi in the house of Samabhai Khanjipir, Machla Magra.
The statement shows that Naiumuddin was very much aware about Sohrabbuddin’s activities, places of stay and movement. However, in spite of knowing Sohrabbuddin as an absconder and wanted by police in many cases, he never informed police station and actively harboured Sohrabbuddin. Naimuddin is also wanted in Navrangpura Police station (Ahmedabad) in CR No. 1124/04 u/s 307, 427 of IPC and section 25 of the Arms act. In this case Sohrabbuddin was also a co-accused.
[4] Conduct of Jabbunisa W/o Anvaruddin Quereshi , 60 years R/o Jharnia (Mother of Sohrabbuddin).
From the signed statement given to inquiry officer, following facts have emerged.
(1) Sohrabbuddin’s mother admitted that she had five sons. (1) Sababbuddin, (2) Sohrabbuddin, (3) Shanawajuddin (4) Rubabuddin and (5) Niabuddin.
(2) She had admitted that her son Sohrabbuddin had gone to Hyderabad and from Hyderabad he was going to Sangli by bus for treatment of Kauserbi.
From the signed statement of mother Jabbunisa and three brothers Niabuddin, Sababbuddin, and Rubabbuddin as briefly stated herein above given to the Inquiry Officer, they all have accepetd that they were aware that Sohrabbuddin was absconding and wanted in a case under sec. 302 of IPC and for whose arrest a reward of Rs. 25,000/- was declared by DGP Rajasthan, and yet they along with their family members actively harbored him violating section 216 of IPC.
Posted: 04 Aug 2010 07:59 AM PDT
Teesta's "secular petty criminal" was no innocent lad!
Sohrabbuddin was not an ordinary criminal as projected by the petitioner in the alleged encounter case. Sohrabuddin had spread his tentacles in four states viz. Gujarat, Rajasthan, MP and Maharashtra. He was working in tandem with mafia dons like late Abdul Latif and Daud Ibrahim. With the active support of Dawood Ibrahim, Rasul Parti, and Mammumiya Panjumia, he was continuously smuggling in dangerous weapons and other contraband from Pakistan. In one case alone, detected by the DCB crime branch of Ahmedabad, 24 AK-56 rifles, 27 Hand grenades, 5250 cartridges and 81 magazines were recovered from one of his family owned property in Madhya Pradesh.
The details of Sohrabbuddin’s offences registered in different states are as under.
(1) DCB PS Ahmedabad CR No.11/94:
In this case, after the demolition of Babri Masjid, Sohrabbuddin and other accused had indulged in criminal conspiracy with a view to wage war against the Government of India by collecting and distributing arms and ammunition illegally and distributing them to attack during annual Lord Jagannath Rath Yatra in the year 1993 with a view to spread terror among the citizens of Ahmedabad City. After investigation, charge sheet was filed against 60 accused including Sohrabbuddin. During investigation 24 AK-56 rifles, 27 hand grenades, 5250 cartridges, 81 Magazines were recovered from the well located in the agricultural field of Sohrabbuddin. Sohrabbuddin was arrested on 9.11.1995 and was taken in police custody remand up to 9.12.1995.
(i) In this case, Sohrabbuddin along with 60 notorious accused was involved. All accused were arrested except (1) Dawood Abrahim, (2) Mammu Maiya Punju Miya (3) Farooq, (4) Ahmed (6) Sharif Khan, (7) Rasul Patti, (8) Syed Ali and seven others.
(ii) All 60 accused were tried in the Court of Designated Judge at Ahmedabad. The accused in this case were anti-national and anti-social persons having criminal antecedents and were associated with Dawood and Latif’s gang.
(iii) Number of accused who had absconded, are yet to be arrested. Amongst them are anti national criminals such as Dawood Ibrahim, Rasulkhan Party, Sharifkhan @ Dawood Shamsher. Red corner notices have been issued by Interpol for arrest of Rasul Party, Sharifkhan, Dawood Ibrahim. Dawood Ibrahim has been declared international terrorist.
(iv) It is evident that Sohrabbuddin was one of India based leader of these notorious criminals and their gangs. During investigation, Sohrabbuddin confessed to his involvement in this serious offence.
(v) The brief facts of his confession is mentioned in the judgment of this case which is as under:-
(Accused No.26: Sohrabbuddin @ Salimbhai Anvaruddin Shaikh: In his confessional statement he had stated that
he knew Sharifkhan since 1980. He came in contact with Shamim and Babukhan when he was driving a truck in Mahijpur. In March 1994 during the EID he went to meet Mahijpur to meet Shamimkhan and Sharrifkhan and met him at the residence of Shamimkhan. Sharifkhan told him that he was going to purchase one or two trucks and offered him to serve with him. Thereafter he purchased one truck. The driver Pappukhan was the younger brother of Shamimkhan and the conductor of the truck was Afzalkhan and the number of the truck was MOU-686. In may and June 1994 two trips carrying brown sugar in the truck were done by him at the instance of Sharifkhan to Bombay. In April 1994 he was told by Sharifkhan to go to Ahmedabad. He came to Ahmedabad, stayed in Ajanta Hotel in the name of Shohrab and as per the instruction of Sharifkhan, one Sattar Chacha handed over a box to him in the hotel. He brought the said box and handed over the same to Sharifkhan. The box contained 9mm pistols and cartridges. Again he came to Ahmedabad at the instance of Sharifkhan and stayed in Ajanta Hotel where one person handed over Rs. 1 lac as per the instruction issued by Sharifkhan who in turn handed over the same to Sharifkhan at Mahijpur. In June 1994 he came to Ahmedabad along with the cleaner of the truck and he stayed in Ajanta Hotel at Mirzapur. One person came to the hotel and handed over to him one box. The box contained 30 carbine guns and 100 cartridges. He in turn handed over the said box to Ajjukhan who was an accomplice of Sharifkhan and who went to Mahijpur with the box in the truck. He himself went to Mahijpur by train. In July 1994 he again came to Ahmedabad at the instance of Sharifkhan. Sharifkhan had told him that silver belonging to him was lying in Ahmedabad and therefore he was instructed to come to Ahmedabad along with Shamim Pappukhan the driver and Afzal the conductor. He went to Ahmedabad in Truck No.MOU-686. Pappu and Afzal had gone to one factory for the purpose of unloading the goods while he himself and Shamim dropped down at Kathwada and then they came to Astodia. He stayed in Hotel Ajanta. Sharifkhan had given him three currency notes of Rs. 100/- denomination and told them that if the notes were shown to the persons approaching them then he would talk with them. Thereafter he had a talk with Sharifkhan on telephone at Mahijpur. He gave the instruction to change the Hotel. Shamim was asked to stay in Hotel Ajanta while he went to stay in A-1 Guest House near Railway Station and stayed there. Thereafter he contacted Sharifkhan on telephone from A-1 Guest House and on next day at 4.00 p.m., two persons came to the guest house. He had shown the currency notes which were given by Sharifkhan. Thereafter as per their previously hatched plan, he followed the two persons in the auto rickshaw and the persons who came to the guest house followed them on Yamaha. Thereafter they went to the Amardeep Transport where Pappu, the driver of the truck, met him and informed him that the truck was loaded. Thereafter he, Shamim, Afzal and one unknown person followed the Yamaha motor cycle in a truck. The truck was taken near one mosque at Vatva. Thereafter, the persons who came on Yamaha motor cycle requested them to wait. At about 10.00 p.m., three pardanashin ladies came in the Maruti van with three persons including two persons who came on Yamaha. The name of one of the lady was Zarina. The Maruti Van was parked near the truck and the box lying in the Maruti van was loaded on to the truck. Thus, nine long boxes were loaded in the truck. Thereafter, he sat near the driver’s seat with Pappu and went to Mahijipur. Sharifkhan in the mean while managed one truck bearing No. MP-14-B-9177 Tata 1210 LP. The weapons were subsequently shifted in the said truck with help of Afzal and Shamim. It contained 32 AK-56 rifles, cartridges and magazines. The transfer of weapons was made near the pond situated at some distance from Mahijpur. Sharifkhan thereafter told him to keep the weapons at his residence for some days. During the night hours the weapons were kept in the back portion of his house. On the next day he purchased four containers and the weapons were put in the containers and few of them were buried. Sharifkhan, in the month of October-November, came in Maruti Van bearing No. DL-2-8224 and they met at the house of Shamim and at that time Afzal informed that some persons have come from Gujarat and they were interrogating Pappukhan at Malva Transport. In December, January and as well as in February he stayed in Ahmedabad. Salim and Rafiq RD came in Maruti Car bearing No. CTK-4605. He came along with them to Zarania and thereafter they went to the well situated in his field. He had brought 4 AK-56 Rifles, 8 to 10 magazines and one box of cartridges. Then he went with them to Indore and from there he had returned to Ujjain. Subsequently he came to Ahmedabad at the instance of Sharifkhan and stayed in the house of his sister Ramzani Gandhi. Thereafter again in the month of June 1995 he went to M.P. where police came to have a search at his place. He apprehended danger and therefore to conceal weapons, he threw all the weapons in the well and bombs and cartridges were buried near the well."
The order of conviction in judgement read:-
“ The accused no.1 YUSUFKHAN ALIAS LAPLAP KHUDDADKHAN PATHAN, accused no.2 SHIRAZMIYA AKBARMIYA THAKORE, accused no.5 SAJIDALI ALIAS DENI MOHEMADALI SAIYED, accused no.13 IQBAL ALIAS BAPU SAIYEDHUSSEIN SAIYED, accused no.15 GAJNAFARKHAN ALIAS BABU MINNAKHAN PATHAN, accused no.26 SOHRABBUDDIN ALIAS SALIM ANVARUDDIN SHAIKH, accused no.32 ABDUL SATTAR ALIAS SATTAR BATTERY ABDULGANI SHAIKH accused no.33 ABDULRAOOF ALIAS RAOOF ABDULKADAR SHAIKH accused no.47 HUSSEINBHAI ALIAS BHAJIYA MOHHAMMEDBHAI PATANI and accused no.58 HUJAFARKHAN ALIAS NASHIR LUHAR UMARDARAJKHAN PATHAN are convicted for the offence punishable under sections 3 and 5 of the TADA ACT and sentenced to undergo FIVE YEARS RI under both the sections and to pay a fine of Rs.250/- each and total amount of fine to the tune of Rs.5oo/- in default to pay fine to undergo further RI of ONE MONTH EACH. They are further convicted for the offence punishable under sections 4,5, and 6 of the EXPLOSIVE SUBSTANCES ACT and sentenced to undergo FIVE YEARS RI and to pay a fine of Rs.500/- indefault topay fine to undergo further RI of ONE MONTH. They are further convicted for the offence punishable under section 7 and 25(1)(a) of the ARMS ACT and sentenced to undergo imprisonment.".
For enhancing the punishment awarded to the accused, the state government has gone in appeal which is pending before the Supreme Court.
(2) Offence registered at Vejalpur Police Station of Ahmedabad City CR-II-238/2007 under section 123 B, IPC, 25 (i), B, A of Arms Act, 135 (i) of Bombay Police Station. In this case, Sohrabbuddin @ Salim @ Samir Agrawal was arrested along with other accused. In this case, the accused indulged in criminal conspiracy to commit murder by arming themselves with weapons to extract money from a person who had failed to pay a loan taken by him. In this case, associate of Sohrabbuddin, Sharifkhan @ SK,(known as Chhota Dawood) is absconding and has taken shelter in Pakistan. Red corner notice has been issued by Interpol for arrest of Sharif Khan.
(3) Shahpur Police Station of Ahmedabad City CR No.-II-169/95 under Section 467, 468, 469, 471 of IPC under Section 25 (i), A (i), AA of Arms Act and Section 29, 1 (B3) of Explosive Act. In this case, 32 accused persons entered into a criminal conspiracy by forgery of documents to use them for obtaining No Objection Certificate with a view to obtain a license for transportation as well as purchase of prohibited pistols, revolvers and cartridges and other weapons with a view to indulge in criminal activities in the city of Ahmedabad. Sohrabbuddin was one of the accused along with other anti-national criminals like Rasul Party, Sharifkhan etc. He was charge-sheeted. Rasul khan, Ezazkhan, Sharifkhan are absconding. In this case, the Sessions court acquitted the accused. Against this acquittal, the State Government has filed appeals No. Crl. Revision Appeal. No. 285/2002 and No. 286/2002 which are pending in the High Court of Gujarat. Red corner notices has been issued for arrest of Rasul Party and Sharif Khan.
(4) Navrangpura Police Station of Ahmedabad City CR No.II-1124/04 under Section 307, 427 of IPC, Section 25(i) A. In this case, Sohrabbuddin along with 9 other accused persons had opened fire in the office of Popular Construction Ltd., and had attempted to murder with a view to intervene himself in a property dispute. In this case, all the 10 accused were arrested and chargesheeted. In this case, Shorabbuddin was also arrested. The brother of Sohrabbuddin, Niabuddin is also co-accused.
(1) Chandgad Police Station of Kolhapur District CR No.52/2000 under Section 307, 120(b), 147, 148, 149 of IPC and under Section 25(i) (3), 27 of Arms Act. At that time, Sohrabbuddin was known as Sohrabbudin @ Salman @ Salim Anvaruddin Kureshi. In this case, Sohrabbuddin was involved along with 5 other accused. In this case, Sohrabbuddin was absconding and declared as such. The case has been charge sheeted in Jurisdictional Court and is pending for trial. On 8.11.2000, the accused, who were riding motor cycles, opened fire on 2 persons at Old ST Stand and injured them greviously. In this case, Sohrabbuddin along with Praful @ Tulsi @ Samir, Jalil, and Ramzan Shah were involved. In this case, accused Jalil was arrested whereas Praful and Sohrabbuddin have absconded.
(2) Chandgad Police Station of Kolhapur District Crime Registration No.4/2005 under Section 302, 120(b), 34 of IPC and under Section 25(1) (3) and 27 of Arms Act. In this case, Sohrabbuddin along with 5 other accused involved in criminal conspiracy by arming themselves with illegal weapons and killed Gopal Tukaram Badivadekar. In this case, Sohrabbuddin was arrested whereas other 5 accused had absconded. In this case, charge sheet was filed and the case is pending for trial.
1. Nagda Police Station of Ujjain District of MP Crime Registration No.237/95 under Section 122, 123 IPC and sections 25, 27 of Arms Act. In this incident Sohrabbuddin was caught while selling arms. The case was investigated by local police and C.B.I.
2. Mahidpur Police Station of Ujjain District of MP Crime Registration No.166/95 under Section 122,123 of IPC and 25 and 27 of Arms. Act. In this incident fire arms were recovered from Sohrabbuddin. The case was initially investigated by the local police and later on by C.B.I.
3. Lasudia Police Station C.R No.346/2003 under section 419 IPC in this case on 23.07.2003 Sohrabbuddin along with one Juberbhai were caught riding a motor cycle with driving licence with bogus name. They were arrested and charge sheeted along with two more persons who facilitated bogus licence.
4. On 06-07-1999 Sohrabbuddin was detained under National Security Act (N.S.A) In this case, accused were arrested and later on released on bail and since then they are absconding. Sohrabbuddin was detained under National Security Act on 5.7.1999 by Madhya Pradesh Police.
(1) Hathipol Police Station of Udaipur District of Rajasthan State Crime Registration No.214/04 dated 31.12.2004 under Section 147, 148, 149, 302 IPC and Section 3/25 of Arms Act. In this case, Sohrabbuddin along with other 6 accused persons formed an unlawful assembly and opened fire with fire arms and killed one Hamid Lata at a busy thoroughfare of Suraj pole in the heart of Udaipur City. These accused had come on motor cycles. In this case, 2 accused were arrested whereas other 5 accused are absconding.
The deceased was killed after he was pointed out by Sohrabbuddin. In this case, charge sheet was filed in the jurisdictional court. A reward of Rs. 2,000/- was declared on 11.1.2005 for arrest or help in arrest of Sohrabbuddin. The letter was circulated to all concerned police units of Rajasthan. As more record of criminal antecedents of Sohrabbuddin came on record, Director General of Police of Rajasthan on 27.10.2005 declared a reward of Rs. 25,000/- for the arrest or help in arrest or for assistance in use of lawful force during arrest if he resisted arrest.
Role of Sohrabuddin’s family members:
The Petitioner namely Rubabuddin and his brothers were also aware of the movement and activity of Sohrabbuddin. These facts have come on record during inquiry and investigation conducted. The details are as under:-
[1] Conduct of Rubabbudin(petitioner in Supreme Court) - The Petitioner in his writ petitions and additional writ petitions, had concealed criminal antecedents and activities of Sohrabbuddin. In no petition he has stated that his brother was terrorist and involved in serious offences deliberately to project picture of Sohrabbuddin as an innocent person, nor such details he has given to media, to whom he has given many interviews.
Sohrabbuddin was absconding after committing an offence of murder, for which an offence was registered at SurajPole police station of Udaipur District of Rajasthan in day light at a major thoroughfare. A reward of Rs. 25,000/- was also declared for his arrest or information. However, Petitioner who has constantly maintained relations with Sohrabbuddin, never informed local police station or other jurisdiction police about Sohrabbuddin during period of his absconding to save him from arrest. In fact, all acts of omission and commission of trial by media by the Petitioner are to hide his own culpable misconduct. From the signed statement of Rubabbuddin given to inquiry officer and statement given to the Investigating Officer on 3-2-2007 on 1.4.2007 and on 25.7.2007 following facts have come on record.
1. Rubabuddin provided photographs of Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi to the Inquiry officer which is borne out by statement given by Rubbabuddin. These photographs show visit to Agra by Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi, as in the background “Taj Mahal” is visible.
2. Rubabuddin was also aware of the movement Sohrabbuddin while on run and was actually harbouring him alongwith his brother at Jharania house. It is evident from the subsequent paras in the signed statement given to inquiry officer on 25/07/06. From his statement, following additional information and facts are revealed.
(a) Brother Niamuddin informed Rubabuddin on 23/11/05 at 05.20 hrs about Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi going to Sangli from Hyderabad by his mobile phone.
(b) Rubabuddin was aware of mobile telephone No. of Sohrabbuddin
(c) Brother Naibuddin was aware of Seat number of bus occupied by Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi when they went out from Hyderabad.
In the signed statement of Petitioner recorded by Inquiry Officer of this encounter case on 03/02/07, petitioner Rubabuddin has confessed and gave facts that on 16/17-11-05 in the morning Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi had gone out of house at Jharania to go to Indore and at that time Sohrabbuddin informed him that he and Kauser will go to Hyderabad and stay with one Kalimuddin (b) Rubabuddin was informed that Sohrabbuddin would travel in maruti car owned by Kalimuddin from Indore to Hyderabad bought from previous owner Dr.Prakash Bandel. (c) Sohrabbuddin and Kauser had stayed in their joint family house at Jharania for a week.(d) Sohrabbuddin was living in Indore at Hizrabad Colony in the house of Ibrahim. (e) Sohrabbuddin was living in the house of a relative of Azam Dadhi. (f) Medical treatment records of Kauserbi of Bombay and at Indore were with him. (g) He was not aware of goods lying in the houses occupied by Sohrabbuddin. (h) Sohrabbuddin informed him on 22/11/05 on telephone that he was going out to Hyderabad for treatment of Kauser and after that he would return to Jharania. (i) List of goods of Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi in house at Jharania was given to Inquiry Officer. (j) Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi used to attend all religious functions and social functions of relatives by coming at Jharania. Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi used to come frequently to the house of Rubabuddin.
[2] Conduct of Sababuddin Anwaruddin Shaikh aged 42, Advocate (Brother of Sohrabbuddin.)
Sababuddin was arrested in Nagda Police Station (M.P) C.R No. 237/95 u/s 122,123 IPC and 25-A,27 of Arms Act. The case was initially investigated by local police and later on by C.B.I which charge sheeted the case against him and other ten accused. In this case his brother Sohrabbuddin was also co-accused. Sohrabbuddin was absconding after committing day light murder in major –cross ways at Suraj Pole area of Udaipur City on 31.12.2004 and was hiding. As per statement recorded during inquiry of Sohrabbuddin encounter, on 16/17 November, 2005, Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi were present in their house and then from his house Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi had gone to board a bus of Nagda private travels to go to Indore. Sababuddin was also enjoying confidence of Sohrabbuddin as he has also stated in his statement that Sohrabbuddin was to stay at the house of Kalamuddin.
[3] Conduct of Niabuddin s/o Anvaruddin, aged 31 brother of Sohrabbuddin.
On 3.2.2007, Niabuddin admitted in his signed statement before Inquiry Officer of State CID Crime (Inquiring into death of Sohrabbuddin) following facts.
(1) On 16/17.11.2005, Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi had gone from Jharania village by a private bus to Indore and while going Sohrabbuddin disclosed that he is going to meet Kalimuddin.
(2) Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi were living at Shalimar township, Devas Road in Indore.
(3) Rubabuddin had informed that Dr. Prakash Bandel’s maruti van was used by Sohrabbuddin.
(4) Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi stayed for one week in their house in Jharania.
(5) Earlier Sohrabbuddin was living at 111, Khijrabad Colony on rent in the house of Ibrahim.
(6) Sohrabbuddin was also living in the house of relative of Azam Dodhi in Udaipur. Sohrabbuddin and Kauserbi were living alternatively in Udaipur and Indore in above mentioned houses.
(7) Where ever Sohrabbuddin used to go, Kauserbi used to accompany him.
(8) Sohrabbuddin before going out of Hyderabad had rang him up and told him that he was taking Kauserbi for treatment to Sangli.
(9) Sohrabbuddin got married with Kauserbi in the house of Samabhai Khanjipir, Machla Magra.
The statement shows that Naiumuddin was very much aware about Sohrabbuddin’s activities, places of stay and movement. However, in spite of knowing Sohrabbuddin as an absconder and wanted by police in many cases, he never informed police station and actively harboured Sohrabbuddin. Naimuddin is also wanted in Navrangpura Police station (Ahmedabad) in CR No. 1124/04 u/s 307, 427 of IPC and section 25 of the Arms act. In this case Sohrabbuddin was also a co-accused.
[4] Conduct of Jabbunisa W/o Anvaruddin Quereshi , 60 years R/o Jharnia (Mother of Sohrabbuddin).
From the signed statement given to inquiry officer, following facts have emerged.
(1) Sohrabbuddin’s mother admitted that she had five sons. (1) Sababbuddin, (2) Sohrabbuddin, (3) Shanawajuddin (4) Rubabuddin and (5) Niabuddin.
(2) She had admitted that her son Sohrabbuddin had gone to Hyderabad and from Hyderabad he was going to Sangli by bus for treatment of Kauserbi.
From the signed statement of mother Jabbunisa and three brothers Niabuddin, Sababbuddin, and Rubabbuddin as briefly stated herein above given to the Inquiry Officer, they all have accepetd that they were aware that Sohrabbuddin was absconding and wanted in a case under sec. 302 of IPC and for whose arrest a reward of Rs. 25,000/- was declared by DGP Rajasthan, and yet they along with their family members actively harbored him violating section 216 of IPC.
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